Guth & Tuairim, Nollaig 1979
focus ori Packie Bonner 14 soccer QUIZ! 1. la11e Bristol Ci V' s ground~ 2. Who manages Stoke Citrl ). Who won the English Second Divis 1 ion Championship la.St :ye&r? 4. Which team does Asa Bartford. pl~ for( 5. George Best pl~ed for 'which 4th Div_. team a few years ago? J're~ cnuig Guth 7 ~im 1 Doire Beaga. 'f& £2 le baint. LaSt mbnth's Winner-- l;evin McGeady 1 DUn _Luic9e• ~ c.s: RADioS FOR SAL~ I £150 COMPLETE WI'm AERIAL OWNERS OF SETS CAN COMMUNICATE WITH OTHER C.:B. USERS. 4'0 CHANNEL. - ILR~NGE APPROx 70 MILE_ SJI __ BOx. NO 1.. 7. - FIJLL JIAME1 Patrick l!onner :B!GGijST INlLVENCE ON C@Ef?Ba ~ family and Keadue' :BIR'lm'LACE1 Caetleport ( · ·• pl~era and officials. ~~ 6t 2" At Celtic a hank Connor WEIGHTa 13 stone BIGQEST DRAG IN lOO'l'BALL• :Being injured and losing POSITION1 Goalkeeper HONgllBSa U-16 Ulater Medal, I and II Division winnera 1 PREVIOUS CLU:BS1 Keadue Bovera F.C. · Glaagow Cup Bunnera-up Medal, Youth and 1 MARRIED1 - Hot yet! Under-21 Cape. - FAVOURITE PLAYER a <Peter Shil ton {Hotta Foraat) NSOHAL WITIQNSa To be aecure and happy in the tu.tur. _FAVOURITE OTHER TEAMS1 ' Arsenal and Liverpool FQOTBAH. AMBITIQHS1 To gain a resu1ar firat team plaee MOST DIWCULT _OPPONEN'l'a Atew!' · with Celtic and eventually to win MOST MEMORpLE MATCHE§a ~debut tor Celtic on all honours. To -play for Ireland t _ st. Patriok's Day. _ fint-te... :BIGGE§'l' 'l'BRIIJ,t Signing tor Celtic and winning Leape WIQH PEB§O~ . IH 'f1ltil WRIJ) WVLD YOU MQST LIKE TO MEETI ( with lteadue. · Our Holy J'atber, the 1 Pope. · - (:BIGGEST DISAfWIN'DmiTa ~sing Glasgow Cup Final ~net ~- - _ _ - . aohoola Cup Final 1978. -_ '- __ · - - Rangers ~~oDd losing senior _ _ ~- WT PL4CE <!ISI'!'EDI · Verragio in Italy and Albania. / -~ - FAVOtJ1liTE FQQDa Fraah Sea Food. ' MIS9ELLANX)US LIPS1 Golf,· fishing reading ..______._____,-------------- MISCILLANEQUS DISLIKE§t Traffic jama and bad weather lAYQURITE T.V. SHOWS 1 Citizen Slli th and a good · Documentary FAJQURITE SIUGg81 Fleetwood Mao, 'l'hin Liz~, · Donna Summer · · _ lAJOJJBITJ AC'l'QR§/ACTBE§SES1 Cl,int Eaatw0od 1 Cumann Luth Chleasa Anag!ire I Recent Results~ I Leitir Ceanainn- Foireann- 2u ait Robert Alcorn-Ju ait athletics 1' Ch'arles _ ·:sronaon _Many I mBeal A~a Seanaigb - Foireann ~ lu ait An chead corn Condae buaite Doire B~aga --~ See our selection of GiftS: · ~~- .. *Waterford Glass *Donegal Pottery *Linens · - ' *Fancy box goods MENS'S SUITS LADlE'S .. \ ' ,CHILDREN'SWEAR 1-:-:::--_ _ · -=-=----=--~.--::~-.~~ u - - - rG- / n Shield_Stam·ps:, eans ~....- 1 _r-:--e-:--e______ ~ KNilWEAR -- Stockist ofAll Leading Brands (_ Prop. Patrick a-rid Mary B. Sweeney Phone BUNBEG 246 or_21 ; -- ,~.,,
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