Guth & Tuairim, Nollaig 1979
·\ - . GUTHNA M8AN 7 I --- --- --- -- CAHADIAN emus'I.MAs -cAKE. ; llb.bUtter<J i lb.brovn augan; i lb.!lour (a little over) SAGITTARIUS (BoY 22- Dec 20) . lb.whole almonds; i lb~ground almonds; i lb.cherries; Your carefully aad.e out progr&lllllle ~ be shattered lb.currants; 1( lb.raisins; 1 lb.sultanas; 1 lb.citron by an unexpected celebration which '"li&8~\he outcome peel,; i lb. lemon and orange mixed; 1 bar of chocolate; of iour meeting your lite partner - it you so about 6 eggs; 2 teaspoons or ·cinnamon; -1 BID&ll tin of straw- things in the proper order! · 1here ia s011e berries; 2 teaspoons of allspice; Juice o'C half a lemon connection between a close friend and a dark stranpr 1 nutmeg; 1 gl~· or rum. - aad you may have the chance of pl~qilur Cupid~ ( Method. cAPRtCOBll (Dec 21 - Jan 19) ~ Cream butter, sugar, spiceL ......a gr'ted chocolate. Divide Do not be aurprised it you get an w;leX}ii>cted present !lour into three parts. at a function which you will attend in the near 1st. Mix with fruit. · · -2nd. Add 2. yolks, beaten or eggs. tuture. _ You have your sparkling personality to )rd. Add io first mixtures with- stiffly beaten whites. -thank for this! 'lhe letter •v• goes &--long vat Stir in rrUit lemon juice and .&trawberriea, drained. -towards your enjoyment or this special season ••• Put into prepared tin and bake for from four to four AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - J'eb 18) and a halt hours in slow oven. 3SOF. Gas S for first You have to do a special job fo_r an old pereon half hour. '!hen rs!;luce heat to F2SO, Gas 1i for remainder and remember, it a job is worth doing, its worth doing of cooking time. Do not open the door until the end or well, .so dont spare time or expense. You will be cooking time. Prepare tins in the usual way, lining with rewarded, if nq~ iD this world, then in the next. 1 double thickness of greaseproof paper or foil. Wear\ the colours red and white for luck! Rich Dark Christmas Cake. PIScJEs (Feb 19 - Mar 20) ' You had better at~ ver,y sober this Christmas You needa 8 _0zs brown sugar, 4 large eggs, 1 lb. sultanas, because lots of ~xciting thinge will happen to you i l't>.raiaing, 4 OZS miced peel, 4 OZS glace cherries, 8 which you Will want ·to remember. News Of a wedding or ozs plain flour, _, level teaspoon each of cinnamon, ground engagement is in the ai;r. ,If you are asked to keep 1 ginger and mace )or 1_, teaspoons mixed spice), 2 table- a . special secret it will be :in your interest to do spoons 'brandy, whiskey or sherry. l _ your utmost to oblige. Lots of mail arriving for you Method& Rinse .the dried fruit in a sieve under the cold and some from .surprising sources. tap, shake out excess moisture and leave to plump-up ARIES (Mar 21 _ Apr 20 ) - in a low oven for about 20mins., allow to:' get cold You could get yourself into a very sticky liituation · before use. Meanwhile, cream the margarine and eugar, _ towards the end of the month. Dont hesitate to as'k add ~ beaten eggs a little at a time, beating between ad i f ld . H additions aud 1 adding about 1 tablespoon of the sifted · v ce rom an ° er person. , eavy spending _could flour if the mixture looks . curdled. leave you short. . Wear penk on the 20th. S011ething When all the egg has .been used, fold in the .remaining ' nice will likely ·happen. !lour sifted with the spices (there •s no bread soda or ! TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 20) baking powder in this recipe), and mix , lightly with a : Exciting interludes are prOJ!Iinent. Get into the lllfine 111etal spoon. Add'· the dried fruit, halved cherries and of things . early in the season as there .ma$ be chopped peel a handful at a time, stir thoroUghly, and disappointments towards the end of .the month. '!here finally aU.x in .the spirits or sherry - the mixture is a letter on the w~q from someone who baa alV~qs should be ver,y stiff. admired you. Think carefully before replying• As .baking tim.e is so long you can mix this cake one day' GEMINI (May . 21 J · 20 ) · and bake it the next. Prepare the 8 inch round tin as "' une . abbve (or use an 8 inch heavy aluminium saucepan, lined . '!his is not promised to be the happiest time of the in the same manner, .. this distributes the heat evenly , year for you if you let past happeniD88 dominate your d- th. t id dge d , t t d ) and bak in' -. thoughts. Get out and visit those friends you ha.vent an e ou s e e s on ge ove~ one e , . . · .· ....._ : h- t d · 1 _.. ( · k 1 .1. t 2 JOOF) on ,been seeing too much of lately. ~e colour white is a pre- ea e · coo o.en gas mar -:r o , · 1 -ky · · folded newspaper etc. as given above, for Ji to 4 hours. uc • , . When the cake has stopped singing, and a warmed skewer CANCER (June 21 - July 20) . thrust,. into ·thfi! centre comes out clean, remove from the ibis is a warning to those born under the ~iSD espec1al.l7 oven, leave to cool in the tin a lit~le, then turn out If you are in the habit of misbehaTing at' night time ••• l on a rack. When cold, leave ~e lining paper .in posit- remember Santa is going around looking _in windows. · Be ... ion ~JI~ foil ~ store in a_ t.i.J!~l...J'~~r_ P":_t on the is expeoially watching people between 15 and 23. So l alinond ·~~~~ d~s before cuttiua'• . be sure to (be in bed- and sleeping/ before 12 o'clock. ' LEO (July ·21 - Aug 21) SILK & FEATHERED - - wedding SPRAYS · bouquets \ '~ ((-;'0,, BUTTONHOLE-S ~, BUrtonport 47 '!he closing of this year will make you and your partner very happy. '!hose of you who do not have someone special - soon will have. The ·dates 19th and 24th have a special significance tor you;. VIRGO {Aug 22 - Sept 22) . Something which you have been worr,ying about for some time now sorts itself out. Very young people _ are much in y-Our thoughts around this time~ A new experiment which you try has a great chance of being ·a success. iLI:BRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22) !If you have been thinking or a new job or a change of 1 .scener,y, now is the time to take action~ Be caretul 1 1 what you s~ in _an argument or someone close t .o you. . could get pretty hurt. Your social life may not be I as hectic as you thought but ·life is what you make it. I . SCORPIO ( Oct 23 - Nov 21) 'Ibis is a ver,y close and happy time for lovfi!d ones. '!here is some trouble mid-month remember th~ ;Season of Goodwill and count to ten before exploding, ·YOU may have to make a good impression on someone whom you secretly despise, but you cim always pull faces behind their bRck. The colour Violet will surely bring luck. - 1 -
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