The Leader, Samhain 1988
3 SEE THE RANGE OF LADIES SHOES AND BOOTS at GREENE'S Letterkenny - Dungloe - Falcarragh This month's Page 3 girls are Geraldine (left) and Ellen from Gweedore. As well as modelling, these two lovely lassies enjoy playing football, jiving, singing (?) and rally driving. But they say their all-time favourite pastime is - boys, of course ! SEOffiSE GOES CUCKOO IN TRINIDAD Seoirse O'Dochartaig1t - Slan agus Beannacht Seoirse O'Dochartaigh probably wouldn 't have been able to release such a magnificent compilation of songs on vinyl were it not for the time he spent in Rann na Feirste Gaeltacht teaching at the Irish college there. It was there that he gained fluency in our national language and accumulated an enormous store of Gaelic songs."Slan agus Beannacht" is the best tradi– tional record that I have heard this year. The ar– rangement of such songs as "The Tinker's Daughter", "Slan agus Beannacht" and "An Re– altan Leanbach" is the best I have heard in a long time. This is Seoirse's first solo album, and hopefully it won't be the last. He is joined by Greg Scanlon, Peadar MacArdghail, Deirde Scanlon, Harold Jungst and Pol Mac Grianna, his musical partner in the popular Donegal traditional group "Crannog". The selections of music on this album are, for Seoirse, important milestones on the long musical journey from Belfast to Donegal. My favourite track is un– doubtably "Cuach mo Londubh Bui", which is one of the nicest arrangements of an old song that I have ever heard. Radio na Gaeltachta presenter Timlin 0 Cearnaigh described it as "reggae as gaeilge" and summed up the atmos– phere by saying "Shamlofa tu fein ina lui i ham– mock in aice na farraige agus na fir gtiorma ag damhsa ar an tra fad is a shleamnann an fhar– raige isteach agus amach". The sleeve notes on the record cover also describe it aptly "For sheer offbeat fun and rhythmic playfulness, there is nothing quite like "Cuach mo Londubh Bui". We leave behind us for a while the mists that do be on the bog and transport ourselves to the sunny beaches of Trinidad. Irish Tourist Board, pl ease take note". Sti rri ng stuff. Album Ratings: Nine out of ten. If you're ever heading towards West Donegal on the Errigal road, drop into Russell's Pub, near Tennon, for a few drinks and a bit of crack. Our photos show John pouring a class of beer for our thirsty photo– grapher while Mickey sings a bit of Sean-Nos. Russells is a traditional old-style Irish Pub and has been visited by many famous personal– ities including George Best, while John assures me that a relation of theirs - Lena Zavaroni will be drop– ping in sometime in the near future. : =: )_:: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,::::,,,,,,,.,.,........ ::::::::::::== =::::=,,,,,,,,.,,, lllR·1111 .,,,,, ''''}' ?t>=> ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,:::;:,.:.... ·. \tf .·.··=·=·:·/~:r~r:~r:~:~:::::~::::::·:·:·· ·· rrmr_~j ~-~~-~~-~~.rrm · · · ··· · ::::: =~=:====== :=========:=:=::::::::::===:======== ......... ................................ . . . : ·:,:;:,:,:;:::::;:;:;:,:::;:-::::·:::·:" .·.·.·.·... ··_,:_._ •..•,.. ':_:·_,',,'.••· ..·,.•.,·_ •..••.••.••. J.J? :==:::::::::::::::: ~r~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lI~~~~~~-~r~~ tr.~r~~~= · ·.·.·. ·:·=· =·:·:·=::· ·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=· =·= ·=·=··················-·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.···· ~r~~~~~ltj~~~ =·=·=·:·=·=·=·:·:-=·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·=·:·:·:·=·======:::::=::: :=:=:::=:=::::::·:·:· ::::::::=========================~=~:~~~~~r ======= =·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·===:=:=:=:=:::::=:=·:·:·..=·=· =·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=:=:=:::=================================::::::::~:::::::=:=::·:·:· ·.·•· ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·. •1_::1:1111 ::_,:•,••_,,•, •,•,,•,.•,•,.!,!,!,.-_:_.!,.•,.-.• •,H,,i,.•,i,••,.',;,:_e,•,_;_•_,_;_r ..• .. •.•·.'_~l~l.11r.~;fu,.,_.•, e_•·,•·.··,,_·',r_.•, 09_••,••.•·,',•',·•. t,.,,.,·,_•,;_ 65 ,M,._·_ •.. :·.:.•,·,:,·.·.••,.•,a,••,·,.:, .• , .• ,c,.'.!Mh_:~f.&~llil~\lr~l\l\1\I~·,:::• -! __...·'·• __..... '1 __... ·':! __... ··'I __...·' :•::••••••·••:: . . .. . . . . . . .........· .····'t __.. '~_ .... '~ ... '~· ..... '~_ ... '~ ..... '~_ .... '~_ .... '~_ ... '~ .... '~_ ... '~ ... :~· ... '~ .. :~-.'~ .... '~.-.·'~ .. :[_:·-~_.:··· .. ·';:_ .. '~:_ .. '~: .. ': :·:::::::;;:: :·:·:·:·:·:·:·:::::::::·:·:·: ::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:;::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::;:;:::: :::::::::;::;:;::::::·:·:······ ·:·:·:·:·: ••_,,·,_:·_._,_:,:'_.· • _.'_'_:_'_:·.:.•_,_:_.. •,_•_··_.,_:_ .. _:•,:_.:_:_•.:. :\.. ~I IP1=•".ll9~::mg:t.iio§R~ tlJ,::=1=_a_,'_.·_,·_.•_.~_._,:_·. ~_:_:,1·1i,~~:\u_· .. '_.•.·..,~.- ..= ..•.,= ..··,' ..'.,' .. '.,.'_,k_,.::~111~11:11111: .•: ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,. }f~f:::::: :·:·:·>:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:···.·........... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;.;.;.:.:-:.:·'.·:·:·:·:·:·: ::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::·:·:·:· :.:·:::·:::::;:;:::::::::::::·:=
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