The Leader, Aibreán 1989
BAKEHOUSE MAIN STREET, LETTERKENNY PHONE (074) 22072 All our products are made from the highest ingredients available. In fact we are one of the few Home Bakeries in Ireland who use only fresh eggs in all our products. No liquid, frozen or egg substitute are used in any of our cakes, sponges.or other products. We are approved Granary Bakers. All our granary breads and sodas are made from top quality malty wheat grains which are high in dietary fibre and made only from real granary flour, in short, healthy wholesome breads which are a must for you and the family. 16 WHAT IS PEOPLE IN NEED TELETHON? For seven hours on Friday 21st April. PEOPLE IN NEED TRUST, in conjunction with RTE will stage a spectacular non-stop entertainment show to raise money for charity.There will be live outside broadcasts from all around the country and Britain. WHAT CAN YOU DO? If you run or belong to an organisation you may wish to organise fundraising events locally e.g. sponsored sporting event,cake sales - we can supply you with ideas if you can provide the energy and enthusiasm. Hosted by Gay Byrne and featuring personalities and celebrities, the show will raise money to be distributed throughout the country and Irish organisations in Britain. The PEOPLE IN NEED TRUSTwil) distribute the money to charities providing services for the: •homeless Finally there is the opportunity to pledge a donation by telephone during the programme. Telecom Eireann will provide a comprehensive telephone system to take thousands ofcalls backed up by a sophisticated computer system provided by Wang Ireland. • the elderly •deprived children •the disabled •other disadvantaged groups Why did the man put "Daz" on top of the T.V.'? Be– cause he had no Aerial What did the traffic warden have on his sand– wiches'? Traffic Jam. Teacher (In a Dublin School): "How to you get Sal– monella, children'?" Little Boy: "Visit Donegal". DONEGAL-GALWAY·DONEGAL - COACH TOURS - Ideal for Student• to and from Galway & Sligo Deport Letterkenny Dep. Sligo for Galway Dep. Galway Dep. Sligo for Donegal Friday 10.30 o.m. 4.30 p.m. 12.30 ~.m . 6.30 p.m. 5.30 p.m. 8.00 p.m. Monday to Sotvrdoy Sunday Thurnlay 3.30 p.m. 9.00 o.m. 5.30 p.m 11.00 o.m. 10.00 o.m. 8.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 12.00 p.m. 10.30 p.m. 6.00 p.m .. Ideal for Daily Trips to Sligo and Knock. All Galway departures from Catfledral except Sunday evening departure from Eyre Square 8.00 p.m. Bookings & Enquiries: (075) 48114 (091) 68421 (091) 61656 FEDA O'DONNELL COACHES cfough Swiffy ~rain From Derry's Great City of Fame and Renown From the banks of the Foyle the Lough Swilly train ran, through the vales of Tirconnaill its pastures of green on its way by St. Fionans and old Doon Well. To lovely old Creeslough it's Mountains & Glens, in the heart of their boosom the Lough Swilly train ran, Past dark Muckish mountain its deep silvery sands and far o'er the sky line Mount Errigal so grand, Down through the vast moorland's of heather & vile That perfum's the laurals at lovely Gweedore. Over the great River Clady it laboured e and toiled ~~::_ Passed the homes of the Rosses · _-. ~ So friendly and kind, er. . ~;;;1vr;v.~ Where the Colleen's and _ ]\~~_::t~ Garsuns of that very day, would race to the wayside to welcome that train Through the hallows of granite of ivory gold On its way to the Port on theoceans blue rim O'Surley t'was there the Lough Swilly Train turned. Its now gone forever, no more to Composed by be seen from the homes of Tirconnell Eddie Ferry, and its pastures so green. Old Gweedore Rly Stn DONEGAL TILE CENTRE LTD. For the largest range of Ceramic Wall and Floor Tiles at keen, keen prices! ****** Also see our Extensive Range of Bathroom Suites & Showers ****** RAMELTON ROAD, LETTERKENNY Tel. (074) 24770. Donegal's leading Tile & Bathroom Centre Call In and let us advise you.
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