Guth & Tuairim, Meán Fómhair 1979
ENTERTAIBMERT SURVEY 'We are compiling a surTey on entertainlaent trends, and would very much appreciate your co-operation. 'We offer a oopy o! the Indiana new single as a reward to the riret two suney for~n selected. (1) Which sound do you enjoy most?is ita- POP PUNK ROCK DISCO FOLK TRADITIONAL BALLADS ROCK (2) YOUR FAVOURITE SINGLE YOUR FAVOURITE AIJroM (3) Do you listen more toa- RTE RADIO I ____ RTE RADIO 2 BBC RADIO I - RADIO NA GAELTACBTA RADIO LUXEMBOURG (4) Do you read a:ar of the following Irish pop publications? (S) STARLIGHT ENTERTAIRMENT HEWS HOT PRESS DANCING NEW'S Your favourite band or group you enjoy to listen to on stage soccer qu1z 1. Prank Stapleton scored the winning so&J. in~ last season's P.A. Cup Pinal. True or Palse? 2. BBC Is :Bob 'Wilson kept soal for which f&IIIOUa teaa? 1- ------ 2- ------ 3- ------ 3. 'Wllich teaa did Dave Sexton aa.nage before Manchester United? (6) Do you feel that RTE Radio 2 should play more Irish produced records? YES NO HAPPY WI'm THE PRESENT AMOUNT ~~~----------------------------- ADDRESS ---------------- 4. Rame the Irish striker at :BiDliJlBbaa City. ;. Rame a pl~er who played for both· Celtic and Bangers? Answers on a postcard toa- Guth 7 !uairla, An Charraic, Doire :Beap. Ta ~le baint. Thanking you, and please re~ this coapiled questioDZ~aire . LAST MONTH'S WINNER- tea- Maestro, Guth Tuairim, An Charraic, Doire :Beaga. ~OSf h QC 8 I. KEVIN 0' DONNELL, PAINTING COrt.PETITIO!) CHILDREN UNDER 1O. RANN NA FEIRSTE. U.£SS Trasna H 0 ? ::V. Beckett won this prize 4. 'lbe Aswan Dam is on this African River 6. Fighters in aacient Roman shows , , v.-',.\ .\. i1o.:.~ '' Lo;:«!V 1. A chain of mountains 8. Allure I AUGUST'S WINNERS: lH.' Wrong 1 ANNE MOONEY, COIS 12'( Part of the eye I CLADAIGH .~ Employs 1 1 ._ -, 2/ .. ... ..... ~· Struggle 1 ANNA NI DHONAILL, I MIN~NA-cRAOIBHE. 1. Japanese seqport bombed in 1945 2. Prejudiced · .)< Irish County 4. Organization founded in 1949 5. ~iverpool-born Irish Trade Unionist ~ To publish ~ Enquires X . "'!be ••• my Father Wore". • A singing rodent. Tomhaiseanha Eirigh a inion, . 3 • agus ~igh go teach d'in!ne Teachtaire beag 6 theach go teach, Agus. bfonn s6 amuigh Rug inion d'inine In{on cig .arlir ci mhead bean a bh{ ann? / An fear a rinne e, Nior chaith se riamh e; Ague an fear a chaith e~ Nf fhaca se riamh e'. san oiChe. 4. Nf fuil ~' N( feo;il /, Ni cnimh e, , Ach is cuid den duine e. 1 last month's winner– Michael Rodgers, Loughanure . Fencilcase, Coi oured Pencils, and Crayons. ALL ARTICLES MUST BE IN BY SEPT. 26 5. F;inne oir· lan de fheoil bheo. NEXT ISSUE ON- SALE- th OCTDBI.R5 guth 7 tuairim, an cHarraic, doire beaga. ~~l11l~ UB09XB&W "5 euJn'P ue -Bl~~ • fJ ~s~o •( .xreuoo ·~ .ree3TJ'O • J
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