Guth & Tuairim, Meán Fómhair 1979
--~·- GWEE[lQRE U_NIIEDOWIN toeuson HARKII Full Name: Oven Harkin ·Birthplace: Edinburgh Height: 5 1 11" Weight: 11! st. Previous Clubs: •• u,~,cJ ·Married: No Favourite Player: Frank MoGee Favourite Other Teams: Keadue Most Difficult Opponent: None Most Memorable Matches: Lots Biggest Thrill: Winning U-16 Biggest Disappointment:: Losing League and Cup '78/ 1 79 Best'Place Visited: London Favourite Food: Steak Miscellaneous Likes: Playing Pool and Films Miscellaneous Dislikes: Getting up early Favourite T.V. Shows: Match or the Day Favourite Singers: Boomtown Rats Favourite Actors/Actresses: Steve McQ.ueen Best Friends: Many Biggest Influence on Career: Biggest Drag in Football: Losing Honours: U-16 Gaeltaoht League, Gweedore Indoor Football, Top Goal Scorer l Personal Ambitions: To be happy Football Ambitions: To get into the Donegal League • Which Person in the World would you most like to meet? - Kenny Dagiish 11 Signed:- /2. 1 ) 2 ~.#/~Lt- TUGH 7 GUAIRIM EDITOR ATTACKED BY POODLE BITCH. SUMMER CUP It was the big occasion of the year. The day we had all been waiting for. It was the Old Red Semj ~· ::ub member's annual excursion to the sights of Dublin's fair city. Mr. :Bumbridger was the driver of ~r,, · :c.:· d: 1 as he was well qualified being an ex-assistant bus-conductor in the states. Mr'll, Mothercare ;.·?s tbo ~,,;·e collector and financial controller of the venture. . 110 1:: OJ (l1 ~ 0 >. rl .... Q) z (/j ..... 1-t Ill ro ·1-t @ +' Ul ~ ..... :>. "' "d .... ra ..c Q) rl ~ » 0 . ... Q Q) ~ Q) l> <1! a 0 1-t .... "d ~~ ] Q) 1-t .... {~ :3 ..., Starting time was scheduled for, 6. 30 , and the members were as prompt and punc tual a8 usual -.:l".ic:: ;, L 001Hi the bus to leave the Club premises earlier than expected at 11.30 a.m. · ('• .C\1 <X) "' or; ;c. H <( ""' Cl) . OJ rl » ~ .E 0 ..., OJ rl +' +' ..... H "d ~ OJ "d .... ~ ~ 0 ~.: "' :3 ~ Q) Ul .. Q Q) a CD Q) c .... rl 0 :a +' Q) :!3 0 .... Ill ~ ;i ~ CJ Jack the pipe and Gerry the curl got involved in a friendly discussion and the que :o: t .i on c:o.::1e u!;., "'.·:h~· t,-e:re the r e so many holes in the road"? Joe the pope who is an expert on ecclesiastical and holy matters ~,rJ 5 e't tha t th~ holes were in the road because Donegal Co. Council put them there to help the petrol si tuaticn. ~;~ th ,·,Jl <;"le holes, Motorists would not be tempted by the evil "spirits" to exceed 27 l''i .P.H. Socrates 6 Sdomhai~;b :rerv· r ked that therE.> was no shortage of petrol during the recent elections. Joe the pope replied that ther e was no s c:-.rci ty of vot•.'s for the right man either• . Three days later the bus arrived in Dublin (Lough Swilly- all is forgiven) which was as Mr. Bw,,brid6er dl?dded is quite good, considering i~ took Monaghan G.A.A. team 23 years. '!be group immediately weht off to see the sights. Indeed, they were quite a sight themselves, <H~ : <:.d~y the pot insis.teri on carrying a creel of six packs on his back-"Just in case". They went to see Lenister House first and were very impressed. Somebody asked why they had so ~ar.y wi r'dows ;>nd doo;·s? Paddy Machree who had experience in such matters said they wer,· there to let all t he hot air esc, pe, wt:ile at the so..1e · time not allowing any fresh winds into the building which might disturb the cobwebs · had beer. carefully wcven over the years. Joe the pope remarked · it was just like the old Red Semit Club except t hat there were no bicycles j;n the corridors. Somebody who must have been· feeling ·homesick mentioned that J osie ~:alloy was b\iild ing a new, bige;er house around his old big house and then, throwing the old one out the door. Mrs. Mothercare asked the Minister for eensorship about an item in -that scurrilous rag· 'fugh 7 Guairim about the t.-all around the new graveyard. The Minister replied that it was worth remembering that the re is also a wall arot;nd~.:the G.A.A. grounds in Machaire Gathlan and many a man escaped from there and counted himself lucky. Gerry"tricks" 0 Seancha{ asked about the old peoples home in Falcarragh and said at the rate it was going at the old people would all be dead by the time it was ready, and it would be a good idea to go around the schools now taking names. It is not known whether the old Red Semit Club excursion has returned yet or not but rumour has it that they took a wrong turn and finished up in Knock. Joe ' the pope swears .he didn't tamper with the steering.. ~~~pool
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