Guth & Tuairim, Aibreán 1980
Cloich Cheann Fhaola Cloich Cheann Fhaola G.A.A. followers were pleased to see local star Owenie Coyle turning out for the County team in the recent challenge game at 1ilcarrach (which Donegal incidentally won). The ~oral election campaign is hotting up as Friday 25th draws closer. On that night the successful candidate will be presented with the chain of office at a dance in the Country Club. Ta suas le 40 dSltaf 6 Ollscoil Chul Raithne ag freastal ar chUrsa Gaeilge·i nGort a'Choirce faoi lathair. The Tops of the Town made a welcome appearance in St. Finain's Hall recently. The show which was organised by the local Mental Health Association was well attended and enjoyed by all~ This week Joe the Rake strenously denied the rumour that the old petrol pump outside the premises is to be preserved as a national monument • . But the trailer ist Dhfol fear ar an cheantar bollog ag an Mhart i Leitirceanainn le gairid agus fuair se £660 uirthi. A Fife Band competition will be held in Falcarragh on Easter Sunday. 1st prize is £100 + Cup, 2nd- £60 and 3rd - ·£40. Congratulations to the McCafferty family Glaisarchu, Maureen Byrne, Min Larach and Maureen Boyle, Ballina who did well in dancing competitions at Omagh Feis recently. DUirt Paddy Den Sheain as an Ardaigh Bheag go raibh seisean i gcona1 1 caitheamh a Armband. Glenea Utd. have now gone to the top of Division One in the Donegal League. Spirits are high in the. area and we are all hoping that they will win promotion for the second year running. The Club is endeavouring to purchase a pitch for the coming season and anybody with suitable land in the area for a football pitch and intending to sell please get in touch with Joe Mangan, Treasurer. The I.C.A. held a very interesting meeting in St. Finain's Hall on March 13th. There was a Slide-show and Mr. Tom Curran from Letterkenny who spent a month in India studying third world conditions gave a talk. Ta na Scoltacha Naisiunta ag deanamh reidh choinne "Trath-na-gCeist" ata monarchan Smailcbhia ag gabhail a rachtail. There has been a regretable increase in vandalism recently in the area. At Ballyness Pier ropes were cut, Lobster pots thrown into the sea and ropes removed from Life-Bouys. They also struck at the handball, alley where windows were broken. Ta'obair tosnaithe ar Reamh-Mhonarchan ur eile i nGort a 1 Choirce agus deirtear go mbeidh sf reidh i lar na bliana 1981. There is concern locally at the granting of outline planning permission for a new house between John Boyle's and the Bawaan river beside the main road. Conservationists fear that the sewerage from the propose d house will be going into the river. A man was seen going into Fa!carragh Garda Station last Tuesday to sign for the dole. Nothing unusual about thatt - but what was unusual was that he had forgotten to take his overalls off. Rann "The Gang". na Feirste Bhf Bufon Cheoil Shinsearach Rann na Feirste i Min Uf Bhaoill ag an Aifreann La Fheil' Padraig don che'ad uair o bhf 1936 ann · (nuair a fosclafodh an Teach Phobail). Bhf Bufon Cheoil na bPaistf i nAnagaire. Ta scaifte as Ollscoil na Rfona i mBeal Feirste anseo ar .churs a Gaei lge trf s eachtaine. 3 . t: .-i <M .-i Ill 0 · ~ bD .., .., Q) ..c::: .-i 'tj ' Ill Q) ..c::: ~ Cll s.. Cll Ill Q) t' 8 U) s.. \;:! Q) ..c::: "" s.. 'tj Ill Q) ;:l t: tl Q) g. bD Ill Ill Q) s.. ~· •rl ~t> a s.. •rl t: ;:l Q Q>..C::: \<~j ..c::: ::;.: Ill ~ The Lower· Rosses 'i'he Community T.V. aeria;J.. built at Meenmore is giving- the people- of Lackenagh and Burtonport five stations. The mast is not complete yet but it's hoped that all the locality will eventually receive five stations. It's costing each hou~e about £40 including the aerial. Congratulati,ons must go to Seamus McGarvey who originally came up with the idea and who has the station at his own house .... The workmen on the Dungloe-Burtonport road are a delight. JohnDie Daney has the honesty of his late father who was a Blacksmith, everything has to be done to perfection. All the workers deserv~ credit for the very neat job they are doing. A big night was held in Sweeney's Hotel for Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boyle, Arlands who were celebrating their Golden Wedding anniversary, and about 80 friends attended. Earlier R. M~Iilyer, P.P. said Mass in the Boyle's home. Mr. Boyle . of course is better known as Mickey Joe. He worked for years as a potato ganger i? Scotland, then in 1956 he took across the fish firm Marinpro from England to Burtonport when herring fishing was at its peak and being dumped because of low prices. Marinpro gave a fixed price of £3.50 per cran .and from then on prices went up rapidly for the fishermen. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Boyle many happy years. A meeting was held in O'Donnell's Hall to discuss the Uranium question and the large crowd were shown a film on the subject. Eddie and Pat were there and I think they were suffering from the effects of Uranium. They knew all the answers unti: they were asked to go up an talk about it. Anthony Doherty, Dungloe has another new coach added to his fleet of buses which cost in' the region of sixty thousand. Perhaps he could give financial assistance to the Lough Swilly. 'Pat the Cope has been very active since he took office. We have seen a great improvement in the Dungloe-Burtonport road and the tarring of many other roads. I hear the Councillor goes to Arranmore Island once a month, which is more than other Councillors ever did. Keep up the good work Pat. Congratulations to Miss Theresa Murray, Acres, who received a bronze medal at the Whelan School of - Ballroom dancing. Theresa who works in the Department of the Taoiseach ·won typist of -·the year some time ago. Obviously she is as fast on her feet as she is with her hands. Her next aim is a Gold Medal• Tony Gallagher, P.o., Arranmore has been appoin\ed Manager of the clothing factory there. No better mant Local people are concerned that there is only QIJit Garda at Burtonport at the moment with another covering from Gweedore. Why should Burtonport be run down? ' I wonder is it because crime is on the decrease? Big Nora says she stands by what she said about the graveyard filling up so quick. SheJ s~ys you only have to look at how busy they are making coffins in the old school in Meenb~d, under the supervision of John Patrick. But noW I hear unless John gets aid from the Government the making of coffins will have to stop. Nora says, 11 I dont )mow what· will happen then, because John Frock can't cope with his area". "The Listener". . 0 N t'\ ~-----,~--~-,~--~~--~~~~~~~~--------· ~ Ta an sport go brach ag tiomanaigh tha~ anseo ~ le tamall leis na C.B. Radios. Deirt eer go Ill; Ta Dinny Dhonaill no an Rf mar is fearr aithne air ar mhaithe go'mor le fail amach caide ta gabhall i lathair na h-uair~ nach 1 bh~ilea~ ag cuir moran sI na Tithe Pobail. B shl.n bhfuil siad nfos measa no "Guth 7 Tuairim" ~ · choinne "gossip". . Taan tuisce 'teacht isteach na bhaile chomh h-ole -~ sce'al triobloid Dinny. · Bh! an tAthair Mac Uidhir agus cara do na chuid, as Ur Cheann Tra ar cuairt agai nn le gairid. Scai rt se i steach ar Mhicf Sheai n Neill. Ba ei~ean a thug s colai r f na Casca go Rann na Fei rste don chead uair ariamh. · Tathar ag dreim le cuid mhor de mhuintir an bhaile choinne na Casca. Bhain Cissie Mhaire £10 ar an C.L.C.G.· le gairid. agus a bhf ariaulh - ta s~ lofa. An bh~il ~ . Z!- Comhairleoiri Contae ag eisteacht? Bh1. 11 Acc1.dent Black Spot" on cheantar seo in "Guth 7 Tuairim" cupla mf o shin. Bhf rudaf a s aiteacha eile istigh ina dhiaidh sin agus r i nneadh iad a leigheas. Ta an ceann seo chomh h-ole agus· a bhf ariamht Arfs, an bhfuil na Comhairleoirf Contae ag eisteachtt N!l Carlin is tipping Ajax for the European Cup. Di~kie is giving up football.
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