The Leader, Aibreán 1989
f!l111!1 1 .lffilffAN'S WORLD OrangeAnd Pepper Stuffed Plaice Ingredients: 4 Plaice Fillets Salt and pepper Stuffing: 1 Green pepper (Cored, seeded and chopped) 2 ozs fresh bread– crumbs Grated rind & juice of 1 orange To Garnish: Green Pepper rings Orange slices Method: 1. Sking the plaice fillets, sprinkle with salt and pepper and place on a flat sur– face. 2. Mix together the green pepper, breadcrumbs and half the orange rind. Season to taste and bind with a little orange juice. 3. Divide the stuffing between the fil– lets, roll up and secure each with a cock– tail stick. 4. Place in a shallow ovenproof dish and sprinkle with the remaining orange rind, salt and pepper. 5. Pour the rest of the orange juice over the fish and cook in a pre-heated moderate oven - 180°c: 350°c: Gas 4. for 30 minutes or until fish is tender. 6. Remove the cocktail sticks and serve garnished with green pepper rings and orange slices. Serves 4 Calories per portion: 130 Quick Tip: To skin the fish: Hold the fish by the tail. Skin from tail to head with quick short strokes. Keep the edge of the blade (very sharp) close to the surface of the skin so that no fish is wasted. STAR OF THE MONTH Aries (21 March to 20 April) • TAURUS . GEMINI CANCER ARIES There is not sheepish behaviour in the sign of the Ram. On the contrary, they are highly active and forceful characters with courage and enterprise. The Ram loves challenges and life thor– oughly and last but not least himself! By nature, Rams are inde– pendent, proud and self-confident with a youthful appearance and an extremely generous character. They are born leaders and pioneers knowing how to organise themselves and others. Rams would rather be caught dead than show weakness. A Ram's persistence and determination are unmatched. An Aries woman is generally known as a career woman. She will fight until she had made it to the top. Always preferring the company of man to that of a woman. FAMOUS ARIES PERSONALITIES Marlon Brando, Warren Beatty, Bette Davis, Alec Guinness, Peter Ustinov, Spencer Tracey, Richard Chamberlain, Michael York, Elton John, Dores Day, Joan Crawford, Charles Chaplin, Diana Ross, Omar Sharif, Debby Reynolds. COMPATIBLE WITH Taurus, Gemini, Leo Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries. INCOMPATIBLE WITH Caner, Libra and Capricorn. FRIELFASHIONS Pearse Road, Letterkenny FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE 15°/o OFF ALL REGULAR STOCK SELECTED ITEMS AT HALF PRICE Tel No. (074) 24697 STARSCOPE le Angelina AIRES (MAR. 21-APR. 21) Plans you have made may have a temporary set-back but this should not deter you from reaching your goal in the end. The colour white brings you luck. TAURUS (APR. 22- MAY 21) You have had the same old complaint for a long time now and you should get it seen to, before it's too late. Con– centrate on one thing at a time. Don't try yourself too much. Lucky date 24th. GEMINI (MAY 22- JUNE 21) You may receive some exciting news to– wards the end of this month but don't let it go to your head. You will have reason to recall a little bit of gossip which was revealed to you. CANCER (JUNE 22 - JULY 21) At a meeting which you will attend, a question will be asked of which you are pretty knowledgeable on the subject. Do not hesitate to speak as this will be to your advantage in the not-so-distant future. LEO (JULY 22 - AUG. 21) Lately you have been on the go all the time and you should have some relaxation and good clean country air. You may get a nice surprise in the way of a favour returned . Wear some– thing blue for luck. VIRGO (AUG 22 - SEPT. 21) An important decision has to be made . and you are the only one on the spot to make it. Use your own judge– ment and don't be influenced by what others have to say. Lucky date 27th. LIBRA (SEPT. 22 - OCT. 22) If you've been down in the dumps lately it is now time to cheer yourself up. Go on a shopping spree and cheer yourself up. Lucky date 19th. SCORPIO (OCT. 23- NOV. 21) Okay so you've been seriously mis– judged in a situation at work, but you must not let it affect those around you at home. This will eventually sort itself out. Lucky colour Vi– olet. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22- DEC 21) You may refuse to believe it at first, but you will learn a lesson from someone a lot younger than you. Someone very close to you could get hurt unless you use your in– fluence. Lucky colour - Green. CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 - JAN 20) You should receive some good news either by letter or by 'phone. You may also receive an invitation to a party or some sort of celebration which could prove pretty expensive for you. Lucky date 29th. AQUARIUS (JAN.21 - FEB. 19) The money situation looks good this month, but be careful not to overspend. You may have a journey to make towards the end of the month. Lucky colour - Red. PISCES (FEB. 20 - MAR. 20) A juicy piece of gossip which comes your way could cause a lot of trouble if the wrong ears hear it. Keep it to yourself. You will not be sorry. You may have an added worry for a while mid-month. Lucky date 22nd. 0 - 13 "C - 0 ..c ~ rl.l = 0 = rl.l - = = 1. 2. To remove a persistent smell of fish or onion from knives - stick them to the hilt in earth (clay), then wash in soapy water. To get rid of the smell of fish in a saucepan, try boiling a little neat vinegar in it for a minute.
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