Guth & Tuairim, Nollaig 1979
Anseo1 Ansiud · ,. P&draig 0 DcSDaill D . , . , , . , ~Pat 0 onnell (Padraig Mbiohi1 Airt) .i M!n a Cblad~sh ar an 12\i Lunaaa, 1838. D'imish an teqblaob'p Jlleirioea ea bhliain 1843. Phill Iliad go bEirinn ea bbliain 18.50. Cbuaigh Pad.raig { te'in anJ.a go Mei:fioea ~ ea bbliain 18.59. Phoa se oail!n aa .,.Cloich Cbeann Jhaola. D'{trip go lll&i th leia &BU• bh{ ~eepb leazma &1P Rd'heorann Cbe&nada. P~llae" go,..hEirinn aa bbliain 1879. B!_raibb a bJeanch,ile leia ~ nlr li:t:~ leie a pb~adh., ... Bi raibh an tal&in~ ~ai th ai~ aoh a .oiread &:P• o~~ ae seal in ospide&l. in Alb&in, aula . clt&iDig se.,.. go G&9tb Do}ihair, &it ar chaith se ~pla m{ lJn& ~e83i:th8ir i DDoiri Beaga (Joll~g 188e>-::ha'bbi'& 1881) • Cbaaish se go Meirioea aria an bbliain sin ,&8'18 phill ae 1 ri{ ~tal tune 1883. llh! ae igoC?D&{ ag o&int ar dlm1. • go ~t!" an Af'raio.. Theaa ar lllbai the lena ahl&inte &BUS b-. sin an :iiad a rinne se go luath ina dbiaidb sin. 1la bbeag a ah!l at go gouirfe~ an turaa sin deireadh l'na !honn aiuloi~e aeu• +eia m taaol luadranaOb a bh! a oba1 theamb &ige. . _ ( ' ..... " Ar an 6U' de mb{ na Ualtaine 1882, ceapadh Lord hederiok Ca\rencliah liar Ard-BDDa! ar lUrinn. lll{ pobal na t{re brea"' aut& leia an oheapu.oban aeo. lh( deireadb anoia le r(, !bore'igin roreter, an t-~-Runai cleireanaoh, a cl'e'irigh aa a phoat nuai1' a ah!'nisb Gla4atone aeua ~ell COnradh Cbill .Maigbnean, inar gbeall Glaclatone cleireadb a ohUr le comh{ipan aeua ·leaaaith{ talaillb a cbur 1 ngn{omh ar choinn!oll go ~gouirteadh Parnell de~Adh le Cogadb na Talun. An trathnona sin, mara.!odb Canndiah aeu• T. a. Burke; · an M:.lluna{ Seaata ( .a bbi 1U ~O:.rana! f'aoi forater aaua a raibh tuath air tar tud na tire) , nuair a d 1 ionaaip oea.thr&r ·feR iad i bP&iro a Jh!o~aoe. · ~&in achan. duine an gnJ.omb real.ltaoh · ma.r BQr· bagairt ar ah!oohan na t!re a jhf ann. c• pr · •thairg .an Jlial taa £10,000 ar eolaa a .f'h&il,faoin gbn{omh, n{ bhf'u&Jthaa greila ar ,na dunmharf'oir!~.... Ocht a! p . dbia.t.db sin, shabb an Jli.altaa C)U.Oigeann deA,:B; baill de Cbumann llUnda, Ba Invinciblea, a raibb •• ma.r chuapoir aou oi.t'ig! ltialtaa Sbaa,.,..ana: in Eirinn a lllh&rU• . Is beag fianaiae a bh.t" ina n-e'~an, aoh anain· eoeith J~e C&reJ't cluine den chlOigeann deag, ar a ohomradaithe. Rinne f'ianaiae Charey an clif'r!ooht uilig. Croch~ 01iige&1' aou i~ Bbe"'alt&ine 188). · Lige~ Carey aaor. Ce sur ch&"in ~al iomlan na t!re an dui.arbb, b& mho a shoill &b[OIIh f'abh~h Cbarey agua baa na ·bh!ear orthu. . CofFl{odb C&rey i bpr{o!lli'n tamail ar mhaithe leia !be"ln aular cuireadb i( f'ein, a bhean &BUS a sheaob~ p&'iet{ A1' bord loinge "An Kirifauna Castle" a bb{ ag dul go dt{ im Atraic 'lhea.a. D'aietrish si&Jl ~ long eile, . · .. ""Jl Mnl.roae", a bhi ag dul p Batal, nuair a ahroioh Iliad Port Elizabeth. · l!h{ Pfldre4.g 0 Dcinaill ar an, long ~anna ain. Mharaish 0 Dciilaill CareJ ar ·an 29{ IU'il 1883. IJ beag a ahfl Care:r no Rial taa Sbaaana fio goaaf'a.! li:re~ eile air ·~Natal. B{;una.! polaitiU'il a apra&§ 0 DOnaill leia an ohj'ir a dbe'&llalllh/ Ar a lqhad, n{ dOcha e;ur aiJl an f'ath a .raibh se ar bhord DJ- loinge. Ta aeana go blifua}r 0 DO~ll amach oe .,..bhi}eia ar an lopg aeua gur eiJish aohrann eatarthu. Il' !heidir naoh raibh f'hios ag 0 DOnaill ce a mharaigh se, na go raibh ti.bhaoht a,.tairi'liil &,g/ baint le na ghn{omh. R! bheidh !bios go deol clie{odh 0 DOnaill .t. dlllllllha.r£ aeus daoradb 'un b&ia ( ar an 2U de mh( na Nollag 188). Ainneoin gur choaa1n cll!odOir! IDOr ;e .r( e, tuarthaa cion~ 8' aeua croc:,hadh ,( i l:pr!o"aun Bewga~ ar an rvJ de mh.( na Bollag 1883, .Bhi a dhear_th&i~ DO'nall ag a bh&a. Ar an 1911 Eanair 1884, tupdh ~oonair gali chorp go Mao}laire <?athla · 1 gouimhne an Dal~gh. Togadb leaobt do 1 Bellie QUu IUOil acu 1 'bpi1zo- llC)M1&b 1 doir! ..... "de thairbbe a dh{laeaoht d 'Eirinn -- . / / ~t!on ceoil Rann na Feirste ague an tUachtaran o (Leas De ar a Anam) cupl e. bliain o shoin. Crolly Man 4ttaofted by Green Giu:t While .. tchi¥ ColCN1" 'l.V. ~~~ f'ool. is Mr. o s'n{~~ has of'ten re114rkecl, "the lilnglish language ia a ¥117 (as in peculiar) cl~a of' anj.aal". It can serve you tal t.hfully for years and then turn on ;you when JOU least expect it. Take the worcl ~aust:l"·,- as 11{ "last lau&h"- or "loucl laugb". !,- the .sound. of' it you migbt be forgiven for thinking that it wo'lud be a~illed with a double "f'" aa in ataf'f, but it ia not, ia it? "Oh no", aa;ye Mr. 0 Sniomha.igh, "It sure is not". · low, if' tQe English language is pi:tf'all-pocked even f'or the native :Brits, what can you expect f'rolll people who use it as a .Ubetitute for their ' own language? Verbai chaos- that's wbatl We, in the' Borth-W,atern Gaeltaobt in a epite of foreip iqtervention are new-c0111era to the English language and we still tend to IIIIU"1';r i 11 with our native tonaue. ' ,- . · · GWeedore people go aut to Letterkenny, .21:!1 to Creealough, but .2!£ ,to Pal.oarr&Bh. ('!he door in the wall Ja,at be somewhere between faloarra&h and Creealougb). 'lhe:r also go ~ to Crolly and ~ to Meenaleok and ~. , . 'lhe Boss's people have oars at them now so the:r will have no both•%' going~ to the "port", EYer,ybody, even the natives know that ;you shouldn't ewin £!!. an empty stomach, which la a myater,y. '!he Bees be about in some. extreme oases, but ver,y f'ew nowada;ye extinguish the cat. . . Clou&baneel:r ~op~e lnake '. their dinnar when it le cooked and sometime• they make the oroaeworcl and tven the nine Fridqa. I1t anyone c0111plains, the:r do an aWful !'use. . To the Falcarragb people aee'in is belieyin and in Rarinaf'ast it'• Cratbnaoh. '!he Gweedore people ~ l(ell knoVD tor b&ving "white waahailte, paint&ilte and brigbt&ilte". Very few peopl.e , hit the board of' their beacl ot the aree of th~ houae anymore, ,but &c-f•w still put on a daaink roof'. Yta, lllrlglieh 18 ~- indeed. Bow IUII1' applic&tii3DS are there of' the worcl flat? To the motorist it ia a puncture, to the boua..._hunter it ia a root over his head, to th,fi atage ,-Manager it ia part of' the turniture and to the ·Mwsician it ia a low note. 'ftlia contusion of' languag8a ia nbt by ~ meanis ocfnt~d to the uneducated. or monoa;yball,abio~ A well knovn . Politician has been heard to describe ~e ne~ Gaeltaoht Authority b;y the rather endearing "lJ.terua", which· just pea to show that things ~ven•t changed since the huckster at ~e shouted "Brill so. lira". - '"n_Adaa in the garden or Eden got a little oontuaed when he ehout-.d, "Good. God:, I ban ilore ~ one rib - send 1108 'La4i~al~ So I ·Wppoee tq _9onclude, all I :can B&f ia that you make a Me6;- Cbrietmaa and have a "•nvT Bev Yi~ !'t_!~· ·
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