Guth & Tuairim, Féabhra 1980
' John Joe McCafferty 11 Full lame: John Joe McCafferty Birthplace& Glasserchoo Height: 5• 7" GLENEA UTD. Weight: llist Previous Clubs: Gweedore Celtic ··- ~ .. ".:ll r-~======================~--~ DOHERTY'S COACHES 1 Married: Yes Favourite Player: DanDy Sharkey Favourite Other Teams: Fern United Cross Channel Travel Most Difficult Opponent: Paddy Merri tt Most Memorable Matches: Top Four Final with Fanad Biggest Thrill: Getting promoted to lst Division Biggest Disappointment: Losing the top four final Best Place Visited: Scotland Favourite Food: Pork Chops and chips Favourite T.V. Shows: Bracken Favourite Singers: Charlie Pride Favourite Actors/Actresses: Robert Mitchem Best Friends: Many Biggest Influence on Career: Hugh Strain Biggest Drag in Football: Bad REfs. Honours: lst and 2nd Div. Travel 1n Comfort Personal Ambitions: To be happy in life Football Ambitions: Promotion to Premier in 1980 Which Person In The World Would You Most Like To Meet? George Best. Signature• /~ f /7~ BUYING OR SELLING - CONTACT US James J. Campbell & ~sons DUNGLOE Co. Do:negal Auctioneers And Valuers APPOINTED AGENTS FOR THE E.B.S. Phone DUNGLOE 35 & 88 . Phone DUNGLOE Glasoow 041- 881 Canadian Company Corifident of Finding Land in Arduns 37 8295 Is it not amazing how we can get accustomed to the inconvenience of modern conveniences. Apart from P.A.Y.E., take Television fo+ instance. It ruins our eyes, deprives us of badly needed exercise (C.J. please note), closes our minds to the natural wonders about us and programmes us to accept at any given time whatever the Controller of Programmes or the wife decides we should watch. And what do we do? We rush through our dinner, suffer indigestion for hours, we leave work incomplete, we drive at dangerous speeds(what would "the Wheel" say) and all for the latest episode of the Incredible Sulk or Contraception Street or the Chronic Woman. Our children know the Muppets by name before they know a prayer. I remember the house where I was born only had a Radio. There was "Balladmakers" Saturday night, the "Kennedy's of Castleross" with your dinner and the football match on Sunday not to mention the "School Around the Corner". Only it wasn't called a Radio in those days but a Wireless, which I could never understand because when you looked inside the thing it was a mass of wires. Later in life we begah to go to the neighbour's house to watch the All-Ireland Final on Television. That was the· st~rt of it1 Soon every house ' in the townland had an awkward looking contraption like a broken bad on the chimney• . God be with the days when women gossiped about the price of eggs and the neighbours children. Now you dare not utter a .word in case anything spoken by the one-eyed monster would be missed.. Today's gossip goes like this:– lst woman, "Did you see J.R. last night?" 2nd woman, "Ah the brute, he's a bad pill thon". (And she would go to hell and back to see him) . lst woman, "Oh, a bad pill surely, sure he has his mother ' s heart broke". 2nd woman, "Aye, and her not rightly over her operation". And what about the men? They spend a fortune and all their spare time erecting all kinds of masts and aerials, boosters and power units. And when there's a perfect picutre on all six channels in colour there's nothing for it but to go off to the pub and watch a lousy picutr& with no sound. Television has changed our lives more than we think1 No way, did you say. So where did we get the words . "Lousy", "Cop" 1 "guy" and ''movie"? The ads or commercials are something else of course. "Feed your dog on LAP and you 1 11 soon be the owner of a kennel of pedigree dogs like me", or "if you had the only car in the world you wouldn't need "BEaST" - the deodorant spray with a difference", or the local one which doesn't have. moving picutres or actors but is accompanied by the most impartial voice in Television, "When in Dublin visit Me Sporran's American Style restaurant - the food's lousy- but it's expensive and we hate kids". The majority of Television view~rs must believe this stuff and support the companies who advertise because God knows there is no shortage of Ad~. So it seems that the one-eyed monster is here to stay and thrive. Already we are buying T.V. games, Video Recorders and Colour is almost out of date. So what next? Wall to wall Television, Split-Screen Television (I fancy that one), 3 dimensional images - who knows? One thing is certain though, they will never beat the old fire side gossip for realism, drama or on-~e-spot reporting. As a Russian ~ntleman in Afghanistan wae heard ~o remark recently, "Did I say something or was it something I said?"
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