Guth & Tuairim, Bealtaine 1980
E:A6ARAIJT With the tourist season fast approaching it would be nJce if all of us did our bit to tidy-up this area. O•n FMlcarrach go dtf an Chlochin Liath ta bruscar 1na lu! cois bealaigh. We should take pride in our county and start a "clean-up" campaign to dispel our "dirty" image. Unwhitewashed houses 1 . open dumps, beaches covered in rubbish, old abandoned cars - there is so much that needs to be done. B•fheidir go mbeadh suim ag an mhuintir oga tus a chuir leis an obairl An t-Bagarthoir. Anagairel A very successful n~ht was held in Dom 1 s Lounge in aid of the Anagaire Festival which it is hoped will take place during Whit weekend. Highlight of the weekend will be the Major Band Canpetiti.on. N:l.onn muid canhghairdeachas le Banna Ceoil Anagaire a bhain an comortas ar an Fhalcarrach Danhnach Casca. Cissie Devenney maintains that all those one-armed bandits should ~o to~ Vegas for their holidays. F.verybody in the Parish wish Fr. Colm a speedy recovery and hope he will be back with us shortly. The sad news this month is that Jimllly Anthony's Tortoise has quietly passed away. However Mary tells me that a blue Budgie has now moved in to keep company with the 4 cats. · Congratulations to Eugene 0 1 Donnell who won an Ulster Title in the 800 metres recently. Ann Tessie is now running a Nursery in the Anagaire School and it is proving to be very popular. Paddy Charlie reckon he and not Dickie Rock is the Coward of the County.- ' Annagry Hal1 1could certainly do with a facelift (along with a few business premises), especially with the festival coming up. Sadie Duffy has taken up rowing as a hobbyt Or has she? On one occasion recently she turned the boat into a submarine to the amazement of onlookers. 2 Rann na Feirste Bhuaidh ·nonall 0 Gallc~oir (Mhary) Craobh na Contae ag Damhsa i mBurnfoot le gairid agus san gcraobh fhoscailte bh! an bhuaidh ag Mair!n Nic Grianna. D'imigh scaifte fidlEfirf agus ceoltoir! suas ag Feis Mhuineachain an deireadh seachtaine 'chuaigh thart. Ta John Ghrainne agus a theaghlach indiaidh a chona! ina dteach ur agus cuireann muid uilig failte rcllnpu. Ta sufomh galanta acu - chffidh tu a.n fharraige amach uait ar thaobh a.mlu\in agus an Earagal ar an taobh eile. Bh:l an t-adh amach ar mhuintir an bhaile seo ag an Bhingo amuigh ins na Crois Bhealaigh ar an tseachtain 'cnuaigh thartl Bhain Donall\,OGallchoir an duais mor..£260; bhain Biddie Sheain £50(le cur leiS an £30 seachtain roimhe sin agus £34 coic!s o shoin); bhain Br:ld Arma £6 agus Kitty Eoghain £6. Agus bhf siad uilig ar an charr amhainl Beidh siad i gcontuirt muintir Chloich Cheann Fhaola 1 theacht isteaeh ina ndiaidh. Tascaifte ar shiUl go Lourdes 'choinne seachtain, ina mea~c cupla duine as an bhaile seo, agus ta tbuilleadh ~~;abhail anonn le Cairde Mhuire agus an tAthair Eoghan oFril. Thainig Dinnie folhary Mh!cf 1 na bhaile choinne seachtain laetha saoire-B.Q;US fuair se an "wire" athraithe. N! raibh AlistPr ina luf le mf ach ag €isteach leis na C.B•s. Bfonn Bluebird agus Lucy ag deanamh seala:focht go maidin. B{onn meascan bocht ann corr o:G:he-idir Kelly agus Hcmebase, Butterfly agus Rocky, ?anther agus an Princess, Teddybear agus Shoestring • . Agus ar chuala roe Char1ie 's Angels? To the school teachers who are doing so much to promote = '0 Q) ~ .-! = Gaelic Football. To the Mayors' for all their charitable work. Roses Loch An luir The shore fishing competition for Annagr.y Parieh Primary Schools aDi Rosses .· ColllliiWlity School took place on Loch an Iuir Lake recently• Results were as follows:- Primar,y Schools heaviest catch; let John P. Greene. · 1 2nd Hugh Walsh. CollllllUDity School · Heaviest catch~ 1st ~nis McGarv~y. 2nd John Hat>Iey. (Uilig as Loch an Iuir). The Cassia Boyle Cup went to John Greene and the Neil Doherty Cup to Denis McGarvey. About 30 competitors took part. The Children's Band were successful again in Dungloe on Easter Sunday when they .captured 1st ~rize in the Junior Competition. This Band has captured many honours in its short time in existance - agus ta rtfu acu an chliu sin a .chosaint. D'fhreastal thart fa 160 scolairf o 1 n Tuaisceart ar CbUrsa na Casca i gColaiste Loch an Iuir i mbliana. Bhf siad faoi stiur Pheadar MbicMhuiris (a bhfuil meas mor air ariSeo) agus thaitin a gcuairt leo uilig go h-airithe mar go raibh an aimsir mar d 1 iarrfadh do bheal f bheith. ~he Rosses Joinery of which Eugene Greene is owner ~s doing very well since it started a few months ago. They are working well into the night 5 days a week to keep up with demand. Situated on the hill overlooking the Lake it is the first factory of its kind in Annagry parish. Ta se tamall fada anois o cuireadh tus le leathnu a~_ch ? crosbhealach Loch an Iuir ach de re~r chuma ~s fada go mbeidh deireadh leis. Is ~osuil .gur cuallaf Telegrapha ata 1 sa bhealach anois. -~~en w~ll the Council erect proper road d-irection s~gns in the t~~and? The present ones ~re too low and too slack on the poles, which results in I?eople who have nothing better to do turning them ~~ ~he wrong direction, much to the annoyance of v~s~tors. • Gombghairdeachas leis an Athair Eoghan Ma~Grianna s c G~?rt ~~Ghoirce, as Loch an Iuir o dhuchas, a bh! • • cu~g bhana ague fiche ina shagart Domhnach Casca. "Guth 7 Tuairim" are to be praised for bringing to light many "Black Spots" on our roads including the top of the hill in Loch an Iuir. ' 'hlhether it's a coincidence or not, ;.rork has n01-r commenced on carrying out repairs there. It's a spot where many accidents have occured especiallr since the road was .,idened to 1 near that point. "An Bacach 11 • -------- BIRTHS Congratulations to the following couples on their new arrival:- Mary ae:us Conal Houston, D.ungloe (girseach) Br:!d agus James McCole, Calhame (girseach) Slle agus Seamas 0 Fearraigh, Seascin Beag {gasur) Mary agus Peadar MacGrianna, Loch an Iuir (gasur) MARRIAGES Congratulations to the following happy couples:- Caroline Mackey 1 Corcaigh to Denis Doherty 1 Leitir Ceanai.Dn. Pauline Rodgers to John Glackin, Maghery. Bernie Gallagher, Braade to J ames MoGee D obhar ~ . , . Sile Boyle, Rann na Feirste to Ji.mnzy Boyle, Calbame. l'.aureen Coll, Dungloe to Charles Dorgan, Cork. Marion McGrath, Fermanagh to Eam.Qnn Sweeney, Machaire Gathlin. Sympathy is extended to the family of the following:- Ellen O•Donnell, Drimlaghdrid. Barney Gallagher, Inisfree. Patrick Sweeney, Uppar Keadue. Katie Coll, Srath na Corcra. Samuel Mitchell, Errarooey. Mary Gallagher, Drimlaghdrid. Mickey 0 1 Donnell, Dobhar. Denis McGarvey, Clonbarr. en :I: ~ To the drivers who blind other roadusers at night with ~ huge spotlamps. no•n mhuintir a lAsann tinteacha ar an chaoran a Raspberries n!onn 'oiread damaiste do thalamh agus do mh~in. " ,_ Hiida:! Beag MoGarvey 1 Muine Dbubh. Barney Gallagher, Caol Druim. J i.mnzy Roarty, M!n an Iolair. Neil Houston, Falcorrib agus London. Michael Coyle, Bunbeag. Bridget Gallaghe~, Belcruit. w c
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