The Leader, Samhain 1988
LETIERKENNY 7 GOLF CLUB t 988 In any sports club, success or failure is measured in terms of the club's record in com– petition against other clubs. In golf clubs, this criteria is not the only measurement because of the many facets that go to make up a club. Probably the most important of these is the size of membership. This year has seen a great success in this area as over 130newmem– bers were recruited, plus sixty under eighteen years of age. The membership of the club had gone down over a number of years because of the wet conditions. This is now a thing of the past as a first class drainage system was in– stalled over the past two years. This improve– ment in drainage has meant that there was a consequent change for the better in playing conditions, which led to the greens being re– garded as the best in the county. This in turn means that more visiting gol– fers come to play the Letterkenny course. It l!'eans a greater participation in club competi– tions by members and visitors alike. So much so that new records were set in the members playing in our open week, and a record for playing in a two day competition (The Seamus Hannigan Memorial Trophy), which resulted in a cheque for £750 being presented to the reach for Recovery section of the Irish Cancer Society. In a single day competition, the record was set in the Volvo competition. In inter-club events, the record was not good, a Donegal League semi-final and an Ul– ster Cup quarter-final place was our alloted suc– cess. However, the club achieved national pro– minence when local member Ken Lillis won a personalityof the month award for setting a new nett course record and capped this by securing the national award. In representative terms, five members were selected to represent the north-west re– gion to play against the north-east. The social life of the club has shown adra– matic increase, with many people joining the club who are not interested in golf, but partak– ing of the facilities available in the club house. The most notable of these led to the recent pur– chase of two indoor bowling mats. Throughout the winter, quizzes, "25" card drives, bowling and darts will hold sway. The whole year came together when we celebrated our 75th anniversary when repre– sentatives of all the clubs in Donegal and sur– rounding counties came for a day's competition and entertainment, and celebrated the birthday in fine style with the marriage of the two major facets of the club: playing and the social side. LETTERKENNY GOLF CLUB Established 1913 This photograph shows part of the drainage system which has been installed over the past two years. Four 'older' members of the club pictured during the 75th anniversary celebrations. I lr--A-D-i'\Y-IN-TH__,E Countywith a very clear and detailed de– scription of the pole. Anyone seeing this pole should approach it with extreme caution and beware of its left hook ! Sub 4 are of course offering a generous re– ward for its capture. PRESIDENTS 1926-1963 1964-1971 i972-1974 1975-1977 1978-1980 1981-1983 1984- Rev. Dr. W. McNEELEY J. C. STEWART C. I. WEST D. RAINEY J. A. HANLEY J. F. KENNEDY P. J. McLAUGHLIN LETIERKENNY GOLF CLUB WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING SPONSORS: Liam McGlinchy (Volvo Classic) P.M.P.A. Gal– lagher Electric Harp Lager P.J. Carroll Gal– lagher's Hotel Milford Inn Eurocar Letterkenny Tool Hire Fairways Ian Watts Les– lie Robinson A.LB ./ A.l.F. Tony Kelly Cars Con Boyce Dereck McMahon First National Build– ing Society Hickey Clarke & Lanagan McGin– ley Motors National Irish Bank Bank of Ireland Donegal Oil Company Guinness. LIFE OF•.•SUB 4 Sub 4, to be sure, to be sure, that's us - the place where production is always perfect, and speaking of perfect produc– tion - congratulations to our right hand girl, June Browne, in accounts who has just given birth to a baby girl, Rachel. Hope Mum and Rachel are doing well. Looking forward to seeing you back at base June, 'cause your stand in - the "BlondeBombshell", BridinConaghan, is getting too comfortable in your seat. Before going any further, we must stop for 2 seconds silence in sympathy for our driver, Eugene McGettigan (who is suffering from discolouration of the right eye!) - he was mugged by a plastic pole (likely story!) while for the first time ever helping to unload a van ! The Garda have issued wanted posters throughout the But now on to even more exciting things. Rumours have been rapidly spreading throughout the factory that canteen facilities are on the up and up - yes folks, it's true, no more standing around at 10.30am, waiting for your toast - it'll be popping up everywhere because wait for it, we are getting a new multi– function, high technology toaster in– stalled (whenever John Gallagher gets around to it !) New on the market, hot out ofthe latest designbooks, it keeps the toast warm no matter how long it takes you to sew up that last tight, and wait for it - it browns both sides !! Well, with that exciting news hot from Ellen Carlin's lips, we will finish up for this week, but don't forget to tune in next week for the next exciting episode of "Another day in the life of...Sub 4".
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