Guth & Tuairim, Aibreán 1980
9 GOOD YEAR FOR DANA: Back in 1970 songbird Dana emerged from obscurity, to win overnight fame by winning the Eurovision Song Contest \olith "All Kinds of Everything'. A decade later she is still very much in the headlines, her self composed 1 Totus Tuus' topped the Irish charts and was awarded a 'Gold Disc' for sales of 35,000 by GTO Records. She has just completed a successful Irish tour joined by brother Gerald Brown and his group 'The Bqys 1 • From the 11th till 13th of this month Dana and husband Damien will attend the Jrd Cavan International Song Contest, where her song 'P raise the Lord' will be performed. Then its off to London to record her second BBC TV series of 'Wake Up Sunday' which enjoyed tremendous success with the younger viewers. Dana 1 still a star unlike countless other Eurovision r:~--~~~~~~~~~==~==========~~======~ .,inners who returned to obscurity. Showroom YOU'RE SO CHEEKY: Some months back former Rascal . members Billy and Patricia Walsh were busy St d R d f 1 h informing the media that they received a £10,000 ran oa ' a carrag offer to front their new band Cheeky which also LARGE QUANTITY OF GOOD SECONDHAND. features Majella Mur.phy on vocals. Now with a FURNITURE AT UNBEATABLE PRICES budget in that region one expected tops in publicity, but we still await a photo of the new WARDROBES; CHESTS AND DRESSING TABLES band. One expected a good single to launch the ALL SHAPES AND SIZES FROM - .£20 band, but still no sign. In fact the revamped Rascal with their charming Jamica born singer 3 PIECE SITTING ROOM SUITES FROM _ £36 Yvonne Impramu have received better attention with no major budget. So please Billy and Patricia STUDIO COUCHES ONLY _ .£32 spend some of this so called fund, otherwise Cheeky will become the best kept secret on the CHINA CABINETS - £36 overcrowded dancing circuit. APRIL EVENTS: If you are a country music fan, then your attention will be focused on the annual International Festival of Country Music to be held in Wembley. Irish stars such as Philomena Begley, Susan McCann, Eileen King, John Glenn, and ·Roly Daniels will mix with better known Nashville stars such as Charlie Pride, Emmylou Harris, Bellamy Brothers, etc. for this four day Easter Gala Show. Then for a spiring composers all eyes are on The Hague for the Eurovision Song Contest. Some 19 songs will compete, and Irish singer Johnny Logan singing that Shay Healy ballad (for \olant of a better word) 11 \1hat 1 s A nether Year". Johnny \olill be performing in the 17th position in order of appearance. The TV sho\ol will have a global audience of 600 million. We can confirm that Isreal who won the contest for the past two years, wont win this year, as they have withdrawn from the event. The show is on April 19th. STIFF WITH SUCCESS: A good 'start to their recording · contract with Chrysalis Records for Stiff Little Fingers, two hit singles, and now their album 'Nobody's Heroes' has made the best sellers list. "MAESTRO". FIRESIDE CHAIRS FROM D/ROOM CHAIRS FROM - CARPET SQUARES - £20 - £5 £6.50 LIMITED _SUPPLY OF PURE WOOL BLANKETS AT £7 PIANO - £49 CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY. HALFDAY WEDNESDAY . An fal l:arrach · 29 T8'' idea'' .maith agam Other townlands Rann na Feirste the houses. (Muintir Ghaoth should follow the. example of e.g. and Mullaghduff and put numbers on Dobhair glac nota). What about public toilets in F~lcarrach? Send:iour ideas to "Guth 7 Tuairim". The Bawaan and other matters Anseo1 Ansiud Grave concern was expressed .at a public meeting in Falcarrach last week about the pollution of Ballyness Bay and the Bawaan and Ray rivers. The meeting which was attended by representatives of many local bodies as well as Councillors Rodgers and Coll and.Paddy Kelly, Udaras na. Gaeltachta, heard that a request to the County Council to send a representative to the meeting was turned down. The polluting of the bay was discussed at length. Various public sewer outlets as well as innumerable private septic tanks discharge sewerage daily on to the beach. None of the public sewers have a treatment plant. All of the sewerage from the Falcarrach area is discharged on to the beach at the mouth ·or the Bawaan river, and the treatment plant that was installed there has been 11 out of order 11 for several yetll-s. The doors on the treatment tank lay open, the machinery idle and rusting. On hearing of the protests of Cllr. Coll and locals the Co. Co. decided to do something about it -- they bought t~o new locks for the doortt That of course works wonders for the treatment of the sewerage. In spite of the County Manager's assertion that the County Engineers have given much thought to the planning of the Ballyconnell sewer extension ,it has come to light that the final pipeline to the sea is not capable of carrying the flow, on say a rainy day. So, instead of a larger diameter pipe for the last 200 yards, the far-seeing 11 Engineers 11 have run an overflow pipe to carry away the excess that the main ;:;ipe cant cope with. And where will .the overflow pipe go? Two of them into the Bawaan river and another into the Ray river– without any treatment of any kind. Naturally the local fi'Shing club and residents are angry. Much money has been spent on these rivers over the years to improve fishing. A measl.!re of the su.ccess of this investment is the fact that for these two riv_et-s, more salmon fishing licences are sold . thn fo·r any other river in Donegalt The fishing in these rivers and tbe natural beauty of the local beaches have been a major tourist attraction to the parish for years. In spite of this and in the face of much local protest the Co. Council's only move to do anything about it was to order the contractors on the sewer last week 11 to hurry up and get the overflow pipes laid since there's so mueh protest going on". . . . And the Board of Fisheries, although asked to help have done nothing about it. It used to be the Board of Conservators - until people got to know better. The local population have expressed determination to carry on the protest until a satisfactpry arrangement is arrived at. "An Bradann.
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