Guth & Tuairim, Nollaig 1979
GWEED.OBE 5 , It'• not or 7our bleak and 'barf.n liborea, i y~ pqtarea aall and . rare; Bor ~t ot. 7our aoorlancla brow and bare 1C&rfaaed 'b7· hillt&Dd aea, . ' BQr t•t ot 7our lieaolate stoD17 vales ' 'Where .aoorhens nutter fre8'f' . Bo! Bot of those Gweedore Do I · dr.a iD n soul to-da;r, ~ia sad 8Dd nostalgic 181', · :But a tale of 70ur sons 8.nd 7011• .l dq there was iD Eish't7.;.Bine, 'When fields of gol~en corn ~ mellow in the aia~s of morn. hom GlentOJ!ruu:i to the sea . And a wife\ W&ll there iD Upper Dore 'Who heaved a doleful sish, . :Because no man was . here to mow The pastures ripe and dr7· Her man was rcutlawed OD the hills For ,spilling Martin's gore, And scant the harvest one can reap On the slopes of G.r:,ough8lllllore. A time of trial for 7our sons Ordained b7 ·the high command Of the Lords that ruled the land. Alas! . Sa~~e CZ'J' fra~~ fu awq_ a.c&lla -.q dreaa obsoures the tale, As aorning aiats brinp down the veil '1'o hide the peuq llllile or ~. And 'here b7 JfaBheragallon's ehore ~e legion l~ea- ihe aona and daughters of ·Gveedore, Por vhca the IIOrning breaks DO more. ' :But God's Disht-alq Keeps faithful wake, with atarr,r gleaa 1 While the passage or a miil.lion 7e&r . J'li ta ·over them like a dreaa. :Bernard, J. Bzme •we oa liTe vithout ·poeta ' We oan live vithout book.! J!Qt bOw iD the world Cua v. liTe, without .ooots•. Neart spoirt", ceoil agus craic gach o.lche Ceol ga:elfich gach o.lche hAoine· f8il.te.roimh ga~hdulne . J'r. McAteer vi th the "Children of Mar)'" who presented the new chapel at Gortahork vi th ·a Chalice . in 19$0.
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