The Leader, Aibreán 1989
ROCKHILL lOK. CHARITY ROAD RACE 3 IN AID OF SATURDAY, MAY 13th, 1989 DONEGAL HOSPICE B ~ SPONSORS FOUR LANTERNS ~ "X" THE BALL COMPETITION Entry Fee: 50p. = 2 X's £1.00 = 5 X's Closing Date" APRIL 21st, 1989. Winner's Prize: £15.00 "X" The Ball Competition, The Leader, Lr. Main Street, Letterkenny. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ••••••.••........•••..........................•••••.....•.................. Your Garden inApril Our gardens are not in very good shape just now after all the buffeting they took from the recent inclement weather, but a few good days of sunshine and a nice spring breeze can work wonders with the soils at this particular time of year. gap before the annuals make their debut why not plant Polyanthus Pansies and Sweet Williams which should give a good account of themselves until the end of May. Overcrowded herb plants should be divided up. Best way to do this is to take new shoots from the outside of the plant discounting the old root stock which has had its day. Later on in the month when the soil has dried out, so than you can tread on it without leaving too much of an impress- This will be the 6th Annual JOK Charity Road Race. Last year this race landed over £2,000 to Donegal Hospice, a worthyc uase which will again benefit this year. The aims of the Donegal Hospice Group which was fonned just over a year ago under the chainnanship of Dr. James McDaid are to provide home-based care for as long as possible for tenninally illpa– tients. Rockhill JOKCharity RoadRace are seeking the support of all athletes and fun runners. Entry fonns and sponsorship cards can be obtainedfrom 4 Lanterns Fast Food Outlets. The Race Committee have set a target of 400 to 600 rnnners, and a £4,000+ cash targetforthe Hospice. They are seeking the support ofjinns in the North West region and calling on all Athletic Clubs to enter teams in this major charity event. There will also be special ca– tegories for schools and colleges. The lovely JACKIE of "TOP STAR" ion, you can sow hardy annuals out door: half hardy annuals should still be sown under cover in gentle heat. This should be a very busy time in the veg. plot, but don't take the risk of sowing your seed until the soil is suitable (when raked over, it should leave a fine tilth and feel crumbly in the hands. Have a busy but happy time in the garden. IJ. Cowan Now is the time to pay attention to the roses, if they haven't already been pruned. New bushes just need to be cut right back to a good strong bud facing out– wards. Keep the centre of the bush free from any lateral growth as this encourages pests and diseases. To combat these, spray at regular intervals with multirose, Main leaders of old established roses should be reduced by one third and any old or trotted wood out. A liberal dress– ing of any good fertiliser, followed by a 1~ I 1! 1 Bunbeg Tool Hire & $suzuKi Equipment Sales (B.T.H. Teo) r mulch of well rotted farmyard manure "-- should see them happy throughout the .(\·, . season. .- '· Narcissi and tulips should be looking · ·,~ ;.;1 ·. ~~ · their best by now and in order to fill the · · - Lawnmowers, Hedgetrimmers, Carpet Cleaners, Mixers, Kango Hammers, Generators, Water Pumps. Power Tools including Angle Grinders, Sanders, Drills etc. for Sale and Hire. KEY CUTTING SERVICE Main Agents for Suzuki outboard engines and STIHL Chainsaws. Also Stockists of General Hand Tools, Electrical Equipment, Plant Goods COSHCLADV, BUNBEG, CO. DONEGAL Tel: (075) 31373
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