Guth & Tuairim, Féabhra 1980
Apple Tart or Pie 6 Pas~i~z/300g Plain flour or self-raising GUTH NA M BAN pinch of salt --··--·---·--- 6 oz/150g Margarine . Kev~n C' Hara the American who 1 dessertsp. Caster su~,,r, op~lonal walked around Ireland with a Cold water, to mlx donkey and cart met Dore Filling: Sliced apples Sugar Optional. Flavouring: 2 oz. Sul tcu1as housewiv!!s Biddy and Mary Eoghain Eamainn, Sarah Eddie and Mary Sheain during the trip. They walked to Anagaire with Kevin and when he appeared on the Late Late Show recently whole or powdered cloves Grated orange/lemon rind ~ blackbt-rries/:' apple he praised Donegal women. Ta se ag d!ol na h-Asaile ach n!l 1 fhios agam an bhfuil na mna ag gabhail a cheannacht i. Method: 1. Sieve the flour and salt and rub in the margarine until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the·sugar, if used. Mix to a soft dough with cold water. Knead lightly on a floured board and divide in two. 2. For tart, roll out pastry and line plate. For a pie, line an overproof dish. Pile the fruit on pastry. Add favourite flavouring. Mix a little flour with the sugar ( to help thicken the juice) and sprinkle over fruit. Damp the pastry edges. ). Roll out top pastry and place over fruit, taking care not to stretch pastry. Press down, trim edges Cl.nd decor~te. Brush with milk or water, dust with sugar und prick all over with a fork. ~RISS (Mar 21 - Apr 20) , You have been mis-behaving yourself lately and now you must suffer the consequences. Dont worry too much, you might rather enjoy the punishment. Beware if you :tre walking dark lonely roads at night. You could give some poor unsuspecting person an awful fright. Unlucky date llth. TiiUHUS (Apr 21 - r~ay 20) Conditions h~ve been stifling you for some time now and you h~ve to do something about it. If you use your head, a small dari< person could help you out of a difficult spot. G.i::lr.INI (f'lay 21 - June 20) Sometime in the near future may be a time for you to veer on a different course from the one which you are on. The likeliest time for this total change will be mid-month. Someone within your social circle win 4. Stand the plate or pie on a roasting tin (to catch any juice) and bake towards the top of the oven, 400°F., 200°C., Gas Nark 6 until golden. For pie reduce oven .to J00°F., try to influence you but you have to stand firm in <1> your own beliefs. 5 150oc., Gas Mark 2 if fruit requires further \;,.;,::sR (June 21 _ July 20) ~------b==ak~i~ng~----------------------------------------~You may get a rise or promotion soon or may have done l~tely. Dont let this extra responsibility go to your he<'•d or you may find yourself minus a few good friends. ;,. .j ourney with overnight stay is forecast for you. Lucky dates 19th, 21st. Na gCeapaire REOPENED 10·30 am to 12·00pm L!-;0 (July 21 - Aug 21) You are e-o ing to do something this month which will you c.. lot of unhappinness later on. Be optimistic about this problem dlld you will get by. You will make a new friend towards the end of the month 8Ild a romantic interlude will follow. VIHG0 ( 2? - ::>ept 22) You are planning something special for sometime in the future so dont K:eep off the planning. If you are Lt.kinE~ p.J.rt in a competi t.ion you have a good chc1nce of being successful but you have to work hard at it, Lucky date 5th. ;Xi'.iu. (:~ept :') - Get 22) You •,;i lJ. meet an acqua.inta.nce through the loss of 80rnethin,;:-.· which w.J.s of grea.t value to you. 'I'ne lost .item . ~; il turn up sometime so dont desr < . You have a few jobs to do which you have been putting off for sorne time now, Lucky dates 12th, 20th ;md :'2nd, ;,;l·,J:i:C (Oct ?) - Nov 21) Fresh Fish available ;;omethine whi::h you hwe ofter. wistted for will 1--------------------------:---------------:------+ suddenly h;~ p pen , You ma.y not realise at f.irs t just A specid taen' .i.on :·or , aJr;dc;, t~w c.irpenter. wh•·· t has happened. You may need to spend :nore !f~It.i:C::~.~ ~;:"~~;: ~::• ~~: y 2 o 2 ~•~e 0 b,:•)n 'pend ing, Luoky oolou~ ~ - -~~~- ~ If you've been feeling a bit bored at home lately, "·"'l<,..iUUi> (..;,,n :.:J - feb 10) Someone in your dt.r;,::" •Jr wo:·,; irl( '•lonv ·~·ith you m .. ;,y be the c '''"" '~ of :r·,uLle ~·er JC·U, l<.ecp c .. lm - and go throue.:h the rit~f.t ,~h:ru!el~. to r-ut it rigttt. There is extr:' !IIOll~.Y coming your w;.,y. Lucr,.y d: loth e1.n<:J ;.' 7tr:. t-•rsc.::::s (.F'c b l 9 - i'E•r ?0) If you ,r,~ :,'. journey - til:,.ke sure you leave things cr,;:>.nised or tnere could be a mess when you get back. , r:ws tery so.J.ves itself d.lld it should take a load off your mind. You wi>tl have cause to do a bit of celebratin~ in the near future. then you sLould E~e t i.nvol ved in somethinr; to take your mind off your worries. There is a disappointment for you. 1m association with an nquarius will be of importance to you. :,ucky colour Violet. C. LHCUtN ( lJec 21 - hn 19) You been throu&:h a hard time J:ately but the end result justifies everything. There is an overseas journey for you or someone very close to you in the near future. i'Lms you h:,,ve had for a celebration are dashed but if at first you dont succeed ••• Lucky d.ltes lwth, 14th. Lucky colour Blue. ~ 8 +' ell ;::: . +'r-i r-i "' <ll Cll ~ <ll ..C:i;? HA
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