The Leader, Iúil 1989
Just a Little Bit of Relil2:ion... 4 In this new monthly feature, we'll be taking a look at the different religions practised in Donegal -The Gospel is the good news ofsal– vation through faith in Christ alone and is to be preached to all nations until Christ returns. Introducing Letterkenny Baptist Church Origin A Baptist church existed in Letterkenny for most of the 19th century having been established in the town about 1810. In 1859 a man called John Storey become its pastor. He was also town clerk and was influential in the prosferring of the Christian gospel in this area. This church ceased to exist just after the turn ofthe centurybutwas re-established in 1978 and pres– ently has 39 members with an aver– age Sunday morning attendance of 50-55 at the worship service. Location The church building is located at 73 Port Road just beside the Port Road roundabout near the centre of Letterkenny town. Function The church places its main emphasis on Bible preaching and Christian living. Its regular programme includes: Sunday: lOam Sunday School 10.50am The Lord's Supper l l .30am Family Worship Service 6.30pm Evangelistic Service (1st and 3rd Sundays of each month) Tuesday: 5.00pm Good News Club (For boys and girls 5-11 year olds) Wednesday: 8 .00pm Bible study & prayer Saturday: 7.30pm Youth Fellow– ship (For Young people 12 years and over) The Minister ofthe church is Pastor Edwin Ewart. He has pastored the church in Letterkenny since 1986 and is married with two children. He is available for counsel and spiri– tual advice and may be contacted at the church house, 73 Port Road, Tel: (074) 22789 - Christians have a responsibility to promote God's standards in the world and to care for human needs. Visitors are assured ofa wann wel– come atLetterkennyBaptist Church. Beliefs Although a minority in Ire– land. the BaptistFamily is one ofthe largest Christian constituencies in the world, with a global member– ship of some 40 million. Since Baptists do not include in their membership members oftheir fam– ily groups, this points to a total "Baptist Community" of more than double this figure. Baptists believe that - The Bible as God's Word contains all things necessary for belief and behaviour. - The Church is the body of Christ and consists of all who sincerely repent and believe the Gospel. 'Three Leafed Shamrock" sold 43,000 copies for John Kerr and the original version is on his new LP. - The Ordinances (Sacraments) of Christ are the Lord's Supper and believers Baptism to be observed as Hecommanded. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ju{y in tlie (jarden Well ! Wasn't June a lovelymonth and what a lot of colour it brought to our gar– dens, but those wee demons, Green Fly or Aphids, struck where we least expected them. But the heavy rains and cooler conditions to– wards the end of the month put paid to them at least for the time being. How we wel– comed the few days or fain which refreshed all ourplants both veg. and flowers, but it was a pity the rain was ac– companied by the strong windswhich canwreak havoc with our taller grown perenni– als. It is always advisable to stake these during the early stages of growth. Plants like Lupins, Achilleas, Alstron– erias etc. are very vulnerable to summer storms, so a little precautionary measure should be taken if we want them to look their best. Roses now are in full bloom and looking a treat. Be sure to dead head them, cut– ting back to the first leaf and be on the look out for signs of black spot or mildew. Multl– rose does a goodjob here. As well as a preventive against any ofthe rose diseases, it is also a foliar feed and keeps your bushes healthy throughout the growing sea– son. Obtainable from any of the stores or garden shops. Lupins respond well to the dead heading system, givingyou a reasonable good second crop in late Aug– Sept. Keep an eye out for slugs and snails around your bedding plants, espe– cially on a damp day. and scatter U.C.I or Murphy's pellets. This month should see us using the first of our veg. crops. i.e. potatoes. car– rots etc. When you have a patch cleared, rake over the soil and plant some later cabbage plants and Curley Kale forwinteruse, raking in some general fertiliser. And don't forget, keep that hoe busy and the weeds will curse you for it. I.J.Cowan
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