Guth & Tuairim, Nollaig 1979
l IS - Jack's CHRISTMAS HITSa \fuat a rush to have new singles issued! John Denver and the Muppets issue 1 Peace Carol' , Paul McCartney 'Wonderful Christmas', ElYi~Presley 'It Won't Seem Like ~istmas•-, from :!'.fuite Chris'bnas" issued by Bar an.d l.ounge Bing Crosby, Camille, and Freddi.e Fingers White, "Silent Night" a c~oice between Joe Dolan or the Dickies. Both Harry Belafonte and Boney M compete with 'Mary's Boy Child'. Irish versions Colm & Sundowners sing 'I Wish It Could Be chris'bnas All Year Round'. J oe E•. Hamilton with' Christmas Time In Killarney 1 and Lucky Numbers issue 'A Christmas Dream', to name bu~ a few. c Carpenters, El ton John, John and Yoko, Slade, , Wizzard, Eagles, I~la St Clair, Jetro Tull also join the list. To date some sixty-five singles with the Christmas theme are on release, and a likewise number of albums, all to wish us a 'A Happy Christmas'. .nnaga1re· Entertainment friday saturday sunday RONAl\ 1 COZ.!IN ATCHA 1 : One of RTE Radio 2 1 s most ,popular pres~nters is 26 year old Dubliner Ronan Collins, host. of the 'afternoon show. The newcomer receives a tremendous mailbag of letters, cards and requests from all parts of Ireland. Before he ventured into the broadcasting media Ronan was a popular figure on the ballroom circuit, where he played the drums with the Dickie Rock Band. What he disliked most about the one night stands was the travel from venue to venue. When he quit the band in April of '78 he joined local pirate radio station ARD, presenting programmes. So when RTE Radio 2 was announced, he passed his audition, and is rated as one of their top newcomers. ·His programme and style has changed for the better, so look out Larry as Ronan Collins becomes the man with the best on RTE Radio 2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Radio Luxembourg celebrates its 50th anniversary this month, with the news that DJ Steve Vright is the latest to quit the station in • 0 0 favour of BBC Radio 1. But despite his departure 208 a k .8 • are still the best for late night sounds. ~ a COUNTRY FESTIVAL: The International Festival of ~ ~ Country Music will be held from 12th. of April in Wembley. _a ! '!his year it will be extended to cover four days. , ~ :;. Among the top country names listed are Charlie Pride, f;ully Emmylou Harris, Bellamy Brothers, Boxcar Willie, 1 1 Charlie Rich, etc. Irish names will include ~ t' Eileen King, Susan McCann and of course ~ i .-4 Philomena Begley, we add congrats to Phil on the birth ~ · .... k of a baby boy recently. ~ SOUNDS: On Christmas Day RTE 2 will televise a special :a. J programme on Donal, Andy, Christy, and Liam Og, better S: c3 known as Planxty. They will feature tracks from their superb new· album 'After the Break' • Radio na Gae 1 tach ta will have a special request programme from various parts licenced· ANAGAIRE Restaurant 13 of America. The programme was recorded by Timlin during his three week visit. The first programme will be ·broadcast on Christmas Day, with a series of interviews Billy McBurney of Outlet Records with' to follow early in the New Year. Should be interesting indeed. Nollaig Shona D{bh! 21 - Red Hurley sun• . 22 - Chris'bnas Cabaret NightMon. 23 - Lucky Numbers · Tue. 24 - ,Christmas Eve Disco Wed. 26 - Pluto 'lhur. 27 - Disco 28 - Mand.y & ShamP9o 29 - Bridie Gallagher Sat. Cardinal ~ Fiach who presented gold disc to Pope John Paul II for sales of "Historic Vis~t of Pope John Pa'Ul II to Ireiand T4RABUSES · hery Friday ~ndSunday IOPrttNm · 30 - Brendan .Shine 31 - New Year's Eve Party Dance 1 - Frankie McBride Main Street, OUNGLOE 2 1- Magic & The Magic Band 3 ·- M&r,y From Dungloe Feat·--·--··~ Present the Barleycorn , 5 - In Cabaret - Dermot O'Brien · in Cabaret. .:ll':.i«.:II':.I«:A!Or#.dd':llf'Ad'd':ll'd
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