Guth & Tuairim, Aibreán 1980
EA6ARAIJT Thainig meadu ionta eh ar an cheantar seo le cupla bliain, go speisialta 6 thainig an tionscla:locht. The tide of emigration has rapidly turned. The result - ·we have a very young population. Sadly, when you look around ,you there is an acute lack of facilities, young people have very little to do in their spare time. There are a few Youth Clubs, but there is room for a lot more and I think it is the duty of every civic-minded citizen to get more involved with our youth. Young people in turn could be encouraged to get involved with old, lonely people in our community. Ar an doigh sin bheadh saol n:los fearr choinne achan nduine~ · 11 An t-Eagarth6ir". Anagaire The recent Quiz-time in Jack's in aid of Geriatrics proved to be a great success. Some very easy questions were not answered and some very difficult questions were answered by mistake. Man of the night was John Eoghan Chonaill Ned from Rann na Monadh. The finals will take place on Thursday lOth. Annie Hughie took great care of · the money. Anthony still wants to know who won the quiz and is afraid to ask. A certain gentleman from Annagry has a dislocated shoulder after the Dart's season and it's doubtful whether he will be fit for the turf cutting. We're not sure whether Cookie played with the Alexander Brother's (music) or Hith their manager (football). There were seven bands in the parish for St. Patrick 1 s day. Dungloe and Falcarrach must be asking themselves a lot of questions. On the farming front Jimmy McGinley is giving John Winnie a run for his money and Mr. Rodgers makes sure that they are supplied with manure. Jimmy Anthony Chassie is "standing idly by" according to his wife Mary. Last years cabbages are still growing well. And taling about the Boyle's, Jimmy says the Tortoise must be still alive because there is no stink from the box. Francie McBride bought a halfdecker but he is still looking for .a sensible crew. Tess i e an::l Biddie Eoghain have t 1-JO sore arms - and it's not knitting that's doing it either. The left-han,l drive man from Dunle\.fey does his best to attend all meetings of the Anagaire Debating ·Society. He is an awkward man to have the steering wheel ~n the wrong side of his car. Big Anthony and Siobhan Boyle are polling well in the Mayoral elect ions but Michael "Never say die to a Bachelor Boy" is sti.ll out on his own. Congratulations t o Michael Mor O'Donnell who was recent!:;• promoted within the E.S. B. Durin~ the recent Limerick trio Michael Gilmore v is~ t~d 3unratt y Castle and got on well with one of the pr etty hostesses. A visitor to Letterkenny during the recent Rag-ueek ther e '.Jas as tonished t o fi nd Harry Harden, Jorn Joe ~harlie Eoghain, Big Anthony Sharkey and Dom Bonner he in~ s tretchered down the main-street as cart of the cel ebrations. "They came in like l ions and •..1ent out like lambs", commented a festi.val organiser . The lads are of course employee's of G.P. E. and were staying in the town •..1hile working in Rathmullen. 11???11. Do Fhobal Scoil Ghaoth Dobhair a raibh trf dhrarna acu 'san Fheile Dramafochta (Caraibh na scoltacha n6isiunta uilig? ). Do Bhufon Ceoil na bPaistf ar bhain muid an oiread sin suilt astu La Fheile Padraig . To the N. W. Health Board for lack of educational facilities for mentally handicapped children in this area. To the Gardaf at Dungloe for being caught unprepared and fai~ing to control traffic on St. Patrick's Day. 2 Q) I. 0 ..... Q) .a ~ .c: bD ·rl s::: Q) .c: ~ p, Ul .E m Qj ;:J a . H~ .c: UlbD Ul•rl -£S::: Ul Q)- .C:.!><: ~ t) •rl '--<1.. 0~ s:::~ •rl I> . Q)~ :><:Cl) . Ul ~ 0 .--1 Ul Q) .c: ~ s::: 0 p.. :;j ~ •rl s::: Qj Q) .--1 t) Ul •rl s::: •rl ..... ..... •rl I. t:l CV •rl .!><: t) Qj p.. Doire Na Mainsear With this edition 11 Guth7 Tuairim" celebrates its first anniversary. It's the only publication within the county that caters for local' news, views, opinions, etc. so we offer it our heartiest congratulatipns and wish it every success for the fUture. In the last edition you read that eight new houses were planned for Doire na Mainsear. Bhail, ta se ffor~ Tacead pleanala ag Val Tuthill, Robert Abraham, Eddie Sweeney, Pam Cowan agus Padraig Doherty. Daoine a cheannaigh "sites" agus ata ag iarraidh cead pleanala no Connie Ned, J. Limey, agus Harry Kingitone as Doire; fear a bhfUil aithne mhaith air anteo le blianta. Ta tithe ura togtha ag Paddy libhl!ne, an tAth O'Connell agus Bidd1t Sheain. Cuireann muid failte rompu uilig ague it suil againn go mbeidh saol fada sona acu inlr measc. Bhf cuid mhor cuairteoirf ~gairm ag Feil' Padraig. From Dublin we h~d Fr. 0 1 Conn~l~and Ann Marie, Hughie and Sorcha. From Ber'fast, the Brady family, From Derry Nellie and Michael and from Co. Louth Eddie Sweeney and family. Like so many more, Eddie did Lent on booze - that was until he came to Leo's. For r.1ost of our visitors, Mfn na Leice is the/ last "fence" on the way home. Joe Mulligan "thumbed" from Kerry to prove to one and all that he could stay dry on St. Patrick's Day. Ala~, like "Devon Lou~h", he fell on the flat. (opposite· Leo's this time). Holly Ann has started the Spring Cleaning and decorating season. This usually starts a chain reaction. On reading in the papers recently of a British Lady who cremated her third husband, Ann Marie was overheard saying, 11 1 cant get a husband for love or money, yet some women have husbands to burn". "The Rock". Beidh "Guth 7 Tuairim" ins na siopa! ar!s ar an 2u Bealtine. Closing date for competitions, Articles, Letters, etc. April 25th. Phone Bunbeag 265. guth.,tuairim, Doire Beaga E BIRTHS Congratulations to the following couples on their new arrival:- Pauline agus Dan Sweeney, Keadue (girseach) Maighread agus Charlie Greene, Rann na Feirste (girseach) Ann agus Barney Curran, (girseach). ~ .~--------~----~~~------------------ ~-~ MARRIAGES bD Ul "' .--1 ·rl s::: t) Q) ~6 :.;; Q) Ul t) •rl s::: Q) m~-< •rl ;:J .c: Qj E-<...:1 Congratulations to the following happy couple~:- Marie Bloe Falcarrach to Pat McFadden, DUn Luiche. Margaret orRiordan, Corcaigh to John Friel, Preeslough. Maureen Byrne, Milford to Mich,eal McKeon, Baile !.Sr. t:l .... s:l S:::•rl .... ..-1 .ga .-IS::: .......... 0 0 .0 .'0 ..~ .-IS:: ~--~--------------------------~~--~~~--~.--1'0 extended to the family of the following=}~ ~ Sympathy is William Meenan, Oilean Thoraidh Maurice O'Donnell, Dungloe Dan Harkin, Stramartin AT·H· S Sally Harkin, Lower Cruit DE Roses Donal McBride., Baile ~Li.r John Boyle, Arainn Mor . Patrick McGee, An Charraic agus Albain Kit O'Brien, Doire Chonnaire Sheila Coll, Machaire Chlochair agus Glasgow Margaret Donnelly, Dungloe Paddy Coll, Inis BoFjne Raspberries Mary Boyle, An Choitfn Paddy McGowan, Caol Drui m Charlie Boyle, Rann na Feirste Denis O'Erien, Doire Chonnaire Patrick Sweeney, Meenmore Maire N:l Ghallchoir, Rann na Feirste Ned Boyle, Lower .Keadue Mary Gallagher, Machaire Chlochair.
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