Thatching with oat straw on a calm day. It will be wired over and held in place with a metal bar.
Thatching with oat straw on a calm day. It will be wired over and held in place with a metal bar.
A typical thatched cottage in the Dingle Peninsula.
A roof of sedge with the ridge formed by butting scrolls and pegging them down.
A roof held down with ropes weighted with stones and metal bars. The thatch around the small chimney is interesting.
A roof thatched with rye straw roped and weighted with iron bars in Donegal.
Dán : Cuimhní Nollag, Nollaig ar an Ard Bhán, Muintir Mhící John, Féile Chéim Aniar 2017, Siflíocht, Padraig Ó Cuilinn, Comórtas Peile na Gaeltachta.