Guth & Tuairim, Aibreán 1980
. . ,.. ~ . ' .. . GUTH NA NOG EJVIS Your name is often mentioned Your thoughts are with us still '-_.~~~~~~ You have not been forgotten Wt.a t 1 s more you never will. Now just the way your are You will always be Someone very special in our memory.· Silent memories sprayed with tears More lonely than the passing years, At rock n'roll you were the best In God's safe keeping may you rest. Ta ·pencilcase, crayons agus pencils .Last month's.winner: Blaithnaid Nf Bhreisleain, Ainm •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• An Charraic. Seoladh ....... . . ~· ........ • • • • • • • • · • • • • • • • • • Host of the time I feel we're together, But part of the time we're losing our way. I'm not very strong, I hope you can't see The tears in my eyes; I 'm cryi ng for me, 1. 2. 3. Who is known as the "Queen of the Disco's"? What was Sad Cafe's biggest hit last year? "Cavitina" is the theme from "The Deer Hunter 11 , or is it for you? true or false? 4. Name ' 3 members of the Boomtown Rats. You say you're a loner, Go ride the high wave.· You say it's for me, 5. Who had hits with 11 Rockaria!' and "Telephone Line"? Last month's winner: Josephine ·McGeady, GlaisarchU', T - £ 2 1 b . t M:ln Larach. . a e a1n • But I dent want to be saved. Maybe I should smile, stand But you say you love me, and be strong, Freagraf chuig "Guth 7 Tuairim" ' · So my hope lingers on. Please take my hand in yours, Run so fast, fly so high, I'll fly beside you in your lonely sky. ·Only now I know why Stevenson said, "Books are a mighty bloodless substitute So please get your prioriti es right, Believe in me , dent throw it all away, 'Cause I wi ll love you till _the day I die H. F. Boyle, Rosses Community School. '>;le" I\> 0 >-sjc"OO "'iil\> 0 .. ::J' ;Jll .. •• ::1' 11> .. .., ()Q (!) 0 c ro'd (!) 1-'· El [/) 11> 0.. [/) to::J' 0 0 [1) 0 ~ OQroc+ ~,e.~ (!) Pl ::1' :;, (!) .., Pl .. ..... :;, 0 m PI :;, c+l'Jl::l c+ 0.. '1 ::1' .. ~ ::J'H):l' ::1' 1-'c+ ro "-< 0 " ..., ~ ~ .., (!) ::r ro ~ P>,~ (!) . :§~ to 11> ci ::~' 11> 11> a' ?·~; :;, [/) ::1' ;:1'0.. .., ::l . m (!) ~»if (!) 11> :1> () 11> 0 .., 3 ..... ::l ()Q 0. ..... CJ'(l) .., .; 0. Ill 11> 'Uil> t::lC O::TI-' 1-'• ()Q :::r '1 :n 11>111> .; 1-'• (!) oo · s:a,. en [/) c+ .., PJ c+ El Pl . (!) [/) 11> 1-'· Ill Cl' I-' ::r ~; 1-'\ ro, :;, (!) (/) . 1-'• P> 0 "'~ c+OQ "' "' ::r m 1-'• () () CD H)O. ~ c+ (!) (!) (!) 11> "' ll> 11> PJ Pl,3 c+ s~ ::r ::r 1-'· ::J -m (!) :;, c+ll> ~ e: 0 I-'ll> ::J EI OQ 0 ::r ::r o J6 "g "''"' PJ 11> 1-'·'1 ..... 0.. <1l 0.. :;, "' (!) .., 0. () 11> ..... 11> .., ()Q "' en ro .., 1-'· o ~ ::r c+ (!) .; o.::r El ::r 1-'• (!)~ "' Pl "' c+ ..... ..... c+ c+::r '1o' 0 ·11> Ill (!) <1l 1-'· :;, P> Ill 1-'• :;,OQ 0.. 0..'1 eJ "' '1 ::re+ (I) . 0. ,.. Doire Beaga. for life". 1 French for King . Traan» 4 A curved structure ~ 6 To penetrate 7 Sudden fear 8 Ancient crowning-place of Kings 9 To sin 10 Tune ~ In like manner 1"2 Attracts J,3' _ Sorrowful Concerning reversed Animal Boy's name Choose Y Reproduces Anwla '2 Disregarded · 3 They vary from area to area 4 Draws towands 5 A dead body ~ Skin diseas e )16' · Part of a plant 17 A mineral which yields metal 18 Respect mingled with fear --~ Bishop's diocese "Guth 7 Tuairim", Doire Beaga, ~
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