Guth & Tuairim, Bealtaine 1980
Ace ident e Black spot This month's Black Spot brings us back to the Roeses, to the corner half-'WSY between the Station House at L81m an tSionnaigh, Crolly and the Bridge across the river at Cro na gOUig Fhia. This corner, heading from Crolly to Loch an Iuir is a sharp left-hander following the bank of the river. O..r the last six weeks approx. one car per week has "gone off" there, fortunately without aqr serious injury arising. However, unless something is dODe soon a serious accident will occur. It could even mean a car ending upside-down in the river ••• Other that creating ramps, British army check-point style, in order to force cars to slow down, the only long term solution would iron out a number of Black Spots between Loch an Iuir and Crolly and I suggest that the County Council give the following suggestion careful consideration. Coming from Loch an Iuir the road comes alongside the river and comes under the "railway" by a sharp right-hand corner, approx t mile before the bridge for Cro na gCUig Fhia. By bringing the main road up to the old railway track and proceeding along the track to about 300 yards before the station house and then swinging left along the disused by-road across to M!n na Leice joining the main road above Gallagher 1 s house you would be building a good road and cutting out half a dozen Black Spots. You vould also approach Crolly in a safe manner for the new bridge scheduled for building in 1980. The advantage of approaching the new bridge from M1n na Leice means,...(a) You cut out a dangerous junction by Paddy Og's.Pub. (b) You have a straight bridge instead or a Double Bem. {c' The Pub has a safer car-park to pull in and out of. Other than building the road up to the level of the Railway track all that is necessary is to viden the track and the bye-road from behind the Station-house to M!n na Leice. There is· no blasting of rock required ftlr levelling, there is no "taking" or land, .since it is availing of past thoroughfares. The existing main-road could then be left as a scenic drive for tourists, since the waterfall, the stone {Cloch Mbor Leim an tSionnaigh) and the river have meant memories for many people for generations. I am sure Fionn Mac Cumbaill would approvet "The Wheel". 8 Anseo1 Ansiud M!le altu do Dhia ar aOil u. aciiaat J.oh go be. aa eoin, caide dheard'adh ll&. daoiDe boehta'l 'fa an portach fairsing agua ... n!llid d!ch•ll ar bith nf bheidh againn le bheith. ac eannaoh guaU o th1ortha eile. Seo ~~~eitbeal ag gabhiil 1 un an phortai~rh apa rachaiaid leo go 1 gceann oib~ iad. Ta slean agus spid le~. Seo aaois an bachta. Ti moran bachta! ar f'lld an pbortaigh aeo, cuid acu a bhf'llil eeithre f'hOd iontu agus tuilleadh aeu nsoh bhfuil iOiltu ach beirt no triirt de f'h&ia. An baohta naoh bhf'llil ann ach foo allhain, ao ao riA gur f'iu 8 a bhaint. Caide 'ta an tear a dheanaah leiis an sped? r,; se ag lcaa4h an bhachta, ag baint na ecratba uacbtaracha le tail fbad leis an mholn. Is io111a! spid a bristear &( an obair cheanna sin 1 dtalallh neartrs!. L!ontaidh agua cothromoidh na scratha ataagcaitheaah aaaoh ar urlar an bhachta na poill ague na lopnna qu beidh an t-urlir mar oitir don tbOd !ocbtaraeh. Ta an baohta l011tha anoia agua ~ na tir q toiaeacht a bhaint na mona. ·ll!l siad ag lirint aa ar bith arm1gha. A n fear ata ag baint, deiriai4 go bhtu.U af ar an tslean. A n tear a bhf'uil a ehltid .u.nohill! · e ornaithe suas aige ague e ag cur aaach na bht&i, deirimid go bhfuil se 11& pholl. J.gua an tear at& ag aeaipeadh na mona tbart ar all oitir, deirimid go bhtuil se ag sreathnu. Is ainic beirt f'hear ag sreatbnu ar bhachta ceithre f'hOd. Is e an gn&a e fear an tsleain seala1oeht a dheanallh leis na fir elle. J.r an doi!ll sin, n! bh!onn duine ar bit.h r~thuirs•oh ague gan sin bheadh fear u phoill rO-ablrai\he 1 Ddiaidh an lae. "Gleann A bleach". . , Casadh eea.nn de na Jobnnies fir d!olta ada! ar Jimmy Sbeain an la fa dheireadh agus ar seisean 1 mBearla: "'Where are all 1 de mans 1 goi.l:i vith de spades on der backs". TROPHIES MEDALS PLAQUES C.UPS Ve cater tor all sports, including Football, Boxing, Athletics, Sn-!Dg, Darts, Pool, Irish DanciDg, Festivals (iDo. Fishillg Festivals). Regattas etc. It 70ur caaa:1.t.tee would lilce to dew aDi price our range gin as a ring at Iincasslagb 60 after 7 p.a. or drop us a note aDi we will Od17 be too _glad. to attend your meeting and try to ass:iat ,-ou• . MeGarvey's · ·FurnitureCentre· ··· Do re Foireann Samilobhi& a bhuaidh na coa6rtais! peile faoi Dh!on idir Gaeltachta! i ~aillimh le gairi.d CUl (6 cble) : Cathal 0 Muir! {"we 're going to win in Galway") (Bainl. Foireann cailin! Telectron a bhuaidh an c0116rtas peile faoi Dh!on i nlailliah le gairid, Ciil ( t:f cble) Margaret Mar)' Ferry, Vera Dooban, TOIIIIIJ Cannon, #Alan Boyd, Joe Logan, Seamaa McGovan. # Toeaeh ( 6 cble) Robert Alcorn, Padraig Bonner, GearOid 0 GallebObbair Bella Coli, Toeach (o-cble) Bri.die Doberty, Bri.d McCaf'ferty, Ann Gallagher.
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