The Leader, Nollaig 1988
NOISEANN Grace Ann agus Paul R; Caitlin Mc G agus Hugh M; Dairine agus Shaun; Lisa G agus Kiean D; Louise O'D agus Michael; Frances H agus DomO'D; Caroline Ragus HArold; BriO Ann agus D.G.; Rosemary agus Shaun D; Maureen G agus Alan F; Deirdre Mc G agus Eamonn Mc K; Mary Rose O'D agus Patrick; Caroline R agus Neil C; Joanne G agus Paddy G; 10 LABREITHE Kim Beagan, Middletown, Dec 15 Annie O'Donnell, Cnoc a' Stolaire, Dec. 4 Simon Diver, An Luinnigh Michael Doherty, Burtonpoint (12) Sally Roarty, Dungloe, Dec 13. Margaret Doherty, Srath na Corea, Dec 19 Michael O'Doherty, Tory Island, Dec 5 Danny O'Donnell, Glasgow, Dec 13 Brid Ann Nie Aodha, Bun a Leacha (18) Mary Rose O'Donnell ,(18) Dec 21. Little Angel's School Christmas Lights Christmas lights on main street, Falcar– ragh, were switched on on Thursday 8th of De– cember. Theywill remain on until after the New Year. Road Repairs Donegal County Council have resurfaced the road past the G.A.A. complex in Falca.rragh. The road had been in a bad state of repair for a number of years. Karate News .::t11:t11:t11:t11:..::t11:t11:.:1.::t11: .::~~liilii~lliIii~ ...........Ja.......................... ••••••• The recent sale of work held in Maghe– roarty hall proved very successful. Proceeds from the sale were in excess of £1000. The or– ganiserswish to thank any one who contributed to the sale in any way Two members of the Falcarragh Karate Club, Joe Gallagher and Danny Mc Ginley'. re– cently attended the British Karate Champion– ships at Crystal Palace, London. They were invited by the Uslter Karate Federation who had a number of entrants in the Competition Rosses Community School Boys' Football Team in the early eighties. Friday, 23rd Dec. - Monday, 26th Dec. - Tuesday, 27th Dec.– Wed. 28th Dec. - Thurs. 29th Dec. - Friday, 30th Dec. - Sat. 31st Dec. - Sun. 1st Jan. '89 - Mon. 2nd Jan. '89 - DISCO DISCO Paul Clark DISCO Seamus McGee DISCO NEW YEAR'S EVE BALL DISCO DISCO Painting Competition The Bank Of Ireland, Falcarragh, recent– ly held a painting competition, the subje~ of which was a nativity scene. The compet1t1on was confined to Primary schools and the stand– ard of entries was very high. In the section for first second and third class, First prize went to Aoife Mc Loughlin _of Scoil _fhiontain. Secon~ prize winner was Eamonn 0 Canainn of Scoll Mhacaire Rabhartai and third place went to John Mc Fadden of Scoil Fhiontain. In the cata– gory for fourth fifth.and sixth. class, To.p p~ze waswon by Maire Nie Fhearra1gh of Sco1I Brice. Second was Cathal O'Hearc:Ain S.N. Ghort-A– Choirce, and third was Liam Barry of Scoil Fhiontain. In the Junior and Infants section, first place went to Norin NIChaba, second was Cia– ran Gallagher, Faugher N.S. and third was Frank Gallagher, Murroe N.S. Congratulations to Dunfanaghy Boxing Club who recently beat Mayo and also to Donegal who included some Dunfanaghy boxers in their victory over Co– ventry ,.. WISHING ALL OUR CUSTOMERS ~ A HAPPY AND PEACEFUL CHRISTMAS ... EVELYN DOHERTY HARDWARE SHOP MIDDLETOWN, DERRYBEG Telephone (075) 31172 General Hardware and DIY Supplies - Cabinet Fitting - Tools - Housewares and Electrical. Glass and Mirror cut to size - Key Cutting - Typing and Photocopying Service - Full range of Garden Products - Pot Plants - Frash Flowers - Seeds - Bulbs, etc. SGT. PEPPER'S FAST FOOD Magheraclogher, Bunbeg. 'Wisliing .9!{{ Our Customers .9l Merry Cliristmas and .9l :J{appy 'J..&,w 9'ear.
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