The Leader, Márta 1989
HOUSEHOLD FASHIONS Specialists in Roller, Venetian and Vertical Blinds Large Selection of CURTAIN materials (Made to Measure) and Selection of NET CURTAINS LARGE SELECTION OF SINGLE, DOUBLE AND KING SIZE QUILTS and QUILT COVERS SELECTION OF FLANNELETTE SHEET SETS SELECTION OF SWISH CURTAIN RAILS, VALANCE TRACKS, FESTOON AND AUSTRIAN BLIND TRACKS. LARGE SELECTION OF KIRSCH RAILS and POLES. Selection of Cotton Prints - To Clear ...... From £1.50 yard Towels: £1.50 3 Tea Towels: £1.00 4 Dish Cloths: £1.00 Cushion Covers: SOp. Selection of Buttons: 25p. 56 LOWER MAIN STREET, LETTERKENNY. LOCALAMNESTY GROUP'S CONCERN The LetterkennyAmnesty Group wants to create awareness of the extent of human rights violations in Turkey, a country which is currently being pro– moted as a popular holiday destination for Irish tourists. At their recent meeting, the Group expressed grave concern about the violation of human rights in Turkey. The research of Amnesty International consistently shows evidence of abuse of human rights on a wide scale. Amnesty has received increasing reports of wide– spread use of torture, detention without charge, unfair trials and death in custody. Since 1980, over two hundred men andwomen have died in custody inTurk– ish prisons, and the Turkish authorities have provided no explanation what– soever for one hundred and forty-four of these deaths. Amnesty International charges that the Turkish Government has failed to eliminate the routine torture of politi– cal prisoners, and continues to denybasic human rights. Una Marie McLoughlin Secretary of Letterkenny Amnesty Group DOCKSVIEW ~~ -e ROmin MacAodha Bhni - .//\yr- ADONEGALMAN IN DUBLIN ·."/ \ . "The Leader" is still alive ! I must admit that, being the pessimistic person that I am, I never thought it would survive. When I was the Editor for the first couple of editions, although pretending to be confident, I was almost certain it wouldbe a total failure. Obviously it wasn't and the people of the area have been loyal disci– ples to "The Leader". I was saddened to leave the paper but other duties had to be attended to in Dublin. The present Editor seems to have hit upon the formula which sells a com– munitymagazine. It appeals to young and old or as he put it himself, "people from eight to eighty". Nevertheless, I feel that there is a lot missing from "the Leader". Has it succeeded in becoming the voice of the people, which was one of the main aims at the start. I think not ! I believe that Donegal needs a ma– gazine which would analise local news and current affairs in a way which the v · weekly papers don't. Plenty of photo– graphs, small features and gossip are al– right, but the public want more. Perhaps there is a market for another magazine ? When I waswith "the Leader", I found my– self torn between publishing what I wanted to read, and what I thought the public wanted to read. Most of the time, I ended up publishing snippets and short features, which would bring on a sudden bout of vomiting. What I wanted at the time was a MagilV Phoenix/ New Nation/ Guth agus Tuairim all rolled into one type ofmagazine, with all the articles based on the county. It was probably an impossible thing to do, and I would more than likely end up being the only reader. I hope I haven't sounded too harsh on the paper, or its publishers, and that "the Leader" will continue to grow. There is a need for a local magazine and I'll be very interested to see how it develops in the future. 5 1111111111111111111111111111
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