Guth & Tuairim, Nollaig 1979
Litreacha 4 Lunniacm, Doire Beaga. 2/12/'79. .l Char&, /!a llhai th 11011 ar cl~. bu(ochaa a sh&bhfil do achan nduine, agus go h-airi the dal ta1 Phobal Scoil Ghaoth Dobhair a chruinnigh fl, 788 aa cheantar aeo f: choinne Cambodia. ~ ·- • ll!.{ sceal le gairid sa Sund~ Independant f~ le'acht a thUg Se~ Macl!ride (nobe) peac_,e prizewinner) 1 - • al!aile, Atha Cliath. Dliirt Be go mbeadh DUn na nGall ag cuir Urainiam ar fa11 do li.A.T.O. 'choinne buailli E1 thneach (I!Y-cl_,ear l!ola)a) i gcionn cnfpla bliain. - Ag an chruinniu ceanna dtiirt John Carrell (I.T. & G.w.u.) "We 1111at leam from the Australian Trade Union ' }'(ovement. .!! has banned members from mining Uraniwl-, which v_,ould be used for NuC)ear 'Weaponry". Nach m&'r do a~h&n nduine againn a ra nach bhfuil mnidinne ag gabhail a tl;abhairt an achmhainn aeo do N.A.T.O. le buaim{ a dheanamh a bhfuil mairaaehta(J. an Domhan uilig a mbagairt acu. Nach bhf' an chontUirt ann foata go mbeidh grU'pa{ mileata, neamhdhli thiUla ,(bal ta an Urainiam aeo a fhlil ague a usaid. '!'a' muid1:.nne aineolach ar cuid mhor ceiateanna faoi mhianadoireacht Urainiam agu.s an tiochur a bheadh aige _,ar ah~ol na ,ndaoine aan reigiun -seo. De, reir aceal aan "Irish Times" ar an 26u SamhaJn duirt Keith Haighta "lJraniUlll mining and processing raises the moral and Social Question of responaibili v for worker safetn for retarded and -deformed offsprins'– for protection ot the public from Uraniwa tailings which are Radioactive tor thouaan~s of years and for pollution-of air, water and Arable land". I staidear a rinneadh ar mhianadoir! Urainiaa ins na _ sleibh~e Erzgebirge sa Ghea,rm&in ins :ria tr{ochoda{ taispeantar go raibh 6~ de na 5,000 mianado1r{ ag f 'i .... , .... a 1 bhais o Ailse scamhoga (Lung Cancer). A Canadain Royal Commission on the health and safety of mines at Elliot Lake Ontario showed that .81 minere died of Lung Cancer and the Commissi~n ·said that Radon gas was to blame. Exposure to even lov doses can lead to genetic ·diseases., putting future generations in danger. Around Lake Elliot Lake, Ontario Uranium mining has contaminated ten different Lakes and fifty miles of serpent river: This river feeds Lake Huron and if this lake is affected it may lead to mu~nic effects in future generations around the great lakes. Caithfidh muid an cheist a chuir - c:•n tionchar a bheidh 8g mianadO'ireacht i lar Th{r Chonaill ar locha ague aibhneacha na h-aite, ar an solathar uisce ar iasc, ar uieoe thart fan chosta agus ar thurasoir- 1 eacht sa cheantar. 'trt'hen Uranium is brought to the surface the ore releases radon gas which can be inhaled, especially vhen _tailings are dumped on the grotind following Uranium milling. Exposed to 'prevailing l(inds, 80 million tons of Uranium tailings litter -the landscape at Elliot Lake . All life dovnstraam from the lake to the serpent river haa been eradicated. Ar mbaith linn an rud ceanna a bheith f!or fa 1~ Th!r Chonaill 1 gceann cuple. bli,ain? Water contamination occurs when radio-activ~ particles after drilling penetrate the surface water. ·Exposure to winds could also lead to the spread of such particles. · Deirt!ar go mb~idh Udaras na Gaeltachta fraagrach aa ceadunas pleanB.}a a thabhl!.irt d-on i)lorbairt seo 1 . lar na Condae. Ta muid ag Bliil go ndeanfaidh siad · 1taidear ar na faidhbeanna ata' ag baint leia ague go gcuirfidh siad saol na . ndaoine agus maitheas an cheantair roimh an sa!bhreas amhrasaoh faoin talamh. Le meas, A Chara, .Liam 0 Maoldhomhnaish. Anagaire, 15 Nov.'79. I recently attended a wedding in Annagry and I would - like to mention how much I enjoyed the singing of Ann Sharkey and Daniel Bosco O'Donnell (Margo's :Brother) from Kincasslagb. Yours, 'Ihree Admirers. I 1- Just returned from a working holiclq in Holland is Mr. Con McDevitt of Caravan load. DQring his stq he disconred that the chlldren there do not haTe presents on December 2Sth. · Instead on the feaat of St. Bicholu, which. 18 Deceaber 6th, all the ' children place their ahoes filled with ha:r, bread and sugar on the hearth, apd St. Bicholaa' little servant comes down the · chimney, takes the food for· tl;le tired reindeer and leaves a heap of exoiting presents .in ita place. - Unfortunately, Con l-eft for h011e on December 1st. Local ·- efforts ·to raise funds for Cambodia resulted in . a total of £1,.500 leaving this area for that ' graat · cause. Over £1,000 came trom Church-gate collections and the remainder: from the employees of a local 't!uiDes• establishment. Now that ve haTe learned to "Combat Poverty" the West Donegal CODIIIIUDi v Action Team is about to take leave of us. :Believe it or nqt, their five-year term'~will end in 1980. "Poverty ay foot", exclaimed a Rosses man. · Just returned from the U.S.A. after a ten year period.. ":Before emigrating, it was buttermilk with a meal, nov I guess it's a question o~ red or white vine. · Mr. and Mrs. John Ward of Main Street recently celebrated their Ruby Wedding Anniversary. At a very pleasant fUncti~n organised by their many friends to mark the occasion, Mr. Michael Hanlon and Mrs. ·Sadie Gallagher walked ava:y vi th the ~al tzing Trophy. A recent successfUl fUnction held in the Ostan vas for the Dunglow Hospital, Patients Comfort Fund. 'Ibis w&l 1 a well organised :Buffet and Dance with the Pioneers · 'supplying the music. The organisers were - · . ' IMichael Hanlon, Dr. P. Sweeney and Mrs~ Sheila Knight. Reports that .Miss Aideen l!onner of Gweedore Road has · invested in a boat have been confirmed. It is understood that flooding in this area during November. resulted in Margaret O'Donnell taking up residence with Claire Glackin on the Main Street. Weather permitting, Miss O'Donnell hopes to spend Christmas with Der parents. Either Jim the Cope can look into the future or elSe he is a brilliant political analyst. Anyway he was able to predict that Lynch vas stepping down. •Great credit is due to the co111111ittee now responsible :for the Quay Road CollllllUility Centre which is .expected to be in fUll swing early in the Bew Year. Guess the name of Peadar- 1 s Doll? ' No you'-re wrong, It's not Nuala and it's not Stephanie. Any other name? In an effort to raise fUnds for the Qp.ay Road playschool which to most of us is a gift, the J organising committee is offering a Crolly Doll to the one who can gue'ss the Doll's name. At the A.G.M. of the piped 'l'.V. Co-op. Society the Chaiman Daniel Gallagber reported on the aotivities ot the group over the past year. He vas pleased to report that in every respect the period vas more than satisfactory. Of the Committee for their continued dedication and loyalty he vas hisb in his praise. tle regretted very much that their secretary. Jim Gallagber could not see fit to continue to act 'either on the officer :Board S!£ the committee. He paid tribute to · Jim for his contribution over the past three years and expressed the hope that from the outside he -Would continUe to take an interest in their activities. "The Ke Cree•lousb, 16/11/'79. Dear Editor, I see in recent articles that &,personal battle is arising between the punks and the Teds. Let me nov add a nev dimension - that of country IIIWiic.· Elvis is dead and as f-ar as I can see punk onl1 lasted tvo months. J-qst take a look at the charts today. The~ punk rocker who wrote in the recent letter mentioned some chap called :Sruce Springsteen and I never heard of him - is he in the charta' today? ~ere is only one true music a Country: Look at the Irish charta over the yeara and the con•istent chart-toppers, Brendan Shine, Gloria, l!rian Coll and Margo and ' on tne International Front John Denver and Crystal Gayle etc. Keep your pyjamas on punks and stay in bed and if the Teda love Elvia sc much why qot buy his recorda. They are lying unsold in the shops. Mise le meas, Joe Mcintzre.
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