The Leader, Márta 1989
3 ~~~r~UDii TRAVEL CROSSVIEW HOUSE, PORT ROAD, LETTERKENNY Tel: {074) 24633/4/5 NEVER HAS THERE BEENBETTER VALUE TO THE SUN - WHY STAY IN THE RAIN WHEN YOU CAN ENJOY SUN, SAND AND NIGHTLIFE FOR LESS•...! Contact us.Today for Prices and Information PEOPLE AT WORK The world famous co-operative founded by Paddy the Cope (pat the T.D's grandfather) in 1906 and known to all and sundry as "the Cope" is a thriv– ing business which employs 87 people. The main store is in Dungloe and there are other branches in Leitir, Narin, Maghery, Burtonport, Kincasslagh and Annagry. Denis Ward looks after the Menswear de– partment in the Cope, Dungloe. He is married to Dolores, they live in Meenmore and have two wee girls, Anne and Denise. he says he has seen many changes over the years in the business, but that you have towork a lot harder now than 10 years ago. The Menswear de– partment does consistentlywell and one reason for this, according to Denis, is that they always carry a big selection of mens and boys wear. They have a very good January sale this year, preceded by a very busy Christmas period. One thing which Denis has noticed is the big increase in emigration recently, which has obvious– ly affected business in the area. It was good to see a lot of good friends return at Christmas, but pros– pects are not looking too good in this area at the moment. In his spare time, Denis likes to relax in front of the box. He enjoys watching all sports but his main interest is in the local GAA Club in Dungloe, where he has been a stalwart for years. PEOPLEATWORK FORSALE Remington portable typewriter in excellent condition. Price £60 o.n.o Also Adana Printing Press, with some type. Price £45. For details phone (074) 35348 Reliable Bar Person required for part-time fun-pub in Letterkenny (074) 22689-John Freezer for Sale - (075) 31392 Small ads are free. Just write you ad on a postcard and send it to "The Leader", Lr. Main Street, Letterkenny. DOWN Capable of being achieved (8) 2 Any outdoor physical recreation (5) 4 Popular Scottish dish (6) 5 Despicable (12) 6 Passenger compartment on motorbike {7) 7 At that time (4) 8 Snooker player (6, 6) 12 An exclamation to show approval (4, 4) 14 Strew, disperse (7) 16 Small rounded stone (6) 18 A slight tint (5) 19 Garden pest (4) Crossword 13 This describes specially I EVELYN DOHERTY OOJ HARDWARE SHOP MIDDLETOWN, DERRYBEG Telephone (075) 31172 D ACROSS I Nosegay (4) 3 Stocky in build (8) 9 Vibrating noise made when asleep (7) 10 Poke with the elbow (5) 11 Ability to understand and comprehend (12) protected old building (6) 15 Thinly scattered (6) 17 A till (4, 8) 20 Afterwards (5) 21 Equilibrium (7) 22 Person who likes to grow things (8) 23 Suddenly change direction (4) General Hardware and DIY Supplies - Cabinet Fitting - Tools - Housewares and Electrical. Glass and Mirror cut to size - Key Cutting - Typing and Photocopying Service - Full range of Garden Products - Pot Plants - Fresh Flowers - Seeds - Bulbs, etc. ~ 0 ..... ..... ::::3 - 0 \.fj ·8n1s 61 !a8u!.l 81 !;iJqqad 91 !J:lllll:>S t I !Jll:llj Jll:lH Z I !:lUJ04l, :l!ll!M 8 !U:ltj,l l !J1?:>:lP!S 9 !;i1q11dw;i1uo:) ~ !s~l?H t !)Jods z !atq!SSOd I :Nh\00 'J;iaA fZ !J;iuapJ1?!) ZZ !:r.>Ull(l?H I z !J:lll?l oz !J:l)S18:lJ ljSlQ LI !:>SJlldS ~I !p;i1sn fl !a:iu~l!!I!dllll 11 !al!pnN OJ !8U1JOUS 6 !1~s:pltj,l f !ASOd I :ssO'M:)'v'
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