The Leader, Nollaig 1988
UNDER 10 PAINTING COMPETITION Name ······················································································ Address ······················································································ Age ······················································································ Prize: Pencilcase, crayons, markers, coloured pencils. Last month's winners: Aisling Mccrudden Shaun Crowley, Burtonport Ballybegley, Newtoncunningham c ) SAMSPUDZ I ] risb ~natk jf oobs lltb. Oeanta i nGaoth Dobhair Tiie fllu111s 1vlw Ii ure 1rud1111111<i/l1· used /or C!irislmas dccoraf/ons are ll<'url1 al: ei•ergreens. This 111rn111 "clernal life". They were ojie11 laid oul as ( ''1rislia11 s,1111/Jn/.1. h111 !hey are. in facl. 1ake11 Ol't'r from hea1he11 cus1oms. /11 many />laces !hey celebra1ed !he relurn of !he sun h 1· da11ci11!! aruund 'holy' frees holding ea1i1 "!hers' hands. /:'ven !hough branches from !he laurel free were used hr the Romans in !heir riotous f!arties i,; Dec– ember. garlands of laurel leal'es were the first Christmas de...orations of the Chris– tra11.1. Tile lilllc ro.1e11za1T h11sil is. i11 !he ,\leJilcrra11ea11 co11111ries, co1111ected wilh the Virgin Mary. and its branches are considered as prorcctio11 against 1iariom evils. The mistlelo<' was also ascribed as hal'illg miraqi/011.1 qualities, such as the bringi11g about oj peace and fllacabi/ity. That is why a twig of mistletoe was placed over the doorpost at Christmas time. The holly, with its shiny green lea11es and red berries is, in itself. an exce'llent decoration in winter lime. He mayswinpart of tt>e ><0y, but more often just sails along on~ floes. W1>en swimming, tt>e cubs are q.iife J:)lucky,buf ttiey loi<e aire foreman betind fht! bow"°"" of their pcrenf, where lhe waferoffers least resislalt::1'. Fill IN ONLY THE 6 TRIANGLES ANO YOU WILL SEE A HIDDEN PICTURE·.
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