Guth & Tuairim, Meán Fómhair 1979
·~.- I!A&ARAbT Don chcad u;-,.ir, dhiol muid nios mo na mile co1.p i :n i Lunasa. Ach ta go leor daoine nar chuala iomra ,o;r "Guth 7 'fuairim" go foill. So, pass the word <,round. The r e are still some areas that we are not get tine: ~.ny newn from. If you live in one of those areas, we would like to hear from you. Remember- 2 finaga1re NEWS .... NEWS The end of the holiday season was clearly indicated "Gu tl; 7 1\;.:..i:-i;:;." .;_, ~.!: paper. And keep those l~tters, a.;rticl•?s, poer;:s, photographs, etc. coming folks. 1'a mu i d fior bhuioch Jibh. by the opening o,f the local factories. Noticably more people from the area are quite happy ·to spend their holidays and money at home. Nil aon thintean mar do thintean.fein. Ta Gaelic scholars and most of the holida;ymaters have departed, with the business people reporting a fairly good season in spite of the weather situation. Recently, "D. C.", writing in the "Derr,y People" criticized our bad spelling. He said our article on the Signposts had 12 spelling llliatakes in it. (Ni 118 an scolaiocht cheart d 1 ye see). Still, if our Pudsy lqan spelling gets us into the "Derry People" I think ve 'll make a habit of it. Somebody said there vas no auoh thing as bad publicity. As long as they're talking about you it's good for you. 'l'a muidinne ag g{iire fosta. Doo id agane D. c. Litreacha A Chara, Meenacreeve, Annagry. I find Guth 7 Tuairim very enjoyable and wait hard for it every montn. But I'm wondering why it can't be published every week or every two weeks at least? Anyway, keep up the good work. Yours sincerely, Dolores O'Donnell. An tEagarthoir: Go raibh maith agat as scriobh Dolores. Well, much as we would like to publish Guth 7 Tuairim every week, it would quite simply be impossible at the moment. The main reason is that we are on] y doing it in cur spare time and we have jobs to look after as well. In fact, getting it to the shops every month is a bit of a struggle, and it means working until three, four and five o'clock in the morning the last few nights before publication. we have to gather news, interview people, sort out all the articles we get in, get everything typed, take photogrr>,ohs, get advertisements .and make them up, make up our headlines and do the layout of the paper deciding what to leave out and what to include. We then go to the printer and four days later collect the printed sheets and fold them together. Then, we have to deliver the finished paper to every corner of the three parishes and send copies to Glasgow and Dublin. In all, we cover hundreds of miles and make dozens of ~hone~alls. Once Guth 7 Tuairim i~ in the shops we 1.mmed1.ately start on the next month's. The show must go on! ,, Chara, Na Rossa, L~asa '79. Bh{ s pe is aga.m ins cm al t san eagran d•· i re:J.:·;.n:" ch de "Guth 7 Tuairim" ague ba mhaith liom ' chui r i ::1-H:l caide go d{reach an dl{ faoi na Comhd.rthai Eothair. Se'n ,dll e. n6 .i 1971 go nr!;o>.-,rn;. an tnire iii<:tl .n.i tiul ag an am (rtoibea.:-d l'iolloy) leasu ar ah "Road Traffic Act" a chuir <1' i ac hal1 <-<r na Comhairlf Contae agus na hUdarais Aitiula Comharthai BOthair i gceantaracha Gael t achta a bheith i nGaeilge amhiin. Dnla an ::;ceil, ce'n'be'arla ar Bun a'Leaca agus 1'-!ullach Dubh? Mise le meas, Send your letters to, •An tEagarthoir, "Guth 1 Tuairim", An Charraic, Doire l!eaga.'' Name and addr,ess vi thheld on request. Due to the lack of sunshine, the digging of the early potatoes was later than usual this year. ~owever, some very good crops have been reported. .l'rancie Jl1cBride in particular had an exceptionally heavy crop. Mr. Mcl!ride is a very keen gardener and p~ants a large variety of early seed. He is also keenly interested in many other outdoor activities. The number of car accidents seems to have increased considerably over the summer holidays. It's maraculous that no one has been seriously injured. Telegraph poles have been snapped in two, cars have overturned into fields, cars have landed upside-down in rivers and even some left-handed thrill seeker crossed swords with a steamroller. Luckily, the steamroller was not damaged. But one ~ust ask when is the Council going to spend money that is available through the E.E.c. on improving our disastrous roads. The Druim na Ceart girls who walked home from Clones after the Ulster final have finally decided they will not go to see the All Ireland Final. Walking_ has turned them completely against fpotball. The Loughanure girls were lucky they didn't have to walk from Galway. It seems misjudged the cost of living there and nearly had to cut their holiday in half. Employment prospects in Annagry have reached an all tim high with the Fibre Glass factory having gained another massive order for the foreign market. .Cookie, clapping his hands says these Koreans sure are good for business. The higher John Grubb went up the ladder outside Sharkey's, the smaller he got, until he eventually dissappeared. Some onlookers just could not believe their eyes. Eventually, after thE> chimney changed colour John again re-appeare~. This had a very sobering effect on those watching him with the result that a very joyful re-,.union was held in the lounge. Loughanure The Hawk. 'l'a m!-shasamh ar go leor daoine i Loch-an-Iuir ra•n luas ata le tracht ag dul fr!d an t-sriild bhaile, ainneoin go bhfuil coJilozoatha! luas 30 m.s.u. ar na cei thre boi thre ag teaoht is teach na h-ai te. Ta se iontaoh contUirteach ag paisti. Bh! moran cuairteoir! i Loch-an-IUir i mbliana le linn an t-samhraidh. Le cois loisteoiri na Colaiste, bh:f lllor&n de bhuDadh na h-aite rhein sa bhaile ar aaoire on l!hreatain ague o Mheiricea. Bh! go leor loiatini o:fche fosta, i dtithe &O!ochta. A four-a-aide soccer competition run by the Loughauure Boys Soccer Club was won by Loughauure "D• Team when they beat Loughanure A 4-1. 'l'eam D - Denis McGarny, Donal Greene, 'l'ia McBride, Paul Rodgsrs. 'l'ea11 A - Paul Sweeney, llanny Doogan, Micheal Rodgers, - Hugh Duffy. ~e vinnera receiTed plaques and the runners-up sot aedala. 'lor the first time in .50 years, Mra. Rose Hussey and her husband lloyd are after spending a holi~ at hoae · in Loughanure. Mrs. Husaey was the fomer Boaey (Doney) :Bo;rle, and they reside in Bqonne B.J. , U.S.A. Mr. Huasey is American born. A new road is now nearly completed, from Lougbanure Main Road to the pier and car park at Loughanure Lake. !this has eliminated the dangerous corner at "Cassie'- Shop".
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