The Leader, Nollaig 1988
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Lucky days - 26th and 29th. AQUARIUS (JAN 21 - FEB 19) You really enjoy this month. There are new friendships ahead plus a renewal of old ones. All in all the holi– day period should bring you much happiness. PISCES (FEB 20 - MAR 20) Although its not really your nature try doing something on impulse and you'll benefit all round. There is no danger of you feeling bored this month. ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 21) When you rely on luck too much then you may begin to take things for granted. While this may be a very lucky time of year for you, you must also be prepared to work a little for things you want so don't shy away when duty calls. TAURUS (APR 22 - MAY 22) Visitors will come thick and fast to your home now, some of them more welcome than others. You'll be kept on your feet, but you'll be well rewarded. GEMINI (MAY 22 - JUNE 21) You'll have to go as easy as you can with your finances and although this can be difficult at this time of the year you are advised to count every penny as the new year could be very demanding on the purse. Lucky colours - orange and red. CANCER (JUNE 22 - JULY 21) It appears that romance will be strongly in the air over the holiday period. You will meet an admirer so make the most of the situation and you will be rewarded. LEO (JULY 22 - AUG 22) Nothing seems to be going right for you just now but remember the weather can change for the better very quick– ly sometimes. So don't worry - things can only improve. Beware of a brown-eyed member of the opposite sex. VIRGO (AUG 22- SEPT 21) Amajor change in your life-style is like– ly to occur just now. If you can adapt quickly the change will be for the better and there will be many good things in store for you in '89. LIBRA (SEPT 22 - OCT 22) Another person's intervention could re– vive interest in a matter which puts the spotlight on you. A new romance is on the horizon. Lucky day - Friday. SCORPIO (OCT 23- NOV21) Concentrate on the home this month but try not to spend too much on presents for those around you. Re– member it's the thought that counts so don't be buying presents that you can't afford. SAGITIARIUS (NOV 22- DEC 21) There should be a warmth and happiness around you during the festive season. This will rub off on others so it's a good time to develop relationships. Lucky days - Satur– days and Tuesdays. USEFUL HINTS The chemist's laxative, liquid pariffin, is a remedy for dry skin when rubbed over the body before each bath. Rubbing a piece of lemon on hands removes most stains and smells. Washing hands in hot water makes them smell even stronger. The best cure for dand– ruff is age. If you're over 60, you won't suffer from it. Useful tips for slimmers: never eat with serving dishes on the table or while standing up or in more than one room in the house. If you break these rules, you'll be tempted to eat more. For dry-clean only fabrics and also carpets, sponge the solu– tion of one and a half teaspoons of borax in half a pint of water. This solution will also shift chocolate and cocoa stains. Scrubbing steps in cold weather with water containing salt or methylated spirits prevents ice forming before the water dries. A crushed eggshell soaking in water in a vacuum flask overnight gets rid of smells inside. Warped records can be flat– tened between two sheets of very_ clean glass in a hot press. A few drops of ammonia on the under– side of a wastebin lid will stop ani– mals rummaging inside. White Christmas I'm dreaming of a Whlte Christmas, P Just like the ones we used to know. Where the tree-tops glisten, _ And children listen to hear sleigh a bells in the snow. • I'm dreaming of a white Christmas With every Christmas card I write. .. "~, May your days be merry and bright ::--n fft < _ And may all your Christmasses be white. STAB OE THE MONTH Sagittarius (23 November to 21 December) Sagittarians are always ready for a good time. They are ferocious fighters against worries and gloom. Genuine optomists, they are truly happy and know that in the end everything will work itself out. They are a delightful mixture of deep wisdom, knowledge and a good portion of ani– mal instinct, also called LUST. Sagittarians are strong, self-assured, gener– ous and courageous people. They are unafraid of speaking their mind and saying what they think. They thrive in the outdoors and infect those around themwith their enthusiastic spirit. Sagittarians are "armchair" philosophers, whose views are usually profound and based on deep wisdom. Violent out– bursts and explosions are most uncommon in their character. Sometimes they become religious fanatics. With a desire to escape and a longing for newadventures, they love to travel -the faster the better. Sagittarians could dowell in showbiz. They are eternal optomists who always land safely back on their feet. Too many in-laws will drive Sagittarians does any– body who tries to dominate them. Sagittarians are compatible with Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Scorpio and other Sagittarians. Incompatible with Pisces, Gemini and Virgo. Famous Sagittarian Personalities: Maria callas, Walt Disney, Jane Fonda, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jnr., Dionne Warwick, Michael O'Doherty. Sabine Voordeckers CLUB ~ MOUNT ERR/GAL HOTEL, LETTERKENN>' Fri. 23rd Dec.: 'TWEED" &Non-Stop Disco Dancing From 9.30 p.m. Admission £4.00 Sat 24th Dec.: XMAS EVE NIGHT- Big Party Atmosphere Doors Open: 9 p.m. Admission £4.00 Sun. 25th Dec,: XMAS NIGHT - D.J. BIG BAD JOHN Doors Open: 9.30 p.m. Admission: £4.00 Don't Miss It! Mon. 26th Dec.: ST. STEPHEN'S NIGHT- BIG PARTY NIGHT Doors Open: 9.30 p.m. Admission £5.00 Tues. 27th Dec. "IN-TUA-NUA" Featuring Lesley Dowdall Doors Open: 9p.m. Admission £5.00 Wed. 28th Dec.: SPEAKEASY DISCO - Hits from 60's, 70's, 80's Admission £3.00 Thurs. 29th Dec.: Glenveagh Suite: Cabaret/Dancing "LIAM CLANCY" Plus Support Doors: 9p.m. Pat atDoor £5.00 Thurs. 29th Dec.: FREE DISCO-A Thank You from Scorpio Fri. 30th Dec.: BAGATELLE+ Non-Stop Disco Dancing 9.30 p.m. to 2.00 a.m. Doors: 9.30 p.m. Admission £4.00 Sat 31st Dec.: NEWYEAR'S EVE NIGHT - Hits of '88 Ireland's No. 1 Pop Band - "LUV BUG" - D.J. Big Bad John Doors Open: 9p.m. Admission £5.00 (Pay at Door) Sun. 1st Jan.: NEW YEAR'S NIGHT· "HORSLIPS" Featuring JONNIE FEAN +Non-Stop Disco Dancing Doors Open: 9.30p.m. Admission £5.00 (Pay at Door)
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