Guth & Tuairim, Nollaig 1979
12 ' \ Iu a alt eeo bheireann M. M. P. ae Albain cuntae euiai6a. cb!izm ar oheutar 'l'empleo~• taobh uuisb d.en Chloobul Liath. ( ( !be ~iah or Templeorone includes the Uppe~ and Lover Roaa••• !he original Church vaa in the toWDland ot ' TeZ110A ' (vh1ch means Church land or limd ot the Monks). Te1'1Don is near Ma&h•17 strand, vest ot Dlmgl.oe• . '!eapleo~e (Church of Crone) vu founded b)- the Abbess St. Crona, thousbt to be a J'.ranoiaou ~ or the 7th ' · oe~ and said. to be a relati'Ye or Colmoille. At the plantation ot Uleter (b:r Eaglieh ad Sootae~) in 1611, the Clmrohlanda ot Temon-vere granted to the Protee~t llieho:t» or Rapboet but Catholics oontiuued to bu17 theu dead .the~ a_nd ·~· di~ eo unti;l ve17 recent :rea.ra. A 'l.'urai (Pilgrim.apJ has been 80ing on .tor cen~ie• ud :ia aade ·~ . thia dq. !he Dung).oe July Pair dq originally laate~ Ctor three dqa to bring it up to Jul:r 7th which is the taut ot St. Crone. The Turaa ill made between Jul:r 7th and Aupat l.Sth. The locale are those bed acquainted with the 'l'uraa pi-qera but the Rev. Dr. M&gUire in his "Bisto17 ot 'the Diocese or Raphoe" (pap 222) . tells u•. that seven Our lathere and seven Hail Mar:r'• are said at ~~::r Well .and repeated at th• pile .or ato~tea aar the Church;rard. The decades of the Roear;r are recited while a contUm.oue cirouit or the ruined ohuoh barefooted. A .. "healing atone" ·ia in the care or a local Dohert:r f'811ily. It is the ab_. ot a aall loat bllt Qipa 10 lbe. Some erq it might have been an J.l ter atone. In earlier tillea piigrima arrived baretooled . an4 tasting at dawn on July 7th to m&ke the(l'Uraa. ( Around the 19SO'e and 1960'• it a-young . crOw ... re seen 80ing down Clee~ brae on a Sundrq afternoon the remark .vae likely to be made, "'!hat will be the toushaaa1t ones 80iq to ~e the Turaa". . - . . . . . In Kariu :rear, 1952, the late Catholic l!iehop 6! Raphoe requested that ~ hol:r ,well with a Tnr&a should have the ·.'l'uu rebeved and, observed that year. !he late Canon Mollo:r and hie two curates, l'r. John lerr,.,and the late· ~. JIJrD• one ~rq afternoon, barefooted and in the compan:r ot JII&D1' of the congregation made tne Templecrone Turae. Until recently it vas cODDDon to refer to the area aa Templecrone rather than call it Te1'1Don. · After the Ulater ·Pl~tation (16ll) when Templeprone became to be used by Proteatanta, Ca\bolics had n~where to hear Mass, except at ~· Rocks or huts called "acalain". One of the nearest Mal a Rocks vas J.rd an Aifrinn in Cleendra (Cluain Darach), tbe ... tovnl8114--vhere Paddy Phat l!an (Paddy the Cope) vaa , born. In 1961 the late Canon Mollo:r had Mall8 offered the~ to ilark Patrician year.. Since then, Canon O'Callaghan, P.P., has had Mass said there several timea. 1 ' In tqe Co. Donegal Historical Societ;r Annual of 1975-6 there 1e a two page article on Templecrone and d.ietrict,.b;y Marghet MoCullasb. . . . . i i Botaa (a) In 1921 a Headstone (or Tombstone) in Templecrone could be seen bearing the name Johnson or !lhomeon. · It l.t· .,.re Johnson, it could have been that of one of the tamil:r· ot a local landlord - Johnaon, who once lived where the Crohe:y..Falmore Youth Hostel now is. ' (b) The '·Glaa80v Rosaes ' Association had a picrtUre of St Crone's ruined Church (Templecrone) reproduced aa a Christmas Card. Grq :Byrne gave the name Crona to the older of hie two little girls. The Church .on Arranulore 1e "S~. Crmnes" and Dungloe'e new church ie also to be called "St. crone's". ·saUNA .always progr~ssing .... ·r#Ji. NEW ~ EXTENSIV(: . CUSTOMER ·car park behind main sto LTI:t. DUNO&QI I OPCN trb -S.1t 9·6 Cumann Uinseann De Pol Sa bhli~ 183'3 thainig Frederick Ozanam. ague cU'i~ar macleinn le cheile ibPw na Praince ague rinne dad aaaoh CUII8DD deirce a chur ar bUn le cuidiu le teaghlaigh bhochta rua. cathrach sin. Chuir aiad a 80uid oibre taoi choillirce Bacmh Uinseann de Pol. ' . ' .Ba ea ~db oibre a bhfl acu cuati-t a thabhairt BJr theaghlaigh a bh! ar an anae ague ,cibe cuidiU'. agu taoieeuh a thiootadh leo, a thabhairt daofa. . ' k sin tUe Cbuaiann.. Uineeann de P~l- c'Wiiann a apreigh 80 gaata fr!d an Jhrainc chead uair que aneln tr{d th!ortha e11e ar tud an dOIIIhain.• . Is .iama! athrli' a th&iilig a; an chumann o cuireadh ar bun 8. Cumann c&i tliceaoh de) thir amb&in a bh{ ann. Is Caaam1 .Caitliceach 80 toill e ach n!1 bac ar( dhaoine de chreideamh eile bhei th in& mbaill, tha4 is 80 nglact&lclh aiad le <lnln chuepc)ir an ohumainn .. a{ Bin cuidiu leie an. chomhanai.n agu roint leo miau t& dad ar an . &banolntid. Ta cead ag 11111& a bheith. in& mbaill anoia foeta - ta ,cOIIIbaltai• uaeotba i 80 leor &i teach& anoia. Bionn obair ej)Bisialta 111&1' churam ar chuid de na comhaltaie 80 mcS'r llhor ena bailte mO'ra, .ouairteuna ar oapid.4'11, ourea taoia 6ig ague :mar· Bin de. l!a lllhai th ann an cumann imbliana nuair a bh{ atailo an Phoiat ann ape · aeudaoine ape daoine bochta fagtha ar an anaa gan al,rgead. · !a S7 oraobh' den chulllann ea chontae eeo ague iad ag d.eanamh obair llhaith. ~· ~o 1·ag. 80 leor iad o thaobh ballr{ochta agu• nf'bh!ozm 80 . lrior le. cuai. rte~ a dhe . ·. ;anuh ~ a.t& eolta ag . na rlalacha. 0 thacbh an airgid . de b!onn an Cwaann ag brath ar , na daoine a bhtuil rud le 'sparoeil aou a bbeith tial leo • ..- Ba bocea! ag teacht 8n ;p&o~i} 1e ~r an cuJ.diU' i~. ' l!a mh&ith an cleaoht\f pa a dhul thairia ~ . . boml a chur iateach. An beagan o lllhoran dheanfadh se cnap mor. . , · Deu daoine corr uair nach (j)htu.i~..Or&D tei. le na leitheid anoia - nach bhtuil son duine booht• . Cinnte ~an aacl · ibhfad n!oe fe~ anoia &em t& an aneiud 1a uaeo 80 toill. Ape 1bad i• tt(~idh . ,ale ; Caaum Uineeann de Po"l.. 1!1 aa n!oa ~.arr : le bhei th tial na anoia teacht na lollag- n{ aa 0\IIIUlD iarnoht · 1· lipeiaialta b aolaa a tha6hairt do na boohta le linn na Nile •. ~ IIU1'& d.tabharta &eh deor · ab&s.n 1 •'41DUB ~ •• I
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