Guth & Tuairim, Márta 1980
The 11 County Donegal Regatta & Rowing Clubs 11 held their Annual General Meeting in the Highlands· Hotel, 10 Glenties recently. Eleven Clubs were represented, six of those from the Rosses/Gweedore area and the following officers were elected: Chairman- David Alcorn (Burtonport), Vice-Chairman- Francis' ~rneROWING (Bruckless), Secretary- Pete McHugh (Ardara), Assistant Secretary- Mary Gavigan (Tullycleive), Joint Treasurers- Mary Cannon/Bernard McGonagle (Bruckless), P.R.O. -Bill McGarvey (Kincasslagh). It is·hoped that there will be arourid 15 regattas hosted throughout the county during the summer. The county finals will be held in Teelin, this being the final regatta of the season. Gweedore - 1st June · · Ynver - 13th July Kincasslagh Rowing Club senior mens' L. to R. Phil Ward, John McGonagle, William Boyle, John Oglesby (Cox). Tul!ycleive - 20th July Burtonport - 27th July Kincasslagh - 3rd August lillybege - tth August · Bank Hol.) Traigheanna - lOth August Arainn Mer - 17th August Donegal - 24th August Maghery - 31st August Me Garvey's . FurnitureCentre Dore PLAQUES TROPHIES MEDALS ~--::------=--~---:-:--:----:-:-:--:::----:---tAll Sports Catered For tabhal·rne I eo Elish and Tommy Doran wish to thank Co. Co Seamus Rodgers for all his efforts in getting them a · JOE DUFFY, pMldMit M .... n na Le .• ce home. StlidMits' Union &D4· one ------------------~----------------------------~~eUQI~~~.-- Paul J. McGeady, a New York Lawyer is tracing his =P~ laofro·~~neral dial Neart spoir~, ceoil ugus craic gach.o:lche family history and would like tQ get in touch with "The,,. ';) , the McGeady' s in Cloich Cheann Fhaola and _:u:. re . ~ Ceol gach o{c·he hAoine .Gaoth Dobhair. For information contact this paper. , TDI" ' ~ ;..... Ill failte.roimh gachduh1e •••••••••••••••• Accident .Black spot Dear Mr Nulty, I enclose a cutting from a local paper "Guth 7 Tuairim 11 which points out a very dangerous position re the corner on the Dungloe/Loughanure road above the village of Loughanure. I would be grateful if you would ~onsider the article and see if the warning signs could be improved. Yours sincerely, Fred Coll. This month's Black Spot brings us to Cloich Cbeann Mr Nulty sent the following reply to Councillor Fha-ola, to the road between Gort a Choirce to Cell: Doire Beaga via the "Glen Road". Coming from "A Chara, Gort a'Choirce the Machaire Rabharta1 road swings I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter sharply to the right at the Grotto in Ardsbeg while regarding removal of corner above Loughanure village the road to the Glen carries straight on up the hill ,and to inform you that the matter is having attention". towards Derryconnor. After passing a hidden turn to the left (danger) one comes to a deceptive left hander, wrong camber with a deep fall over the bank. However~ we are still not at the Black Spot. Proceed another 300 yards, one crosses a small bridge and then.without any road sign whatsoever, one c6mes off a comparitively fast road into a tight "Z" shaped bridge, very narrow so that vehicles travelling in opposite directions have to decide who is to yield to who. Failure to interpret this bridge means damage to bridge and more· severe damage to car. If . you interpret the road on surface value, you will no doubt be travelling reasonably fas t in no apparent danger. Under these circumstances you could miss the bridge altogether and end up in the river. Now, for coming in the opposite direction, i.e. from Glaisa rchu. You come down a fast hill, take a left hand bend, then suddenly you are in to it again, the exact same "Z" shape bridge, too narrow, too snarp and if taken too fast you may well be in the same boat again (providing your car floatst). I am sure the road-sign manufacturers would well appreciate an order for two Double Bend Sign~ and two road-narrows signs as an interim measure until the council can do a proper straightening construction~ Well we spotted plenty of Armbands during the month. In .the Rosses we met Anna Nf Dhonaill from Anagaire; in Gaoth Dobhair, Maggie Boyle from Mfn Doire Dhamh and in Cloich Cheann Fhaola Patsy McVicaijCommunity S Falcarrach. Well done folks. We also received from County Councillor Fred Coll a· copy of a. letter which he sent to the County Engineer. It read: If there are Accident Black Spots in your area let Guth 7 Tuairim know and we will focus on themt "The Wheel" • I:EillNTRY INN Belcruit " - For a quiet drink bit of crack guarantee that or a we'll you'll be back" Fisherman's Licence PROP. Paddy & Bridget Gallagher 6 X - "Cl I) t) 0 0 :::!. Ill ~ -~ ~ "Cl ~ .5 'i ..... "' ~ " ..... () .:: ~ "' ..... . s.. •rl .. t' s.. I) Q I) .c ~ Ill I) I> 0 r-i .:: ..... ~ "' Cll X
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