Working underneath a boat.
Working underneath a boat.
John Goodwin with an oar. In the background is his steaming pipe with some ribs in it.
John Goodwin of Magharees, Dingle the most famous of curragh builders.
John Goodwin of Magharees, Dingle who is the most famous curragh maker of all with the framework of a curragh. He says he is only going to make one more.
Boatbuilding at John Tyrrells yard in Arklow.
Mark Cloherty, boatbuilder, still uses an adze to trim his wood.
Mark Cloherty of Mweenish, Connemara - a sixth generation of boatbuilders working on his boat.
The frame of a curragh being built on Inisheer, Aran Islands.
Carrying a curragh in the Aran Islands.
Transporting a curragh at Inisheer in the Aran Islands.