The Leader, Márta 1989
"The Dodgers", St. Conal's Football Team in the mid-70's Back (L. to R.) Dan Griffin, Neil Cullen, Charlie Can– non, P.J. Sweeney, Cathal Lynch, Peter McGlynn, Shaun Moloney. Middle ( R.) Billy Doherty (deceased), John McDonagh, Jim Ferry, Charlie Collins Jnr., Dr. James McDaid Front (L. to R.) Hughie McDaid, Tommy Mccafferty, Liam Blake, Charlie McHugh. WHISPERS Just what on earth have they done to the traffic lights at the Courthouse ? Some smart alee has obviously decided theywere too efficient and proceeded to slow them down. So now you sit and wait for AGES. Alright, so it's only extra seconds but it seems like bloody hours. A friend of mine swears he saw a sign on the main Dublin Road outside Omagh which said "litterbugs will be exterminated". As if there weren't enough people being exterminated up there ! Be warned folks! The Regional Rag Week is coming up from 13th to 17th March so expect to see plenty of activities, fun, games, madness and general may– hem. It's all for a good cause of course, and money raised goes to local charities. Over £2,500 was collected by the students last year and so far this year they've raised over £1000 for Concern. So come on folks, don't be afraid to put your hands in your pockets. ' We have good news for the Copper Kid, just back from a bumper meeting in Downpatrick- the recipe for Savoury Rice is now available in Dillons. The Port Bar had at 1st Birthday party recently and what a party ! All sorts of unusual folk turned up for the celebrations including colourful cowboy characters, heap good injuns and some ladies of ill-repute from the silver screen and elsewhere. Congrats to Pauric McGroarty on his new Jalopy. It's er..very nice Pauric. And before I go, wait till I tell you about the lastest craze. You heard about the Brosettes of course, those dedicated followers of pop group Bros. Well now it's time for "the Danielettes". I joke you not - dedicated followers of Daniel O'Donnell. If you want to check them out then drop into the 4 Lanterns, and you'll find a few genuine Danielettes. 1 "The Con-Man". Sandra Edwards and Leslie Speer who were married recently in the 1st Ramelton Presbyterian Church. Photo: Donohue Studios, Letterkenny.
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