Scathlan 2
Poem to Pat O'Donnell By Michael McGovern 1894 Since God His holy light unfurled and life to mortals gave Wh~t land upon this rolling world gave birth to one so brave Than Ireland's latest hero from the wilds of old Tyrconnell With whom is Erin's grateful voice As o'er death's dismal precipice That hero of self sacrifice is cast - O'Donnell Since science marked with scrolls and pen events on land and wave What age from 'mongst this world of men to history's keeping gave A bolder name which walked to life thy sleeping name- Tyrconnell Which time shall aye perpetuate, in keeping with the brave and great, A name which men shall venerate Is thine - O'Donnell. What cause among the causes of the world's advancing van Whose mission is that aim of love to right the wrongs of man Can claim a spirit braver than that son of famed Tyrconnell? Who braved the lion in his den And felled the vilest worse of men That traitor Carey - man of sin? Our own - O'Donnell. But British rule, that scourging blight where'er its presence grim Holds sway-blaspheming God and right-has foully murdered him Because he wiped from Ireland's name with manhood of Tyrconnell That stain with which it fair would brand The manhood of our fair green land But vengeance soon will take its stand For thee - O'Donnell. 88
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