The Leader, Samhain 1988
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ GinleyCn,... ~ ~ ~~ FALCARRAGH -vc~ ~ ~ '-.r1 CO. DONEGAL 'l(S> ~ ~ ,_ T DONEGAL - DUBLIN - DONEGAL U' ~ ~ DONEGAL - GLASGOW - DONEGAL ~ ~ For expertise - efficiency and economy call us at ~ ~ Tel: (074) 35201 (01) 513804 ~ ~~~~,~~z~~,~~~ FUN AND GAMES Lt=TTl:Vl\t=~~~ C()MMU~l-o' VIA~f3V()UV On any morning, Monday to Friday, one can hear a diverse range of accents, i.e. Cork to Donegal, and those in between. It has and still does act as a meeting house for people from different parts of Ireland and further afield, with those of the local community in Letterkenny. They share one common interest, that of pro– viding an ideal setting where their children can develop and learn through play, under the friendly guidance of adults. It is a fact that play is nature's way of preparing the young for adult life. Letterkenny Community Playgroup offers all this and more. It offers an environment which is like a bridge between their home and the community in which they live. L.C.P. was founded in 1981 by a small group of interested people. It has expended r - over the years with many satisfied "past-pupils" on its register. The Playgroup is situated in the pre-fab beside the Community Centre. There are three sessions being held 3-5 year olds (Mon, Wed, Fri) 9.30 - 12.00 2-3 yr olds (Tues, Thurs) 10-12.00. An afternoon session caters for those people who prefer a later time of 1.30pm - 3.30pm on Monday, Wed and Friday. There are three very competent playleaders with training in childcare, who cater with the needs of the pre-school child. The mothers of the children in Playgroup take turns to assist the house mothers. This gives parents an opportunity to see their own child in Playgroup and to see other childrens' personalities. 12 HOUSEHOLD HINTS When peeling onions do so under running water. When you buy a sheet of postage stamps, sprinkle a little talcum powder on a puff and rub it lightly over the glue. The stamps will not stick together even in humid weather. Never peg shirts and blouses on the line from the bottom. The strain on the top part is too much and will wear out the bottom. AJways peg at the shoulder. On no account soak vegetables in cold water before cooking. It will only make them lose their mineral salts. Quite often scorch marks can be removed bywashing in warm water and soap. Little more can be done, as it is the material which is dam– aged. White material can be bleached with per– oxide. Silver, washed in hot soapy water and pol– ished well with a leather, will be bright and free from scratches. Country Singer, Daniel O'Donnell, who is doing extremely well with his new album, "From the Heart. " Licensed General Haulage Contractors (Licence for all Ireland) Some of the mothers and children at the Letterkenny Community Playgroup. V()rt IJallYraine~ Letterkenny Mon - Fri 9am - 5.30pm Tel: Weekends Tel: Letterkenny (074) 21619 Rathmullen (074) 58243
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