Guth & Tuairim, Nollaig 1980
GUTH NA NCG Under 10 Painting Competition Ta Pencilcase, crayons agus pencils daite le baint. Last month 1 s winner: Padraig 0 Rabhartaf, Muine Beag, Dun LUiche. Ainm: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Seoladhs ....................•...........•........• Aois: .••••....•••.... Seolalih: "Guth 7 Tuairim" 1 Doire Beaga. Freagrai chuig "Guth 7 Tuairim", Doire 'Beaga. Ta £2 le baint. Last month's winner: Denis l-lcGarvey, Loch an Iuir. CfQSfhOCal 1. Wept Anuas 2. Flowen 3. Salt s. Capital city 6. Teeth 7. Means ofapproach 9.Infmn 11. Effaced 13. Sauciest 1S. Greek image 16. Dog IS. Intend 20. Middle 21. Small wave 24, Sea eagles 25. Unwell 27. Dry 30. Pale 8 1980 POP QUIZ 1. 11 Crying 11 'by Don McLean reached No. 1 in the charta, true or false? 2. ~ame two singles which Bagatelle released during 1980? 3. Which group made the Top 20 with "Oh Yeah" and 11 The Same Old Scene". 4• Which Irish group formed ten years ago broke up this year after releasing a live album "The Belfast Gigs". Freagra! chuig 11 Guth 7 Tuairim", le baint. Last month's winner: F81carrach. dhadein 1. CoUs Trasna 4. PeniDsu1a (U.S.S.R.) 8. Affront 10.Intended to be sung 12. Musical drama 14. Argue 17. Provides with weapom 19. Long locks 20. Crown 22. Girl's name 23. Blushes 26. FroHcs 28. Dnmkard 29. Sharp pain 31. Amends 32. Unpleasant ra £2 Valentino?? SHAQE IN ALL THE AREAS CONTAINING DOTS ANDWATCHA PICTURE APPEAR BEFORE YOUR Guess who is SPOT THE DIFFERENC - -· ...
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