Guth & Tuairim, Bealtaine 1980
.DUNGLOE ODe• again, despite the fact there were Bud Ccapetit.10118 el..vbere, the greater crOIIda were attracted to DUJJ«loe. '!'be veatber vu great, the t.r&ftic bea.,., tbe town not eealed off, and fo-.· the B&Dd mubere who looked radiant there vu cOII.tvsion as they experienced endless difficulty in uki~ their v'ay fraa T&ra House to TCIIIDbead and a return to the adjudicating platfOl'lll which vu erected oppoeite the Cope. Pedestrians and motoriate alike failed to show any consideration for the u.rchers . ' lll&llJ of whoa had put in uny lOilg hours iD preparation for thu big occasion. ODe wonders why Band eabers have allowed theuehes to be subjected to this tJPe of treatment over the years. 'lbe 8.DIS'Wer to the problem seeiiS to be si.llple - there should be a clearway in addition to at least twenty identified stewarts. The Senior section prize went to Magher:y while Loch an Iuir Clllle out on top in the Juzdor section. The Town is grateful to Michae1 Banlon who vas the evident sole organisor. Church Function - During the earl.J hours of Easter MODdiy at the conclusion of a highly successful Buffet Dance iD Os tan na Roe ann, a man (on behalf of the Ladies Caud.ttee) returned thanks to ever:ye11e except the Management especially, Paddy HcGowan. Well, Paddy's contribution is worthy of recognition in that he has never failed to co-operate when 11; canes to Charitable Functions. No utter how inconvenient the date, Os tan is always ll&de available. Winners in the waltzing ccapetition were Banah Re:ynolda, Diamond am Connie Boyle, Meenmore. Variety Concert - That there 1a a great wealth of talent In our caamunity was borne out at a recent show held iD the C'*lllWlity Centre. It was delightful to note the cast i.Dcluded so many children, all of wh011 perfor.ed to perfection. Meet impressive was the recently for11ed Junior branch of Comhaltaa Ceoltoir! tireann which was under . the direction of Me. Rita Boyle and Ann Brennan. .Ul of us " thoroughly enjoyed the i.llpromptu appearance of the "Men fran Mards" - Fr. Fidelis and Brother Ed.ward, neither of wh011 are strangers 8lllongst us. To ~ or not to ~J That there should be NoiNG AT ANY iD certain areas within the town 18 a wish which we all share. Am for that reason it is 111ost pleasing to note that yellow lines are beginning to appear here and there. On the iDvitation of a friend last week I visited Lover Main Street to see the new E.s.s. office. I had difficulty in umerstanding why the E.S.B. should 11ove or wish to aove from Upper Main Street am iD an effort to find justification for the new · l~ation . or second location, I spoke with the Bridge-end newsagent who turned out to be equally puzzled. Later in the week this same newsagent telephoned me to point out that as a result of closer examination he had established that it was iD f&flll an office ot the E.B .S. He added that the town was proud to have :yet anot5er Educational establishment. The popular and talented Dublin ourate Fr. Michael Cleary is scheduled to be in Dungloe on WedDesday May lb. Early iD the afternoon be will speak with the Community School pupils .and before addressing their parents· in the Community Centre he will be the celebrant of a folk Mass iD St. Peter's Church. The use of C.B•s which I referred to last mouth haS not yet been legalized.· Nevertheless, the ~~~embers of Donegal County Council (maey of whan dont appear to be taking UraniUil too seriously) have passed a motion calling on Minister Reynolda to bring iD the necessary legislation without delay. Lest it aight be felt that I am not in favour of Citizen Band Radioe let me say that I have derived many hours at much satisfaction modulat~ with my neighbours. I see wfli'e Jenny James and Pa Ward have taken over the front page and I feel they are both to be compli~~ented on tbe manner in which they have approached this subject. Bottles containing a brownish liquid are freely in circulation. These are labelled "Bogbine· - for a better blood". While they arfl being subscribed by a Doctor, iD Sll&ll priDt, at the bottom of the label there is the following iDScription - "If there is no :laprovement after six months couult a apecialist". "'!'be lerr)'UD" 5 HERE'S CRUNCHIN YOU YOU GREAT BIG BEAUTIFUL MOUTHFUL! A funeral bill from a newspaper in 19111 Five lbs. ·tobacco, £1 - ls - 3d; a gallon of whiskey £1- ls; a stone of sugar 2s 4d; · 2 lbs. of ·tea, 6s; 4 lbs. butter, 3s 4d; two dozen loaves, 6s; 11 dozen clay pipes, 3s 4d; one lb. candles, 6d; llag of flour and cwt. of meal, ' 18s 6d; bag of bran, The Keadue Band WISHES TO THANK ALL THOSE W'HO SUPPORTED THEIR DANCE IN JACK'S ON EASTER SUNDAY NIGHT. GO RAIBH MILE MAITH AGAIBH UILIGl THE BAND'S ANNUAL SUPPER DANCE TAKES PLACE IN OSTAN NA ROSANN ON WHIT SUNDAY NIGHT. / June 1st Monkey BusIness iA woman was sitting on the bus holding her baby. The conduetor came up ·and took her fare, and said, "what an ugly baby". The woman was overcome with grief. Sheewas still crying when an old lady c.ame on the. bus. The old lady sat beside her and asked why she was ceying. . The woman told her that the conductor was very nasty and said cruel things to her. So the old lady said, "you shoiUdA 1 t sit there and take it offhim. · Go straight u:p there and give him a piece of your mind - and I 1 11 hold your monkey J for you". Moira, Loch an Iiiir. / EARRAI COINCREID Gaoth Dobhair Manufacturer of Pre-stressed Lintels Window sills Garden Edging Paving slabs Septic Tank Lids Manhole covers Wall. & Chimney Coping Supplier of wrap around boilers · L-~---__J APPROVED BY I.I.R.S. ·Phone BUNBEG 90
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