The Leader, Iúil 1989
'The O{dSwif{y Line Forget it no, not should I live to get the old-age crown, The morning that I took the train at Letterkenny town. The engineer gave a tootle out the guard did loudly scream, "'You big-headed idiots you 7 how dare you waste the steam". Another crash! another bang! and I though that we were off, But the engine was hysterical or had the whooping cough. MWe're far too overloaded boys" Swilly Train arriving at Letterkenny the guard did loudly bawl, "'Throw off that half a dozen whisks consigned to Hughie Coll, That gallon jar of whiskey for Mcclafferty, Churchill And Buchanan's gross of hair-pins, there, that's that on the bill". We scarcely had got started when a native overtook, Calling MHi, you there - let me have a look". He had merely stopped to ask us if we met a stray buck-goat, We told him Mno" and prayed and hoped we would not meet the brute I For should he butt the boiler he"d put his head clean through, If he tried to buffer plate that might withstand the strain, But the danger was nonetheless he might derail the train. Rev. Brian McGlynn, Ballymacool Terrace pictured with Kathleen McGeever and May Vaughan after his ordination in St. Eunan's The gradient now is all our own which proves a friend indeed, For a great big bull of Rutherfords intended us to spill, With heaving flanks and tail erect pursued us to Churchill. We scarcely had apt started when a voice fell on my ears, A voice I'll still remember, should I live a thousand years. Twas that old timer the Master Jack Delap - shouting, MWill you get a move on there and shift this heap of scrap". MFull steam ahead, full steam ahead" should the Guard McCool; . MFull steam my eye!" the fireman said sure there's not an ounce of coal. The bearings too are all red hot and there's not a drop of oil". MWell spit on them and cool them", said the driver Hughie Boyle. MAias, alas", the driver says, "'This is a pretty pass, Will someone go to Morrison's for the lend of his jackass, Or better still. try old Dick Graham he's not a bad old sort, For a creel of peat to steam us from Churchill to Burtonport". "My Dad isn't exactly a Garda, but he helps them a lot with their enquiries." Cathedral on Sunday, 2nd July. ......, ._.,,_ __ Ballymacool Tee. residents welcome home Fr. Brian PORT RD., LETTERKENNY 074-24555 Call and siie our Wide Range of Top Quality Blinds. Guaranteed to Last. Also we provide an Expert Repair Service FREE ESTIMATES & MEASURING
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