Guth & Tuairim, Meán Fómhair 1979
7 !Dpdientaa- ~========r-~~~~ You are the emotional type but try and not get D VIRGO(Aug.22- (Sept.22) 3 oupe brea4cruaba 1 pint ailk 2 os aargarine 2 egp t teaapoon aalt i teaspoon grated leaon 1 taupoon nutmeg 4 oz seedless raisin~ 2 oz Sugar rind. , your feelings hurt too much. The God of love upon Virgo's this month. Lucky night - VIRGO Saturday! ~~~~~~~~ LIBRA (Sept.23 - Oct.22) ~ A chance of promotion is in the stars for you in the near future. Grab it with both hands. LIBRA . You will not regret it. Lucky nu.mber 17. SCORPIO(Oct.23- Nov.21) Method You have a decision to make which wi l l a ffec t . your future and probably your friends. Place brea.clcruat'·a in « '"'JI ungreased baking dish. Consider it well. Romance is strongly indicated - Scalcl ailk and aelt ~pr.ine in 1 t. Add the SCORPIO Lucky day Friday. milk, sugar, aalt, leaon rind, slightly-beaten eggs~· . SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22 - Dec.20) - A chance to make extra money comes your way. and raiains to cruaba. Mix well. Sprinkle witb let it pass. Trouble a t home will soon sort nutaeg. Plaoe in a tin containing l inch of hot SAGITIARIUS i ts~lf out. Lucky colour Viole t. Dont water. Bake in~ aoderate onn (35oo- keg 3) ~ C.h.PRICORN (Dec.21 - Jan.19) Good news in the mail, so this should cheer you up. about 50 aiDs., or until a knife inserted one inch Your love life may not be too exciting but it troa aide come• out clean. should pick up at the weekend. Lucky colour Crimson. CAPRICORN Ingredientsa- Sponse Cake -~ AQU~RIUS (Jan.20 - Feh18) ·'The hard work you have s pent recently on an asignment . .. · will pay off. Your work will be r-rea tly appreciated. , }~I You should seek advice with a problem. Lucky day 4 4 3 eggs oz castor supr oz nour AQUARIUS Monday. Method * PISCES (Feb,19.- Mar:20.) Your advice is needed by a member of the opposite sex. This may lead to a much more exciting social life so Put eggs and sugar in bowl. Be PISCES advise well. Lucky colour pir.k. at over hot water . ARIES (Mar.21 - Apr.20) for 20 aina., or until really stiff and light- A row with a friend is in the air. Its been brewing coloured. Sponge cake depends for its lightness for a long time but at least it clears the air. ;, . ARIES celebration at the end of the month will restore your OD the aaount of air incorporated during mixing, SO good spirits. Wear blue and white for luck. to get 1n the II&Xi.laum amount of air, get the whisk -T.h.URUS (Apr.21 _ May.20) dovn to the bottom of the bowl and lift it right up You may be indined t o t ake a ga.mble in the near future. If you weigh the pro's and cons you with eaoh beat. Fold in the flour. For a soft ·TAURUS . should be safe enough. crust, turn into a floured ungreased tin. Por tbe typical sponge crust butter the tin, then coat it with 1 dessertspoon flour mixed with 1 dessertspoon castor sugar. Bake 45 mine. at 375° (Reg 4). - GEMINI (May.21 ·- June.20) 1\ change of scene or new surroundings are to your benefit at the moment . A special favour may be asked of you so do your best. GEMINI CANCER (June.21 - July. 20) '!he perfect Sponge Cake is free from the followiy:- Your friends seem to be putting pressure on you at the moment but it i s al l for your own good, A so pay heed. Lucky day ..Jednesday. moist, sticky crust. - Caused b;y using aore sugar CANCER than ia .called for in the recipe, or b;r using veey 4t LEO (July.2i - Aug.21) coarse sugar. Your problem is money at the moment - l ack of it - Whit ~ tha t is. You must cut out unnecess;,.r y luxurLs e spots on the crust.- Coarse-grained sugar like smoking ~d drinking Lucky ni gh t- Friday. will cause these. - 1. 2. 3. Tougb texture. - 'ibis can be prevented b;y sifting in the !lour ligbtl;y, b;y beating the egg 8 to the rigbt degree ot thickness and b;y baking at the correct teaperature. oarse, uneven s may e due to an;y one of three faults: too little mixing, the use of too much baking powder, too slow an oven. 5. a tough, unrisen cake. - Too hot an oven. * -AST R * CINEMA DERRYBEG Saturday Night 8pmLATE MOVIE 11 Weekly 9pm. Sundays 3 and 8.30pm Church H.olidavs9om rdiVfRY WHICH WAY BUT 8th 6Nights lOOSf '1r!: Boys from B-razil iBTh HfAVfN CAN WAIT 0 th The sellout Carrowcannon National School C.1928-30.
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