Guth & Tuairim, Meán Fómhair 1979
• 4 T·ir, Tom:::y NcGeehan of Bathgate, Scotland who decided to try the Rosses for a holiday in 1946 has just returned after his 34th annual holi dR.y . .-.fter the loue~ summer r t cess the town Ladies co:nmittee organised a ':ighly successful Buffet l.1;.;n c E' i n Os t c..n na Rosa11n last weekend. The rm1.~ U on which was in aid of the New Church Bt:i ld!.ng f und wa s well supported and it is ur.dE>rstood that a s i mi.lar function will take ~: ace eRr l y i n Sep tember. :\ p.i.ece of l ·m .:! wi t~1 pl anning permission granted f o-r t wo site s at Chapel Road, Dungloe was Those young people interested· in attending the Pope's Mass at Galway fiace course are asked to hand in their names to Fr. Herrity, c.c. It is understood that three bus loads will make the JOOOOOOO trip. ~' We wish Miss Teresa Kennedy from the Bank of Ireland ' w.ho is being to Ballybofey the very best. ~ ~. , of luck. · ~if' ·~.,. As far as the outside world is concerned the P 1 T ; ll strike might as well be continueing in Donegal. We · . can only hope that Deputy Harte will receive a good · :•t--;,\1 ,;.·. deal of support in his call for a better 'phone service. Oh, if only our National Phone Service was half as good as our local service. 00000000 wi tr:d-::-awn from the market l ast weekend when the hi ghed bid a t the auction fell short of £4,000 (pw1t ; , The land, which is just off the main road <tnd adJ acent to the new school/church complex is conver. i ent t o t he ma in water, sewer and piped P. BOYLE &SONS ** High Class Butchers Main street Dungloe * T.V. s erv ices , Tl1e :J.t'W 12 room primary school is nearing comr l et j .,n and it is under stood that the doors "wi 11 open " ea:·ly i n September. Once aga in the Neenacross Agricultural Show was a r;-:::-e<l t success with big increases in entries in all sections. Iv'.rs. il.n:lie Duggan of Main St. Dungloe who last ·year earned for herself the coveted "Irelands' Best Jam l'laker" Trophy ha s managed to maintain her high standards, i n that she carried off two 1st prizes at the l'leenacross Show. For the first time in 13 years, a storm (gale force 10) prevented Dungloe Carnival promoters from holding a d~nce in the Marquee on the night of August 5th. On the weekend of September 21-23rd, in addition to the Rosses Glasgow As s oc•s trip to Dungloe, upwards of 50 persons from the Donegalmen's ,;ssoc i a tion of Drogheda will spend the weekend in Sweeney~ Hotel. The Rosses Glasgow contingent, numbering 200 will be based at Ostan na Rosann.- Their annual Dinner and Dance will be held in the Ostan on Sunday nigh~ 23rd, while the Drogheda group will hold theirs in Sweeney's Hotel on the night ·of Saturday 22nd. As in the past, St. Crones Childrens Band will be at hand to we lcome the visitors. In addition to Fishing compe titions on Ros ses Lakes on Sunday afternoon, a local committee has been set up to organise a dance in the Os tan's Ballroom for Saturday night. Prime beet -v· · SELECTED FOR QUALITY. !.J~ DELICIOUS TO EAT. the only beef best Pork Poultry tasty turkeys sausages DELICIOUS TO EAT. e DUNGlDI 51 HOURS 9-B DRIVING HAZARDs Ace ident. Black-spot This months topic i s the s tretch of r oad leading out of Bunbeg by Knockastollar school, which does not by any means apply to this area alone. This road is in places narrow, twisty and full of blind humps. Thank goodness a 30 m. p. h . limit ha§ been imposed, Now let's see it implemented, However, there are problems on this road that even In a further effort to raise funds for Dungloe' s reduced speed will not cure; the width of the road is New Church (which is progressi ng satisfactorily) too narrow for two buses or l ar ge lorries to pass in the Fr. Cleary Roadshow ..,ill be staged in opposite directions. The road is raised up from the Os t~~ na Rosann early i n October. fields; subsi des and the vehicle can end up in the The officers of the Mary f rom Dungloe committee f ield below, How of ten has this happened on the .Dore ar e bu: y settl i ng accounts i n pr epar a tion for side of Knockas toller school? Far too often! How t he ir .~ . G . J-: , which comes up shor t l y, In of ten has this happened on other r oads within our add i t i on to the usua l big question, "who will community? Almost daily. · direct nex t year' s event??", it is expected that Please, County Councillor s, Col l, Delap, Kelly and Rodgers a g:'od deal of t i me will be given to another put our case urgently before the powers tha t be in impcrt r.nt ques t i on- should the festival da tes be order to improve the s afety of our community.''The Wheel.'' ~~;;*;1'87IID~IF1E~1f i ., i FALCARRAGH AN ID TOP HOP AVE Gach rud fa choinne an teaghlaigh Na Faisiuin is Nuaidhe ,I :GENUINE BARGAINSJN ALL DEPARTMENT
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