The Leader, Márta 1989
13 St. Patrick's Day Trifle Ingredients: For the Scone Base: FRYING PAN PIZZA (Serves4) Sponge Sandwich: 2ozs/ SOg Ranks Flour, self-raising 8ozs self-raisingwholemeal flour 1 teaspoon mixed herbs Pinch of Salt ,.._.....,._.,, 2ozs/ SOg Caster sugar &...:::::,..~~~!!!!j!i"C:,,.. 1/2 teaspoon salt, black pepper 5 tablespoons (approx.) oil Method for Pizza Base: 1) Combine flour herbs, salt & pepper in a bowl 2 Eggs For the Topping: 2) Make awell in centre & spoon in 2 tablespoons of oil, followed by 5-7 tablesp. water Trifle: 2-3 tbsps. Sheny, optional 1 packet Greenagage Jelly 4 (drained) anchovy fillets 1oz (drained) capers 3) Stir to form soft but not sticky dough 4) Turn out onto a floured board, knead then roll out to a round bit enough to fit the base of a 9- 10 inch frying pan 2ozs (") tuna fish 1Med.tin Peaches or apricots 1/2 pint Thick custard 6ozs grated red cheddar cheese 2 medium tomatoes 5) Heatthe p~n then add a tablespoon of oil. Lay the dough on the pan and cook over low heat for 5-8 minutes until base is golden 1/2 pint Fresh cream Method: fruit. When custard has cooled, whip the cream and' pipe over top. 6) While this is cooking, put anchovies, capers and tuna into the blender and process to a smooth paste. Drip in 2 tablespoons of oil and incorporate with paste. 1. Make up sponge base (in advance of making trifle). Whisk the eggs and sugar together until thick and creamy. Sieve flour and salt and very gently fold in using a tablespoon. Place in a greased and floured 8"/20cm sandwich tin and bake towards the top of the oven, 400°F, 2fXfc, Gas Mark 6, for about 15 mins, or until golden. Allow to cool on a wire tray. 5. Sugar Decoration - place 2 teaspoons granu– lated sugar in a cup. Add a tiny drop of green colouring and stir, with a fork. Just before serv– ing the trifle, spinkle the sugar over cream. 7) When the pizza base is brown, invert the pan on to a large plate, add another tablespoon of oil to the pan and slip the dough back on to cook the other side for further 5-8 minutes or until golden. N.B. If this is done in advance the colour will "run" into cream. 2. Crumble sponge into glass serving bowl. Sprinkle on the sherry if used. 3. Open tin of fruit and drain off juice. Measure juice and for jelly make up to required quantity with water (as per packet instructions). When dissolved, pour over sponge and allow to set. 4. Arrange the fruit over jelly. Make up the cus– tard to fairly thick consistency, then pour over STAR OF THE MONTH PISCES ( February 20 · March 20) Whoever said "cold as a fish" has never met a Pisces. There is more warmth, love and compassion in Pisces than in all other signs put together. Each little fish is a veiyspecial catch and should be cherished and guarded as a mostvaluable_c~ea ture...Pisces are worth it ! The Pisces woman is the warmest, most femmme, devoted and sentimental creature a man can catch. She adapts beautifully and lets him play boss. The Pisces man is compassionate and will always have time to listen to you and your problems. He is not weak but doesn't mind being led b~ someone stronger. He is veiy modest in his requirements as long as he can have his dreams. Pisceans are the dreamers of the.Zodiac. Piscean ladies are identified by their long and elegant hands. Pisceans are quiet, trustful and loving souls. _Pisces are_fre– quently reluctant to face reality and find escape from problems m more highly spirited waters ! . . Pisces is compatible with Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Aquanus and an– other Pisces. Incompatible with Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius. FAMOUS PISCEAN PERSONALITIES Elizabeth Taylor, David Niven, Johnny Cash, Lisa Minelli, Michaelangelo, Handel. SABINE FRIELFASWONS Pearse Road, Letterkenny Confirmation wear now in stock Boys chinos in Navy, Black, Beige & Khaki Boys and Girls schoolwear in stock Mens Anoraks from £22.87 Bodywarmers £11.99 Selection of Ladies Jumpers, still at 1/2 price Children's Sleepsuits only £ 4.99 Children's Rib Tights only £ 2.99 Children's Socks from 69p Last 3 First Communion Dresses £36.99 Boys Tracksuits from £ 7.99 Tel No. (074) 24697 8) Spread the tuna mixture on the cooked sur– face and arrange the sliced tomatoes on top (pre-heat the grill now) 9) When the underside of the pizza is cooked, transfer the lot to finish under the grill 10) Cook the tomatoes for 3 mins approx. and then scatter the pepper strips over the top, fin– ishing by scattering the grated cheese. Grill until the cheese has melted, then serve STARSCOPE leAngelina PISCES (FEB 19. MAR 20) There is a certain significant change in the air for you. Thiswill effect yourwhole future. Romantic situations are going through a sticky patch but this will clear up. Lucky date 14th. ARIES ( MAR 21 • APR 20 ) Job prospects look good and eveiything is goingwell for you. But beware of clouds on the horizon. You have been wanting somethingbadlybut you mustwork on this. Nothing comes easily. Luckydate 21st. TAURUS ( APR21- MAY 20) You have a big decision to make mid-month. Eventuallyyou will decide on your own judgement, but it would be no harm to ~et a few opinions on the matter. There is some trouble at work but tiy not to get in– volved. It is not really your concern. GEMINI ( MAY 21 • JUNE 20) There is a big disappointment in store for you ! It is a good time for meeting people and making new friends ·you couldn't have too many and you may have lost one recently ! Lucky dates 17th and 28th. CANCER( JUNE21-JULY 20) You have been actingfartoosensiblylate– •ly and you must let yourself go ! Get yourself invited to some parties or outings. Remember. life is what you make it. Wear shocking black. LEO (JULY 21-AUG 21) It is time you started doing somethingforothers with some ofyour free time. You probably have been feeling a little guilty about this. You will meet an unusually sort of person towards the end of the month. Lucky colour white. . VIRGO (AUG 22. SEPT 22) There is a journey forecast for you ·to a hos– pital maybe? You may have been feeling depressed or lonely recentlybut you don't knowwhy. Boredom? Get involved in something to keep your mind busy. Lucky date 11th. LIBRA (SEPT 23 • OCT 22) Something new comes along for you to take an interest in. If you keep this interest up, it could lead to a more interesting hobby. ·Your home life is not so good but a visitor should ease things a bit. SCORPIO (Oct 23. NOV 21) Your contrariness in a matter at home may have been the cause of a serious row. You have to examine the situation from an outsider's point ofview to see your mistake and get things in working order again. Lucky colour Blue. SAGfITARIUS (NOV 22 - DEC 20) Your partner in this life is your best friend and deserves the respect you demand from him/ her. You may be called on to prove this in the near future. There is much happiness to be got. Lucky colours grey and red. · CAPRICORN (DEC 21. JAN 19) Life seems pretty lonely and pointless to you just now and you have to do something about it. Have a party or something. You could leave it all behind you and go away for a holiday. AQUARIUS (JAN20. FEB18) A certain little monthlypaper could change your whole life if you get involved in it. Plans you make are dashed but don't be deterred - make them again.
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