The Leader, Márta 1989
DEDICATIONTO D.C.R. 8 I'm awakened in the morning by the sound of Sean the Doc And Declan Gill - he's quite a thrill But this s-s-stuttering's g-g-got to stop. After that there's the ladies man, or Toy Boy should I say It's that wee Ryan O'Connor - he's a right.little tearaway. Poor Pat McGrath - he's a decent bloke I love his little tash. The Country Boy himself's not bad, his haircut's really classy ! Now after 12 o'clock at night I usually am asleep But a famous name like Patsy James would make your night a treat. I'm not familiar with Mickey Coyle, but I hear he's got the lot. And as for Ashley Martin - he's got my Valentine Rhyme Book. Charlie Collins is always on the ball While Wee Seamus reads the news As for Uncle Emmet and Bill Quinn - they ain't got nowt to lose. I mustn't forget the ladies team - Doreen, Roberta and Heather - and Stretch - Stretch - it's Una O'Toole She's done a great job on Ian Calhoun. And last but not least, there Dara - the Receptionist She likes Parachuting - and - well - I'll not tell the rest But should Auld Aquaintance be forgot, And never cause to mind, Good luck and thanks to all on D.C.R. Hope you's will be back in '89! - Door to door sellers required for "The Leader''. Good commission. Contact "The Leader'', Lr. Main St., Letterkenny. IABREITHE Mick Lagan, 4 Lanterns, Feb 27 Louise Curran, Clooney (17) Mar 7. Anna O'Donnell, Letterkenny (17) Mar 5 Adrian Harkin, Cullion Rd., (18) Mar 5 Patricia Gallagher, Trentagh (15) Mar 8. Alice Moore, Ramelton, Mar 1 Karen McMenamin, L'kenny (15) Mar 9. Marion McCormick, L'kenny (16) Mar 17 Bert McCloy, Mar 16 Michelle Halligan, Letterkenny (16) Mar 19. Caroline Coyle, Ramelton (16) Mar 24. The Port Bar, Letterkenny (1) Feb 22. DOLORES JUST LOVES COUNTRY MUSIC GOOD LUCK IN SWITZERLAND SABINE GUESS WHO? (27. WHO IS THIS YOUNG LADY?) 1. Who's caught with her trousers down ? 2. Davidfeeling slightlyfed up 3. The salmon hadn't a chance against " the men". 4. Happy Tina 5. Fill 'er up. 6. Jamboree time. 7. Camera-shy younglady 8. Ladies'nigh out 9. Iron Paulsays "watch out Tyson" 10. What is Elizabeth thinking about 1. Smile, be happy I 12. Oh no, not that photographer again 13. Happy hour in Duffy's Ta– vern 14. Brendar&. Co. 15. Sarah Jane before her Bros days. Is thatreallySarahJane? 16.Mariefindstreesfascinating. 17.Scor– pions 18. Dancing the night away 19. A sad end to a great man (It must have been the beard) 20. True Love 21. Ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, hee, hee... 22. Tickets please 23. Please now don't anybody look at the camera 24. Ramelton Cub Scouts on a weekend away some years ago 25. Having a rare old time 26. The art ofJiving. VIDEO KING (Opposite Dunnes Stores L/K) For New Releases - Masquerade, Salsa, Vice Versa, Saigon, Planes Trains and Automobiles...OR ALL TIME MOVIE GREATS Open every day of the week till late. Come in and see - Our Membership is Free! And some of our films are only 75p. - Come to the Video Club that's No. 1 It's "VIDEO KING" - Right opposite Dunne's Special Offer on our Video machines 3 nights and 5 videos: £10 1 night and 2 videos: £ 7 ONE week and FIVE videos .. . ...£20
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