Guth & Tuairim, Bealtaine 1980
cope:* 7 •...* TAURUS (Apr. 21 - ~ 20) You M7 baTe one objective. in life but the vay on vhich you 'vork on it depends indeed on vhether you get it or not. The end does not justif'y the means t The colour naVY has a special meaning for you mid monthl GEMINI (~ 21 - June 20) Things have been going great for you lately. You may be at a party soon, and if a friend suggests a nev idea-(pastime maybe) you should not let it die there. You vill meet someone special on the 19th. CANCER (June 21 - July 20) There is an occasion for an outing at which you will meet someone whom you haven't seen for a long time. A vorry you have had for some time vill be cleared up. Something nice will happen to you on a Thursday during the month. LEO (July 21- Aug •. 21) An exciting time is in the stars for you mid-month but you are in for a bit of a let-down aftervards. Your health may not be too good so you must take care. In other words, no boozel VIRGO (Aug. 22 -Sept. 22) OK-so you've been getting it a bit tough lately, money problems, work problems, and home is not what it should be. "Every cloud has a silver lining". In this case, you just have to look for it. You will find the beginning on 15th or 16th. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) You've had a pretty big disappointment so you must get to work on it so that you will have no problems next time. Good news or money is on the vay for you. Your happiness depends on the colour you wear on the 14th. Hint: . It has to be dark. SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov. 21) There is a journey which you have to make quite soon l<ith the posibility of a fev nights staying over. Your social life is pretty good but would be better if you had the right partner-so get to work on it. Good news on 21st. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 20) You are having trouble· making up your mind about an important matter. ·others are inconvenienced too, so get some advice from the opposite sex - It will be sound advicel A good time for business transactions. Profitable dates 18th and 2nd. CAPRICORN (Dec 21 - Jan 19) You may be given some wrong information at the beginning of the month which could.lead to a lot of trouble. You will receive an invitation towards the end of the month. This is a good time for shopping. Lucky colour - white. AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Tact is required in a matter of a quarrel with a frielXl. You may have to make the first move so take the plunge. · This is a good time to get involved in sporting activities. Lucky date 13tht PISCES (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20) You have been putting a job off for far too long now e.M you could be sorry. ThE! health. ' of a relative is a worry to you so get an expert on the job. A new purchase shall bring you much happiness. Most romantic · dates 18th and 19th. TAURUS. GEMINI CANCER LEO VIRGO ~ ~ LIBRA SCORPIO ~ SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN PISCES ARIES ( Mar. 21- Apr. 20) (,·;··· / You may have to get involved in some arguments ~· . at work. Once you decide on the decision - ·· stick to it. . The result may surprise you. . Lucky night for going out Apr. 26th. ARIES · Fiorghlan Dry Cleaners A~agai_re WISH TO INFCRM THEIR CUStOMERS THAT HErniER HUGE M::OARVEY liOR HIS ASSOCIATES REP!USENT US. WE WOUlD LIJ(E TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF TBAHKOO OUR CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR LOYAL SUPPORT D1 'I'HE P.AST AND LOOK FORWARD ·TO SERVING THEM IN mE FU'l'URE~ . A NEW AGEMT WILL BE APronm:o · SHCliTLY SID~TIMMI & AIIN ICBRlDE o·•o• o • HOUSEHOLD HINTS When mailing cash, cheques or other material of . personal nature, cut a·piece of aluminium foil to fit the .anvelope and slip it inside. This will make the envelope light-proof and conceal the contents. To sav~ time when sending "Guth 7 Tuairim" by mail, address an envelope and slit the side ends. Wrap the envelope around the item so that the gummed flat is at the top and then seal. Appl;f a little colourless nail polish to the ends of ribbon to prevent from fraying. ---- PERI\INS GUTH NA MBAN 50g (2 oz) plainfiour 50g (2 oz) medium oatmeal 25g (1 oz) lard 25g (1 oz) sugar . 1 dessertsp. syrup t teasp. ginger · r.t teasp. bicarbonate of soda 1 teasp. mixed spice Mix dry ingredients. Melt butter and syrup. Add to dry ingredients and mi:x to a paste. Place in balls on a greased tin and flatten slightly. Bake in a moderate oven - 3750F, 19000, Gas 5. SKIRLIE 25g (1 oz) dripping lOOg (4 oz) medium oatmeal 1 medium onion, finely chopped salt am pepper Melt dripping and fry onion until pale golden. Stir in meal and continue to fry slowly 10-15 minutes, turning occasionally. Season and serve (with chappit neeps and tattles) Na gCeapaire FI SH & CHIPS CHICKEN &· CHIPS CURRIES BUNBURGERS ET TAKEAWAY 10·30 am to 12·00pm . i H Q) . IXl • IXl 0 · ~ IXl i Jol ~ ,Q 8 () r-1 :f Fresh Fish available .! ~ r! ! :§ -'= ~ tl !. ~! ~; ~~ j'fS r;! fii~ orl() d3· ~ ·
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