Guth & Tuairim, Meán Fómhair 1979
10 ---~=~~====~~====== . t t + + ~· + + + + ' t _,_ I + .. + AM HRA N THE PIPER ROM THE ROSS:ES . .REQUESTED BY ROISE NI GIOLLA CHOMHAILL. + + + _,_ + + + -+ + + ·+ + t + + + ·+ + + -.- + + + + + -+ + + + + + Shane 0 1 Donnell the popular mudcian of the lower Rosses, Vaa returninc hoae froa a dance. Darkness and atom caused. hia to wander froa the uaual. path. He acoidentl7 aet a still-house where he took refuge. Anna Herrigbt7, a Ve'r7 .a&ed woman, oaae with refreshments to the men, who were detained b7 the aeverit7 of the weather ooOoo ODe night in bleak Deceaber, the air being keen and chill, the piper he decided they all had danced their fill; When the dance it was concluded O'Donnell felt inclined. To push his w~ across the moor and leave the 70uths behind. Be was not far upon his wa:r when a light he did eap7; Towards it went the piper himself for to enjo7. It waa an old sad-cabin perched b7 the mountain road Where of tiaes ShaDe 0 1 Donnell had aade it his abode. There he got a weleoae, as he often got before DEATHS Sympathy is extended to the family of the following: Sympathy is extended to the family of the following: Nellie Friel,Lunniagh. Mary McGettigan, London and Meenacross. Paddy Boyle," M!n Doire na Slua. Grace Rodgers, Glasgow and Crickamore. Daniel Curran, Gort a Choirce. Madge Sweeney, Meenmore, Dungloe. Christopher Carrell, Dublin. Brigid Cannon, Gort a Choirce. Eamon 0' Hagan, Dungloe. ~ Dennis Gallagher, Bealtaine. ~/ ~ _ / - :;.:0' MARRIAGES '"' ~ Heartiest Congratulations are extended to the follow ing happy couples: Mary Boyle, Ardcrone to James Gallagher, Machaire Chlochair. Eileen Mulhern, Gort a Choirce to Michael McCausland Duntijore. Anne McGinley, An Ghlaisigh to Cha 0 1 Donnell, An Bhealtaine. Mary Rodgers, Oilean Thoraigh to James McGinty, Toraigh. Anne 0' Donnell, Milltown, Burtonport to Danny Bonner, Glenahilt. Pauline Bonner, Carnmore Rd. Dungloe t.o Tollllfly Cormack, Roscommon. · Kathleen Anne 0' Donnell, Dungloe to Seamus Doherty, Glencolmcille. Alice Hamilton, Tubberkeen, Dungloe to Edwin Boyd Loughros Point. ' Una Housten, Maghery to Padraig McBride, Middletown. Nuala Gallagher, Corveen to Cathal McGee, Machaire Gathlainn. Anne McCole, Meenmore to Patrick Gerard Doherty Glenties. ' J"rom iod.pra and his coarades and drink he had galore. The night vu passed in aerri-aent with songs and pleasant Where to their sad amazement a "peeler" barred their door. lore Rose 0' Donnell, Loch Achair to Tony Boyle, Loch an Iuir. !'be "Coarade•" cleared in aafet7 and the "bobbies" did defY. ht Shane and frail old Anna could not vanish it the7 try. !he7 were conve7ed as prisioners and presented at Dungloe Before a bench of Magistrates who let old .A.nna go. BIRTHS Congratulations to the f.ollowing couple on their new arrival: Charlie agus Maighread Greene, Rann na Feirste. W'EDDING ANNIVER ARY. O'Donnell he was sentenced. three aonths to Litford Jail. A petition in his favour was fated. not to tail. The meek old piper soon came back to see his friends onoe aore, 25..- Nora and Johnnie Curran, Coteen. TO be welcomed b7 his family in the Roases and Gveedore. This mild and modest piper was greeted far and near A hundred hearts rejoiced his music his music for to hear. To meet the peoples fancies he alwa:rs did his best But nenr to a "still-house" did he go again to rest. ( If you know the "air" we'd like t _hear fr m u always progressing Just returned from a holiday in Glasgow is Mrs. Nancy Shovelin, Caravan Road. MJ:os. Shovelin who was holidaying with her aunt Mrs. Grace McDevitt, was accompanied for part of her trip by . Mr. Frank Houston who is presently on vacation from the U.S.A • ...---...----------------- 't 'd @ Q) Ill ... Ill ~ 0 Q) ... .t:: () @ . j ('· u .... Q) 6 "' > Q) r<l 'd » 0 Q) +' ~ ~ ..... "' ... 1:: § ..c:: ..... u en ... ·.-4 -§ .., 0 1:: ... Cl) ~ ~ p, ~· •.-1 "' Q) ~ ~ . tll ~ a! < Cl) ·.• ~ Q) .t::= ~ ... +'Q) a OPEN Man.·S.1t. 9·6 ... "' ~ 'd ·rl .t:: ~ en u 'd+' ~ . •rl . .... Ill ... 'd !; s:: Q) en c ..... > Ill ..... ..... Q)~ ...... .a .a ..... ., +'.0 > ., 1:: Q) "' ~:ti ...t.t:: §~ ~ ...
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