Guth & Tuairim, Nollaig 1979
BA&ARAbT 2 Rano na Feirste Is doiche _ gUr an t-u do at&' ann at&' a '1ft an Bollaig liDn ar!'s. .An Bollaig - am epeisiaJ.ta dhe'anamh ach ta' cuid mhO'r d~ine ag teacht &BUs ag don bhliai.Jl. ~a dtig daoine na bhaile &BUB a dtig imeacht in!J: an u nlthair. 'l'a ~ Sh:!le ~ ( teagbl.~igb le cheile. Am a mb!onn neart sptrt &BU~ . ndiaidh •,theacht abbaile as -Meiricea' .{! t a raibh a! le cuideachta ann. But we shouldn't let Christmaa go cuig aeachtaine. ~a an sce'n, chuaisb a! anonn _ 117 without thinking of what we're celebrating. It is ar an eitlean "Haomh-Padraig" ·a d~i'inig an Npa go th,_.-birth of Je8ue Christ in a litt.le stable in bEirinn ·uirthi dllpla eeachtain o ehoin. Ta l!ethleh~. · Fazmie (Sonny} :Bean Ui Cbolla sa bhaile ar laetha Ba mhaith liom cuir i gcuimhne .d!bh ar!s gur seo i saoire 8£U$ deir·tear gUr i an custaimoir is rea:rr "Year of the Child" - smaoi tigh ar na pl(ist! at&' ag ar bqad Carlyle. . Ina cuideachta t& a in!on, r{ll bhais leis an ocras i £Cambodia. Mltire :Bean U! Gbrianna.; And as we come to the end of another year- and T'- Kitty Eoghain, ~ie Phaid{ &BUS Annie Mhic{ . another decade, we look back. 'We see our mistakes Ji.Dimy indialdh theacht as Glasgow. and our. failures and in 1980 we hope f~r better / ~ Teresa :Bean Bic Aoidh (inion RC:ise Cissie} indiaidh things. New year resolutions will soon have to be theacht i chona! go Rann na Feirste le an ceathar llade - and hopefUlly kept. Make one of' yours to paisi t!, as Glasgow ague ta'lloutiaue foscail te ar lm keep buyint; GUth 7 'l'uairim in 1980.. '!be C~endar on Chlochan Liath aici. the(-back page shows the datea we hope to publish the ! Ba mhaith le muintear an bhaile flil amach ea paper !during the year. Gu!om Nollaigh shona &BUS i de~chaigh ~ de~ntas leis ~ p{opa{ uis~e is teach na bliain ur faoi ·mha$-se dar leitheoir{ uilig. Ji8us 1 h,-ai te a choiriu. Ague, ea h-uair a dheanfear rud coinnigh cuimhne-If you drink this Christmas- dont drive! : eigin leis an b;alach mor? . ~• PPPP.PP .... .P:P:PPPPP.P.Jr._. · An ndeanfaidh Udaras na Gaeltachta n!os fearr n6 a . · . rinne an Comhairle Condae le blianta{? finaga1re ~~ ~~ An~as 8£UB, SU88 go ¥al ~eirste - duine &CU ~h~ . / MhJirt, ta Mic{ Sheain Neill, Neddy Frank, Huid{ Mhic{ 'l'he Christmas ~eason is upon us once again. l!eing a Huid~ agus Condy Mhic{ H~id{. 'lb~ an t-Ollamh time for children it appears that Santa is going to Gearoid Stockman cuireadh d!obha leachtai a thabhairt be overworked. Ho1!fever, I siA told that Bed 'Willis j ins an Ollscoil. / "the Airbourne Mechanic" has agreed to do certain ~ Daoine a raibh an tlidh orthu le gairid; l!hain Sean ' deliveries around the Annagry area thus reducing his il ~ Mac Gairbhe £100 ag an l!hingo ·agus bhain Dcfnall workload. . e o'Gall,chOir £100 ar an Chi,te Gael. Certain people in the parish must be praised for the ., ~ Dinny Ji.Dimy Hudi{ (0 Do'naill} sc~ mill teannach interest and affection they show towards a.n1mals. :!' maidin amb,.a'in le gairid nuair a mhusciail si agus Francie Mc:Bride h88 converted his collie dog from ..,. :: chonaic se beith!och (capall) ag cuir a chloigeann be~ a super-stud to a super-star, by encouraging 1-4 e is teach ar an fhuitmeog. Duirt Kitty gur sh{l s! nach his (the do~• s) stage caree;r:o by allowing it to "' : mbeirfeadh an sagart air. :Bhi oireadh deifre air ag participate in a stage performance which won fii·st ~ s:l tei theadh go deachaisb se' amach ar a chos ~s n{ raibh prize in the Gael tacht drama!ooht competition in the ~ .,... se' abal ta brog a chuir air ar feadh tr{ 1f. GWeedore !mharolann re;:ently. '!be dog dec:J.ined the 1 f! ~- ·;·;--~· :1····-~· ·-~~:-t::=-:-m;;7rniiiiffli:;?i~r::__ _____ offer to contest the Udar88 Elections. Meanwhile ,... ~ 1 Dun Luiche MicheaJ. lloyle felt so sorry for two cows tethered in ::::1 ..c: · a field in Glenties one ;3"aturd~ night that he ~ +> Is cosu"n go bhfUil an Comhairle Condas ag fanacbt go decided to bring them up the town for a waJ.k. en !l mbeidh Patsy b'-ite ag bun a'bhealaigh ag Uin na nGaJ.L Ba mbaith le scolair! rang a se i scoil Anagaire !j ~ N!os measa arais b'fhlidir go mbfitear an foireann peile ccxnqgbairdeachas a dheanamh le na llnlinteor c> s~ loch uisce a bhionn ansin nuair a? siad ag Se an ~ l'bionnsbaille ar a 1( brei the le gairid. g ., deanamh an Min a • nCall Marathon/ Ceard faoi Charlie? Ins!tear domb go raibh Sean bliain is fiche. ~ fi · BJ{ an ar Fred n6 Dr. Padraig ata an locht? No' an Work has now co)DIIIenced on the renovation of the old_ ~ +> Udaras againn? 1 Annagry School, to have .it extended 88 1.1 Youth - ...c B. N{ raibh "picket" curtha ar na carta{ go foill, ce go Centre. SPecial. praise should go to all those who g t" raibh "waJ.k outtt ann le goirid1 have made such a project possible. When fiJUshed, ~ ~ I,J>U'n Luiche 3 _ :Baile na mllo" _ 0 there might' be less ringing of doorbells at night. Ill .., J>UD L..fiche 3 _ Leitir _ 3 '!he darts league is still holding a lot of interest, nun Luiche' 8 _ na RO'n _ o although lluffy 1 s are now certain to win, having only Dun L'lf!che 5 _ Rossa Aontaithe _ 1 eu!fered one defeat in eighteen games. Sharkey1s darts team have shown a very sharp improvement since their team Manager Mr. o•Donnell insisted that they all attend Terri 1 s Keep-fit Cl88aes. '!'be old-folks party is to be held iD Dom 1 s Lounse this ~d it i.,_. hoped that old and not so ·old will attend and enjoy themselves. · · I would like to wish aJ.l readers, both at home and abroad a ve'" h~py Cbristmaa & Hew Year, ·and I hope no-one'-- h88 'been offended by the 11 ttle pieces of light humour written ove-r the year. 'l'he Hawk. ··· () .... Scorers: Edward McGeadi 6, Padraig 0 Dc(nanl ague Seab ODo'naill !), Paddy McGeady, 'l'OIIIIIIY Cannon, Robert Alcorn 1. Uai~anta f'ada, tr{ la sa tseachtain ag cuir aJ.lais, ag ,poc-le'imnigh ague ag ri th ag taiaperililt luach saoth~r :s'na tor¥. Ach is fada uainn deire.adh an tseariir. 'l'urke;:ra are !!2!, for saJ.e in Gleann Tornan, aJ. tho foxes are reckoned to be Ter;:r profitable. &'-~~.:::~ . ~-- Roses - ~ To the people in "Atlantis" for higblishting the mutlagh.d'uff t74~Z"li!II,74~7;J -~ Dodangers or Uran~~-~· . ( ,.. . . na daoine a, ......-~gh airgead dOJl :Bhaintreaoh u Ott to live in London is Willie Hanlon with his wife ~ an Gblaisigh a bhf'uil acaifte mo'r paiat{ le tO'g&il a.1oi. and family. r fi · '1'o all of you The Public and Advertiaera for aupportillf '!)ere was strong canvassing in the area for the recent ~ · "puth 7 Tuairiil" since we made Udaraa Elections. Some people tbougbt it was a 3 April. Parochial. Election but it waa very muCh a Political. · ~ --------------J one. 'lbere is not .. truth in the rumour that the 'Doe +> told the peopl~ot Mullagndutf that they couldn't ~ YOte be9&UJI8 they hadn I t enough "Be'arla llriate 11. iiJ To the Lough Swilly Bus Drivera tor dumping rubbish l'red and Una aid th uld all t f 'th · from th~ir buses by tbe .pide ot the ll&iD road. , . . '"" s ey co vo e or em 88 long CD Do na daoine ata' in& goc{na{ ar ~ Soreaban, i sceart-1.{ r they were all living. - . ~ Ghaoth' Dobhai:r a bhaiat "J'actory Road" air. very usef'\11 night-class started here a few weeks ago- :::l 'lhe drinr who ••ptied a load o'r ·Mackerels at the learning Gaeilge! A rev of the boys who started work 3 .. in the factory spent most of ,their (life in 'Glar{gow _ 1-4 roadaide outaiJle Dungloe. . '· Jimmy lloyle, Edward and Dom, and di'dn•t ~ave ~nougb~ -; Do Gael~a Eiraann u J& paftaf taobb ,thuae ,de na '!be. mouse in Rita'a drawer nearly. caused divorce! ~ Monarch&in a dhruid aohan o?'Obe ABUS achan deireadh ( "0".. aeaobt&ine. ·
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