Guth & Tuairim, Márta 1980
Cutt.Ar J'J1f'O 3Ae'be.A\.'C.A6'C CL016 Ce.Annt.Aot.A1'0. ,; (AR LEANUINT) 9 ~s S4fl411. ru4r "" st.e.lnn 'OUIC c.\""' CUI$te so CIU$ ·'I' '4l:.1n c.\Ofl 'Oe'n St.e.lnn, .4Sur nl't. le1te.1'0 'OO l.\nile ue .tolt..uil ·'11". n4l: flrmt. o•br•rce ·'I' f.l'O 4S bun4'0 n4 h-4\lte. · Ct'ei'Oim ~~~~ flJ.'.1C4 me 1'4'0.1J'C b4 ue1re no b',\Oiflne l10m 'n.l 4n st.e,\nn 11'041 U bt'C.1$ 1 f4n F0$1ihlt'- 114 CUI~t'lllll fle-154 Pl'e4c.1t SL4f ·•sur t.1.1t, no c01rce bUitle-t>.\n 1n-u1.u'O 4 ee1t.e, 4n re·'l' SL.1J'. -~1' fl&l'l' 11.1 scl'oc, .1n l'·"tne.\t ue.1rs 41' t4oD n4 rt.e1Dte t4t.l 4SIIt' 11.1 C.1J'r.115e·•l:.1 'OUD4 .,s br1re-•u .11n-.1l: 1Dror--t.1n f:'4C.1 me" o•1•eo1u u., • ·'1'1.\lil I n-.lll.: .11' bit el\.e. ~l:t C.lltJ.'I'O cli re. \r.lm ·'I' lilUll.ll:;'Ct'UIC Sore Bialann U( Mhaonaigh ,Machaire 'Chlochair Open Fri, Sat, Sun. 7pm--llpm Special prices for special -Occasions! ·'" Co•rce, nO r•uD.I\. ru4r be.ll.l(: C.IO \. 'Orunn so 'Otl "·' re. \ .l ·'5"r pior·' b.\lllill 'OCif f-101 11.\ h-.4r:S41ll .411 ulot. .\Ice C.i\ ri ·'S '"1'1'·"" Ct'i t.e1r ·'" st.e.1111l reo " te•ce~'t. 1 sce.,rc. \>'f:'•u uu•c e, -'sur ue'I'J.''tl cu r:em rc•Ltm5 no te.,t-toi•Om .o1n c-ruc .411' "'Sur 1r pu <!. Sior .15 ce.,~ ·"·' ~ rm IIU-111' .1 t;l t;li e. . , . r~o•le t.\ n,\ ll-1.\fS·"I'i ,\SUf t.Ati . c,\11'1' fS.<~U.\11 110 1·'1'5 e1le .1cu ~'1 1 '0~01.. t:'.l 50t'C 411 Coii'Ce so 'Oit'eoll: I l..ll' J)41'01foC CtOil: Ce.11111f:'.\OWIU, L\ llli1C4\ os•\ C.\OJI41 be.•S·' .4\11 C-flt'IDe, •'-Silf Uo\lll l>e.4S·' l eof>t.4, "'5"1' s(.ln– .15Uf SI'O n4l: b41\.e e ue re'I' '"~I' ~:;u•s11n1'0 ·~" roc.1t. 1nuni, •r b.\ll.e e ue 54et11l•s 1 mbt'.ll '<~l:.411 uu11;e .4t.i 'S-' nuiol. 5·'11 b1 1 t'4S "' p&u •r pu u•"fl · r~•l' •'" t.re4n-n01r 1;.1e'Oe.• ,t~•S- C.\ &eole "'" J)or>u1t,· ce.1e ""' rco•te, -'Sur no -oo"' t.~tte.\ln ·'I' .4\0IH\l: E;orc .o1n·Co•rce. ce.1l: 411 c-r 4s.4•rc """; ~:;.\ cupl., r•op.11, ce.1~ oru-', cupt., c1ste e1te C.t~or> fi4J' ue- Sore "'" (:inrce, cupl., ce.1u ceune4nn11- no n1.11 1 rm. eA · l1.4tl., "'" Cot.1•rue '114 te.,r.4m •u•r .fle4t.1t t'>e.,tc<~,ne <~sur <~n c-rrut.4n. .1Sur J.'.11tte fle"'s .oln ,,on.l•S •'""· . nt't. "" c•Ste reo cost4 c.,ofl le (:e•t.e ll.,lt.• .\11-r>t•e·'S .,c.\ 4n .~~sur c•i•r bt•Oiu •i•6•r uo liHI11111t::~l' _CtOJc Ce.,11nf'.1o- l rr-\ro '""" (;,\ 1 mb.llte Cite,, ,\(: c.\. S.ll : :,1011 ce.\l: '11.1 te.\f.llil ·'I' :\ Slot.\ l.11U e. \)'c .Ill III'OIJ'C nu Ul'·'rse c.,remem:; 4 tli:S o\11 t e.\'0 ·' 'Jise.\U ~-.1 COIll lie !)e,\s rem C.ll ..\llil ·'Sur 1.1'0 IllliS compOIIIte.l(: olS bun ·'" trlllc .11' 't.lo !) ·"' ' .1 . ,\tt b'e 6 Ce .1nn.li1'1bote, .i Colllles i'> l e u e•re.41111.1C, mon– !)e.\\,\1$ •nO•r· . .. , '""I'! , 1 rmne "'" emu •r mo ue ob41JI " '' cos .il-.1 ~so ucus-11'0 u14 C.\ lOir'Oi11 le J.'.iS.\Il o1 'ti' '00 s.\t rP•11'·' 11 • 0 t~\t Of'O·' rthc ru,\llll11e4f riorroliUe uJ. 411olm. tus re• .1f Fl<ll~,.1r ·' I'IIOIU'e 4SUf ~e SI'·''() p,\1'0111 co1r llol folii'I'Se-ce.l(: Ill 4 flJ.'UI\. '4~.111 1'11'0 t.ll ' b.\1'1'• f.\llCe, blolU uo'il f;.i.e'OiliS .1 tli ,use tt'm 50 bmn flU>J'r e,\C. .111 C.ll4ril 4 DfUII. .40 h4ll.4 '.,sur 54e'OI\.IS-so uct ·'" &e.,t •r tus.1 •11' to1oD St.e.1nn.1 t'>e,\l&.lme, nO , •11 .1 te4 r 4m 4!N'.•'S"r tus re n4 ctet.1 foru4 o~sur c ui'O ue 411'Se.1u .1n nne.•rs croc no1 n-~ru.1f'11.1 Dru•t. 411 fP 10 1' 4'0 croltle~m 41 " c~.1un.1 .15 '"l:·' 11 torc41r; 4sur, nu.1•r n4t J'4f> so teor .1'1'5''0 le f·'S·"i., tus re 41' 14r4Cc o1n uume. ·· t>tonn t.i mor 4CU "'" re•re.1u U ue '.1l:.1n rill 1 n5ol't 4n Co1rce, : 111 ~ 4 u 4 01 "'O•osr~ 41 t.. fior-t"l'-' 114 nS 4eue4t 4 b' e.1'0 ~. Com.\r b,\n 6 I''" u .1n aon41s. t>'t•u uo dJ.•c-l~ISmn, no uo uume "'I' b1t, re4l4 l:41teolm ce 4 nj14111 4sur •r mor mor 4 e 41 tt.e 4 ,n 4mc. ·'I' ,\11 .1011.1(: reo. s.,etllliS UlliS .!C.\ ·'S mumntiJ' ll.! h-,llte, .• ,(:c, mo DJ10 11 6'n t..\1' reo, 50JIC 4~ COIJICe nO be4Lt4111e, c.i CIII'O til01' beoll.1t4 .1 11.1'0, nl'l mor.ln 'OUite· ·'5 luCt ce.l1111111$te .i.n e.l\.loll$, no ·'&tucc 'Oiolc,\ rom.lC F" toln11e I:;UJI.llj' f>e.15ol ol ue4nollil. C.i 41i ceolJ'S4l 'n4 ('e.1f41i1 so ""' re.,n-cot.\1 4 t•se.,r ·'"" 54t ml. 1r 1nor ·"' &1'114$ so r>ru•t. ce<~u ·'S n.\! 111o 1,u4 •'S b.\1'1' .1n Steo1n114 4Sur c4•tJ.'•tl cu ure.,p.\'OOit'e4tc "'" e4J1Sol•t."' '04011111:> reo llo\ rt•·'" J'UU.\1 loOt<~ S·'l·'l'·'t·' S·'llll.\ II'U·'' ·'· t ,,ti,IIJI( 1fC~.4(:' i ue.ln.lril. C.\ toe -d.LC411 I'OIJ' -d.l:lol olSUr .111 e .IJ'S•\l 4SUr -tJ. ne.lJ'C bt'e4C le ulot. uo "·' 'U.,o•mb 'OI-l:l'11.1.1ue 4t.\ ·'I' loi'S JIU'O r.,op. CJiei'Oim f:'t'm Sill' 1 1 lol: -d.\.c.1n uo'n •·•rs4, 1,e. C.i re.1n-t1ll Rol•te, •' Sur 411.' cre4n-trmr 11.1 t teeur no I Lo11u(nn "' Jllllne.,..:. 1.4'0 le r<~ot.4J' ril.4ll111$t€' 4llmr, .4SUr 1).\JI-: li,IISe, ·'l' tlJIUoll: 114 h4~11.1; C<iltp'P Cll S4D41l fOIJ' le •j ol tli:e1Ce4l. C.l e _.-r C41teA'O 411 UJ'U1m "'I' bit 14\U, l)IU l)O ll·<\bJ'.4111l t.utc "' ll'OiOlCA !;0 i"nblonn ' J:wnn.\m t'OIJI roru·'· SlolJ', c.\ mlonl4J1.1l:, m ion <1 1 C\.4'041$, 4Sur Ct'OC .f14'0 t~.1t-tA1tce . . ~I' 'OO•S 41' b1t, 1f .cum<~ ce .4\CU nu4U nO t.eAt-C.41tte ):ot4.4s 4,;,·.1t'C o1m.1t 4l' 4n f"'I'I'Se ·tilO•t'· C.i " " ~O•te.1n 4mu•S .1sur M'O, C.4n ce.AI' C ce.4'0 4 .!)elt 4CII te4Ct 1fCC.4l: 4nnrm. Cl:IUJ.'IU cu so flJ.'Uil '""I'·' tlJ.'Uil "" '00111e.1nn o\1111, f1.1Col1U cu •rce.l~ so h-lnmr t>o.J:mne 4sur so b,\lnln .41' UI'UI_m 1 .4(:.4\n re.\n-Ullllle .AJ' .A1i 4\00.4\l: reo, 1'01J' fe4p41fl "'Sur COJ'•"S· 111 mnreoc.11'0 me f.\_n4 h-J.• reo m"JI $ lo1Cf4U f14'ti- le4fl– 'mr.Aifl 4Cc cl m14n e1te ·'S &e4l:C .41' n4 u.,o•mt) OS4, mo tiJ•On 4 1'·\u. "'-r ·"I''" uoDt.1 r:em, .1l:t m '4C4n ·'•c .wu l)eoD41tl cli 54e'O•t •s, .15ur rso•t "" .,n 40n.Ae reo c,\ n.'or mO 'n.\ b.l •'sur S·"im,, -6.1• ulol. Cl:I'OJ.'IU cu be.4rt 5.1eu • . m.\ c.\ '{llill ·'S"t 14'0 .,. f:'eiCe\1-l , nl f..:\'04 u41& rl41' so 54ot 'OoD.i.1j\ 4SUf 114 1tor4 4SU1' rmr 50 C41rt.e;;n n4 uCu4S ·'Sur Rorsulll. CA ~- - ~-"--"--- ~-:et~~-=== ·.-- ~-~~-:._~~=-·----- ~ -- - 11.1 h-.11Ceoll:4 reo UlliS mr .111 S4etle4lC.1l:C ; .4fiUf m4r 4'0Uflrol'O l:e4n4, ··"·''r J.'iOII-l:OIIII411tOIIll rmn, c.\ ··~ ue UUollS4r 01'-''"" ol11 Soletleol~C,\{:1:; "· l:onme4l 54etle4l.1l: .1sur 4 le4tnuSoltl, o15ur f<•r'04 fiOJ' c rumn 45ur flor– eol.lf 4 De•t 4S.111m ·'I' 4n S.!.etle4lC4C~ ·'Sur 41' 5.1C 4 fl411tf4f te1te. 4tc some m.IJI ue.1npmu1'0 e ·reo Ull15? C.l, CUoliJ'C .i. tolfl-"lt'C 41' 411 s.,etle4\.– t;.1l:C so nuo11 •r so m•mc r4 uo•s so scu•I'J.'11111'0 eot.,r crumn 41' teolnS.ii'O 11.1- n54eue.1t •'5111' olJI ,\11 c-re.ln -rp•i>l',\'0 f;.1eue.1\..1C.·' !)Ior ,.scomnu1'0e 'nol Beidh "Guth 7 Tuairim" le fail ar fs thart f a 1 n 4u Aibrean - ta suil agam. . Competitions, Articles : Letters, Ads, etc. to be with us before Mar ch 28th. Phone Bunbeag 265 • Apr 4 guth,tuairim, Doire Bea~ Anthon y 0 Donnell &:. 'Sons Anagaire ~ :a a I ' . . Agent na_t,,.ear;raL•s~t.earJ'~ _ar-_an_juach_.ls_(sle For Finn Valley Milk Anagaire 32
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